Category Blue Brief
Blue Brief: What Citizens Should Know About Law Enforcement
In this Blue Brief, our resident LE expert lays out what he wishes the regular public knew about police work. (Read)
Blue Brief: Do Body Cameras Help or Hurt Police?
In this Blue Brief, we look at whether body worn cameras are a help or hindrance to the modern police officer. (Read)
The Blue Brief: What Guns Do Off-Duty Police Carry?
What do police carry when they're not patrolling the streets in uniform? We investigate some makes and models cops prefer. (Read)
Blue Brief: What Are the Most Dangerous Calls?
In this Blue Brief, our LE expert walks you through the most dangerous calls police officers face on duty. (Read)
The Blue Brief: Duty Guns & Lessons Learned on the Range
Our resident law enforcement expert breaks down some of his first guns on duty and talks about the setup he ultimately ended up with. (Read)
The Blue Brief: How to Handle Traffic Stops While Carrying
Our resident LE expert walks you through what to do if you're stopped by police while concealed carrying or with a firearm in your car. (Read)
The Blue Brief: What Happens to Your Gun in a Car Accident?
Our resident law enforcement expert walks you through what happens to your gun should you be in a car accident that leaves you unconscious. (Read)
The Blue Brief: Law Enforcement — Job or Calling?
In this Blue Brief, our resident LE expert talks about his journey into policing and whether it's a calling or just another job. (Read)
The Blue Brief: Mindset & Training
In this Blue Brief, we look at how a good mindset and training can go a long way for both officers and civilians. (Read)
The Blue Brief: Creepy Encounters & Ghost Stories
In the spirit of Halloween, our resident law enforcement expert takes you through a few harrowing calls that will be sure to spook. (Read)
The Blue Brief: Saving a Life with Jiu-Jitsu
In this Blue Brief, we look at how martial arts can improve your ability to handle unique calls and why that's important in modern policing. (Read)
The Blue Brief: Falling to the Level of Our Training
Our LE expert takes a look at law enforcement training and the pitfalls of not keeping up with best practices and training. (Read)
The Blue Brief: Advocacy and Breaching a Tent
In this week's Blue Brief we look at how to advocate for yourself when dealing with police and an interesting encounter involving a tent... (Read)
Blue Brief: The Best Laid Plans…
What happens when the best laid plans suddenly go awry? You adapt. What does that look like in high stakes situations? Come see... (Read)