Category Maintenance
Tip of the Week: How to Keep Your Leather Holster From Squeaking
In this article, we go over a few tips to help prevent your leather holster from squeaking and creaking when you wear it. (Read)
Tip of the Week: Buy a Torque Wrench
In this edition of tip of the week, we cover why a torque wrench is a must-have tool in your firearm toolbox. (Read)
Gunsmithing 101: Why SDI is Your First Stop on the Road to Firearms Wizardry (SPONSORED)
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Dive into the world of gunsmithing with SDI's Gunsmithing 101, where passion meets expertise. It's the go-to spot for anyone looking to turn their firearms fascination into real skill, with hands-on courses and down-to-earth instructors guiding you every step of the way. (Read)
How to Keep Your Guns from Rusting
In this article, we discuss what causes rust on firearms, why it is dangerous, and some steps you can take to prevent it. (Read)
Emergency Garage & Car Essentials [Prepping Guide]
We tackle the best gear to prep your garage and car with in case of emergency or, you know, zombie apocalypse. See what we recommend stocking up on! (Read)
8 Most Common AR-15 Failures & How To Fix Them
The AR-15 is reliable but can still have some hiccups. We go over a couple of the most common AR-15 failures and how to fix them. (Read)
[Complete Guide] Cosmoline Removal: SKS Example
Want the best cosmoline removal methods for cleaning up your milsurp gun? We walk-through an SKS example with plenty of pics and video. (Read)
Essential Firearm Maintenance (When You’re Stuck at Home)
Got time? Here's some essential gun maintenance that you ought to be doing. From cleaning to swapping batteries, rotating mags, and dry-firing. (Read)
[How-To Guide]: Accurizing the AR-15
Want to start a new accurate AR-15 build or trying to DIY accurize an existing rifle? We go over some of our favorite tips, tricks, and parts. (Read)
[Review] Real Avid AR-15 Armorer’s Master Kit
Looking for the perfect AR-15 toolkit? Look no further than the Real Avid AR-15 Armorer's Master Kit. I go over all the cool tools in my most recent build. (Read)
Long Term Ammo & Gun Storage: Tips & Tricks
Want to store your ammo and guns right? We cover proper cleaning, prepping, and safe storage techniques to keep away rust and other damage. (Read)
7 Best Gun Oil, CLP, and Grease [Tested]
There are a lot of gun oils -- each one saying they are the best. Here are our picks after trying out almost all of them...and shooting tons of rounds. (Read)
Best Gun Cleaning Kits [Hands-On Tested]
Looking for the perfect all-in-one gun cleaning kit? We hands-on tested some of the most popular out there plus our fav cleaners/oils. (Read)
Reasons Guns Fail
Most modern, well-maintained firearms will keep going bang for a long, long time. But there are some things that could make your firearm fail. (Read)