Category Milsurp
M1 Garand Review: An American Classic
We review the classic and truly timeless rifle that is the M1 Garand to see how it shoots, how it feels, and if it still holds up. (Read)
The Difference Between the Sig Sauer P320, M17 & M18
How does the Sig Sauer P320 differ from the M17 and M18 military versions? We deep dive into these pistols to see what features are different. (Read)
What Are Sweetheart Grips? History & Humanity in War
We explore the history and sentiment behind "sweetheart grips" as well as how these 1911 accessories were made in the midst of WWII. (Read)
Famous Guns of WWI: Rifles, Machine Guns, & Pistols
The Great War brought a lot of firearm technological engineering. We go over some of the most famous rifles, machine guns, and pistols of WW1. (Read)
[Video+Review] Chinese Type 56 SKS from Palmetto State Armory
Ever wondered what it's like to get your hands on a vintage commie gun? Check out our review of the Chinese Type 56 SKS and see how to get one! (Read)
[Guide] How to Buy a Gun from the CMP?
Want to grab a sweet M1 Garand or 1911? We'll walk you through exactly how to buy a gun from the CMP (Civilian Marksmanship Program). (Read)
[Review] SKS: Norinco & Yugoslavian Variants
The SKS is one of the most prolific surplus rifles. We hands-on review the Yugoslavian and Chinese variants plus some potential issues and even upgrades. (Read)
[Review+Video] Swiss K31: Legendary Accuracy
We hands-on review a few Swiss K31 rifles for their reliability, accuracy, recoil, and more. Plus some tips on how to get the best one for your money. (Read)
Best Surplus Handguns to Own and Shoot
Surplus handguns are a great way to get a quality, reliable handgun on the cheap. Here are the very best ones that any surplus collector should own. (Read)
5 Best Military Surplus Rifles (You Can Still Buy)
Owning the newest rifles can get expensive quickly. Fortunately, there are a number of affordable military surplus rifles to help you scratch that "new gun" itch. These are our favorites. (Read)