Concealed Carry [The Definitive Guide]
There’s so much info out there about concealed carry. We’ve broken it down to the most essential guides. From techniques to the Best Concealed Carry Guns, legal considerations, and women specific issues…we’ve got you covered.

Chapter 1
The Concealed Carry Mindset
Not sure whether or not to conceal carry? Start here with some important reasons to carry as well as some advice for potential carriers.

Chapter 2
Concealed Carry Gun Recommendations
Find out the best concealed carry gun for you that’s broken down into popular categories that suits your carry style. Plus some less-lethal alternatives for different situations.
Popular Concealed Carry Caliber Guns
Other Concealed Carry Solutions

Chapter 3
Concealed Carry Gear & Holster Reviews
After your gun, your holster is the next important decision. We cover all the different carry positions and types of holsters plus their pros and cons. And we finish it off with important accessories like gun belts and magazine holders.
Concealed Carry Holsters
Popular Gun-Specific Holsters
Concealed Carry Gear

Chapter 4
Want to be more effective with concealed carry? We cover some helpful tips and training along with common mistakes.

Chapter 5
Women Specific Carry Considerations
Women are shaped differently. We’ve got the best advice for effectively conceal carrying on and off body.

Chapter 6
Concealed Carry Legal Issues
Although we’re not lawyers, we cover common concealed carry issues such as the best concealed carry insurance to where you can legally carry.
State Specific Laws