DIY Gunsmithing [The Definitive Guide]
If you want to make your gun run better, you’ve come to the right place. We cover everything from cleaning & tuning, to gun modifications and even gun building. All from the tools and skills of a newbie with some hand-eye coordination.
Even if you don’t end up doing it yourself… you’ll get a good idea of what you’re paying for gunsmith for.
Finally, please see our disclaimer since you could possibly mess up your gun and possibly yourself.

Chapter 1
General Guides
General cleaning, maintenance, and other stuff live here.

Chapter 2
AR-15 Gunsmithing
We’ll cover everything AR-15 from upgrading parts to full-on assembly of the upper and lower. Check out everything at our Complete AR-15 section. But here’s a taste of the most important gunsmithing articles.
General AR-15 Gunsmithing

Chapter 3
Ah Glock…perfection out of the box. But we believe guns can always benefit from some upgrades to fit your individual requirements.
Trigger Work

Chapter 4
1911 Gunsmithing
We’ve compiled all our articles to create the Ultimate 1911 Tuning Guide. You’ll learn how to do a trigger job, break in the slide, install a trigger, and much more. Take your trigger down to a crisp 3.5 lb (or less) that’s ready to rock any competition.
1911 Trigger Work

Chapter 5
AK-47 Gunsmithing
The gun to take to hell and back. The venerable AK-47 and all her variants will always keep on truckin’…
AK-47 Variants

Chapter 6
Revolver Gunsmithing
Wheelguns…you don’t have to really do anything to them…but if you do, you’ll be rewarded with one of the finest triggers in all of firearms.
Smith & Wesson

Chapter 7
80% Build Projects
Create your own firearm from the comfort of your home (if you can legally own one).

Chapter 8
Anything else that doesn’t fit a specific gun category!