First Things First
Before we even dive into the nitty- gritty details of buying a firearm, you’ll want to keep in mind that if all you want to buy are antique firearms, you won’t need to worry about any of the hoops that everyone else will have to jump through. You’ll need to make sure the gun you want to buy actually qualifies as an antique though, before you run off to buy it. An antique firearm is:- Any firearm that is not intended or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire ignition with fixed ammunition, and was manufactured before 1899; or
- Any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured before 1899, where the ammunition is no longer made in the US and is not readily available in normal markets.
Getting Your FOID Card
To even be allowed to buy a gun or ammunition, you’ll need to get a Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card. This is required for both handguns and long guns, and ever tasers and stun guns! To qualify for a FOID, you must:- Be 21 or older; and
- Be a resident of Illinois.

- The base where you are deployed while in Illinois;
- Your military assignment orders; and
- Your military ID.
- Have renounced your US citizenship;
- Are in the US as an illegal alien;
- Have been convicted of a felony;
- Are addicted to narcotics;
- Have been a patient in a mental health facility in the last 5 years;
- Are intellectually disabled;
- Are the subject of protection order;
- Have been convicted in the last 5 years of battery, assault, aggravated assault, violation of an order of protection, or a similar offense in which a firearm was used or in your possession;
- Have been convicted of domestic battery, aggravated domestic battery, or a similar offense;
- Are a minor found to be delinquent for an offense that would be considered a felony if committed by an adult;
- Have been adjudicated as a mentally disabled person;
- Have been involuntarily admitted into a mental health facility;
- Are in a mental condition where you pose a clear and present danger to yourself, others, or the community;
- Are developmentally disabled;
- Were dishonorably discharged from the US Armed Services; or
- Were convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
Any loopholes?
While not really a loophole, there are situations where a FOID is not required. Of course, you’ll always need a FOID in order to buy a gun, but you may be able to possess and use a firearm in certain situations without a FOID. If you aren’t sure about buying a gun yet, you can always go with one of your friends to the range first. A person with a FOID card can loan a gun to a person who does not have a FOID card, as long as the gun is used at the range, and under the supervision of the FOID card owner. In addition to borrowing a gun, a FOID is not required for:- Nonresident hunters during hunting season, if the hunters have a valid nonresident hunting license and are in a permitted hunting area;
- Nonresidents while at a shooting range or firearms show recognized by the Department of State Police;
- Nonresidents who have their firearms unloaded and enclosed in a case;
- Nonresidents who are licensed or registered to possess a firearm in their home state;
- Resident hunters who are authorized to hunt, and while accompanied by a person with a FOID card, hunts in a permitted area; or
- A person who is qualified for an FOID card and is on a shooting range or participating in a firearms safety and training course, while under the direct supervision of a FOID card holder who is 21 or older.

What about the children?
For those of you under 18, you do not need to have a FOID in order to have a firearm or ammunition, if you are under the immediate control and supervision of a parent, guardian, or other person acting in the place of a parent, who has a valid FOID. Be nice to your parents and maybe they’ll take you out to the range!Buying a Handgun
So what is involved in actually buying a handgun? Once you get that FOID card, there isn’t too much more you’ll actually have to do to get a handgun. To buy a handgun, you must:- Be 21 or older;
- Provide state ID;
- Have a background check done by a licensed firearms dealer; and
- Provide a Firearm Owners Identification Card (FOID).
- Be 18 or older;
- Provide ID;
- Have a background check performed by a licensed firearms dealer; and
- Present an FOID card.
Have gun, will carry
Once you get your guns, you’ll probably want to show them off. You did just go through the hassle of being qualified to buy them and had to wait a couple of days. Unfortunately, openly carrying firearms is not allowed in Illinois. Carrying a concealed handgun is allowed, but requires a permit. The only times you can carry your firearms without a permit are:- In your own home or on your own property;
- At a shooting range;
- When you are out hunting, trapping, or fishing, with a valid license; or
- When you are transporting your firearms, and they are:
- Broken down in a non-functioning state; or
- Are not immediately accessible (i.e. in the trunk of the car).

Lock and load!
Because a FOID card is needed for buying and owning ammunition in addition to firearms, it should not be a surprise there are some restrictions on the type of ammo you can buy in the state. You cannot buy:- Armor piercing ammo;
- Dragon’s breath shotgun shells;
- Bolo shells (ammo that shoots out projectiles of balls connected by metal wires);
- Flechette shells (ammo that shoots out fin-stabilized wire, or solid dart-type projectiles); or
- Explosive bullets.
When can you actually use your guns?
Aside from practicing at the shooting range, you hopefully will never need to fire your guns. If you are ever faced with a deadly threat to yourself or others, however, Illinois does allow for use of deadly force in self-defense.Protecting the castle
Under what is commonly known as the “Castle Doctrine”, you can defend yourself with deadly force if you or a loved one is threatened while at home. Specifically, you are justified in using deadly force, if you reasonably believe that deadly force is necessary to prevent someone from committing a felony in your house, or an assault or violent act against you or another person in your house.