Buying a Handgun
As a gun-friendly state, Mississippi doesn’t have too many laws in the way of gun ownership. Because of that, the state does not have any specific laws on buying a gun. But that doesn’t mean you can just grab a gun off the shelf and walk out the store! There is no permit required to buy a gun, but there are still a few requirements that must be met, at the federal level, before you can legally buy a handgun. To buy a handgun, you must:- Be 21 or older;
- Provide state ID; and
- Have a background check done by a licensed firearms dealer.
- Have been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for over a year;
- Are a fugitive from justice;
- Illegally abuse controlled substances;
- Have been adjudicated as mentally defective of incompetent, or have been committed to a mental institution;
- Are an illegal alien;
- Are a former US citizen who has renounced his citizenship;
- Were dishonorably discharged from the US Armed Forces;
- Are subject to a restraining order;
- Were convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.

What about long guns?
While you’re checking out the latest 1911 at the gun store, you might want to take a look at some of the long guns, too. Conveniently, the laws on buying long guns are almost the same as those for handguns, so there’s not too much more to remember. To buy a long gun, you must:- Be 18 or older;
- Provide ID (from any state!); and
- Have a background check done by a licensed firearms dealer.
Have Gun, Will Carry
Once you’ve finally settled on which 1911 to buy, the next big decision will be how you will carry the thing. Mississippi allows for open carry of firearms, meaning both handguns and long guns can be carried openly while you are walking around town. This only applies, however, if you are 18 or older and legally allowed to own the firearm. However, it’s still a good idea to keep in mind whether you will be the only one openly carrying, since you probably don’t want to draw that kind of attention to yourself.
Carrying On the Road
And since open carry is legal, you can have your gun in your car while driving around town, or just heading to the range. Of course, it’s probably a good idea in general to have your firearms secured while travelling, in case you need to leave the firearms while you step into a store, or just don’t want your guns flying off the seat while driving.Carrying Concealed
If you decide to carry concealed, you will need to be careful. No CCW permit is required to carry concealed in the state, but you must make sure the handgun is in a belt or shoulder holster, or in a purse or bag of some sort. Sticking the gun in your back pocket is not concealed carry. Even though you don’t need a permit to carry concealed, Mississippi does issue CCW permits. This is so you will have something to show law enforcement when you travel out of state, and want to be able to carry your handgun like you do at home. For those of you interested in the process of getting a CCW permit, check out our Mississippi CCW section for all the info.Using Your Gun
With all this talk of how to buy a gun and where you can bring one, it’s important to know when and where you are actually allowed to shoot the dang thing.Defending Your Castle
Fortunately, Mississippi has adopted what is commonly known as the “Castle Doctrine”, which basically says you can use your firearms to defend your home. Specifically, the law says that if you have reasonable fear of imminent death, great bodily harm, or a felony about to be committed on yourself or another person while you are at home, in your vehicle, or at your place of business, due to someone who has or is attempting to illegally force their way into your home, car, or office, you are allowed to use deadly force against that person.