Buying a Handgun
Purchasing a pistol in New Mexico is a pretty quick and painless process. The state does not have many laws in addition to the federal ones on buying a handgun for the most part. Even better, no permit is required to buy a handgun! To buy a handgun, you must:- Be 21 or older;
- Provide state ID; and
- Have a background check performed by a licensed firearms dealer.
- Have been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for over a year;
- Are a fugitive from justice;
- Illegally abuse controlled substances;
- Have been adjudicated as mentally defective of incompetent, or have been committed to a mental institution;
- Are an illegal alien;
- Are a former US citizen who has renounced his citizenship;
- Were dishonorably discharged from the US Armed Forces;
- Are subject to a restraining order;
- Were convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
As for the Kids
If you don’t meet the age requirement there’s still hope! If you are 19 or younger, there are still certain situations where you can have a handgun on you, including when you are:- Attending a hunter’s or handgun safety course;
- Participating in target shooting or an organized shooting competition;
- Legally (with a hunting permit!) hunting or trapping;
- Participating in or practicing for a performance by a nonprofit organization;
- Travelling with an unloaded handgun to any of these activities above; or
- On property that is under the control of your parents, grandparents, or guardian, and under that person’s supervision.

A Not for Antique Collectors
Unlike other states, New Mexico does not have specific laws on antique or replica firearms. That means all firearms are treat the same, with the purchase (and carry!) requirements that go along with them.Buying Long Guns
Handguns get a lot of attention but we can’t forget about our long guns! Just like with handguns, New Mexico does not require a permit for the purchase of long guns. The other requirements are little different, but actually more lenient. To buy a long gun, you must:- Be 18 or older;
- Provide ID; and
- Have a background check performed by a licensed firearms dealer.
Where Can You Use Your Guns?
Once you’ve got your shiny new guns, you’ll probably want to show them off! New Mexico does not require a permit for open carry of firearms. That being said, you’ll still want to be aware of your surroundings, and make sure you’re not the only one that’s open carrying, or you may get some unwanted attention.
- Carrying at home or on property that you own or lease; or
- Carrying in a private vehicle.
Watch Where You’re Going
Even if you decide to open carry, you’ll still need to be careful where you take your guns. Carrying of firearms, either openly or concealed, is not allowed in:- K-12 schools;
- State and federal courthouses;
- State colleges and university campuses;
- On public transportation (trains, buses, etc.);
- Private property where the owners prohibit firearms;
- Secure areas of airports; or
- Any establishment that serves alcohol for consumption on the premises (i.e. a bar).

On the Road
While on the road, New Mexico has what is known as an “extended domain” law, which basically says that your vehicle is an “extension” of your home. Since you do not need a permit to carry openly or concealed in your home, you also don’t need a permit to do so while in your vehicle. Basically, you can transport your firearms however you want, loaded or unloaded, concealed or not. And even better, the definition of vehicles includes motorcycles, bicycles, ATVs, RVs, and even horses.When Can You Use Your Gun?
At the range! But also in self-defense, if necessary. Many states throughout the US have laws enacting a “Castle Doctrine” or “Stand your ground” laws, which basically allow for self-defense to defend your castle, or let you stand and defend yourself without a duty to retreat from a threat. Unfortunately, New Mexico does not have any explicit “Castle Doctrine” or “stand your ground” laws on the books, so, it is usually a case-by-case basis when it comes to using deadly force to defend yourself. The New Mexico courts have said that “a man’s house is his castle”, and a person does not need to retreat when he is threatened with an attack. This should seem pretty clear-cut, but the problem is that since there are not laws on the issue of self-defense, but just decisions by the courts, it comes down to a jury to decide whether or not use of deadly force was justified. Basically, if you are being threatened with deadly force, you will most likely be justified in defending yourself by responding with equal deadly force. However, there’s no guarantee one way or the other since it is ultimately up to a jury. At the end of the day, you will have to use your best judgement to decide if deadly force is appropriate to defend yourself and your family.