Buying a handgun
Like many states that support your Second Amendment rights, Tennessee does not require you to have a permit in order to buy a handgun. Before you head out and expect to just grab a Glock off the shelf and walk out the door, there are still some basic requirements you’ll need to meet. To buy a handgun, you must:- Be 21 or older;
- Provide state ID; and
- Have a background check performed by a licensed firearms dealer.
- Have been convicted of a felony involving the use or attempted use of force, violence, or a deadly weapon;
- Have been convicted of a felony drug offense; or
- Are under 18.
What about the children??
If you’re under 18, no worries! Even though you cannot legally buy a handgun in the state, there are still situations where you can have and use handguns! You can use a handgun, even if you are under 18, if you are:- Attending a hunter or firearms safety course;
- Practicing or target shooting at an authorized and established shooting range (an abandoned parking lot does not count);
- Participating in an organized competition;
- Practicing for a firearms event;
- Accompanied by your parent or guardian and have instruction on proper handgun use;
- On property under the control of an adult and have permission from your parent or guardian;
- At home, and have permission from your parent or guardian to have the firearm, and are justified in using deadly force;
- Hunting or trapping, with a valid license; or
- Travelling to or from any of the situations above, with an unloaded handgun.

Don’t forget about long guns!
While you’re picking out your next handgun, you should also think about adding a rifle or shotgun to your firearms collection too! Buying a long gun is just as simple as getting a handgun, with the requirements actually being even more lenient! To buy a long gun, you must:- Be 18 or older;
- Provide ID; and
- Have a background check performed by a licensed firearms dealer.
Have gun, will carry
Once you’ve got your firearms in hand, you will probably want to show it off around town! If you just want to show off your guns, you’ll still need a permit to carry a gun openly with some exceptions below. If you want to carry concealed, you will need to get a permit too. The process is relatively involved, so we’ve got a dedicated Tennessee CCW Laws section that walks you through all the steps to getting a CCW permit, as well as the additional laws you’ll need to pay attention to once you start carrying concealed. For anyone interested, hop on over after you’re done here!But wait!
Like any good law, there are exceptions! You can carry your (loaded) firearms if you are:- At home, at your place of business, on your own property, or in your own vehicle; or
- Out hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, or sport shooting; or
- Protecting your livestock from predators (but you can only carry a rifle or shotgun for this).

When can you use your guns?
Like most gun-friendly states, Tennessee has self-defense laws on the books allowing you to use deadly force to defend yourself in certain situations.Defending the castle
One of the most common self-defense laws is what is known as the “Castle Doctrine”. Under this law, you can defend yourself and others when you are at home, i.e. your “castle”. Specifically, as long as you have a reasonable belief that someone illegally and forcibly entered your home, business, or vehicle, and was going to cause imminent death or serious bodily injury to you or another person, then you are justified in using deadly force against the person who entered the home, business or vehicle. It is important to keep in mind, however, that you have to be in the home, business, or vehicle that is broken into. If someone breaks into your house while you’re sleeping, and you reasonably believe they intend to cause you harm, then you can use deadly force to keep that harm from happening. If, however, someone breaks into your car in the driveway while you’re sitting on the couch watching TV, you cannot start shooting at your car to stop the person. There was no reasonable way to think that a person stealing your car would cause you harm inside your home. If they drove the car through the front door, then that would be a different issue.