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[April Fools] California to Require Privacy Screens For Magazine Reloading

CA Magazine Reloading Privacy Screen
HB556.308 addresses the "public menace" that viewing an "unrequested insertion of a hi-capacity magazine" can have on citizens.
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    Sacramento, CA â€” California lawmakers will soon require shooting ranges to provide privacy screens obscuring firearm magazine reloading.

    HB556.308 addresses the “public menace” that viewing an “unrequested insertion of a hi-capacity magazine” can have on citizens.

    CA Magazine Reloading Privacy Screen
    CA Magazine Reloading Privacy Screen

    Local Piru, CA, range officer Felix Udd agrees with the new law.

    “I personally love it. Half my day was spent giving customers a hard time of where and when they bought their extendos. Now I can further stroke my God-complex policing magazine insertions.”

    HB556.308 creates a new class of misdemeanors aptly named “indecent magazine exposures” which can become a felony if the magazine contains Punisher or anime vinyl stickers.

    Pistol Fin Grip with Fun Images
    Straight to Jail

    California requires shooting ranges to purchase these privacy screens from the state, with an implementation deadline of April 20, 2023.

    Privacy Screen, Prop 65
    Privacy Screen, Prop 65

    However, as of publication, the purchase website cannot take payments and instead shows the names, addresses, & AOL screennames of all current CA CCW permit applicants.

    Disclaimer: This is a satire/parody post, which may or may not use actual names in quasi-real and/or fictitious narration. So try not to get too butt-hurt about it.

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    8 Leave a Reply

    • Bill Murray

      Clever, but unfortunately, not much of a stretch. Pllease don’t give them ideas, or we’ll likely see this article again, only for real.
      Yes. They are that stupid.

      April 3, 2023 1:34 am
    • Chuck Cochran

      LOL. The really sad thing about this
      April Fool's parody is, I can honestly see Cali's Dipschitt Legislature doing this, and the 9th Circuit upholding the Legislation.
      Worse yet, my State of Commierado would jump right on that too.0

      April 2, 2023 6:52 pm
    • Monte Walsh

      Truthfully, it wouldn’t surprise me if the idiots in that self made utopia did exactly this.

      April 2, 2023 6:05 pm
    • Shaupeen

      Excellent April Fools Day article!!! Well done Eric!

      April 1, 2023 8:33 pm
    • Yetimandius

      The state of Illinois requires ISPs to filter any mention, depiction, or reference to high capacity magazines in any context. Streaming a John Wick movie now only takes eleven minutes. If you took out the Kimber it would knock it down to seven minutes.

      April 1, 2023 5:47 pm
    • Adam T

      This is so f***ing great.

      April 1, 2023 5:14 pm
    • motomike

      ME TOO! I'm like, this more Cali insanity then, wait it's April 1! Happy AFD fools!

      April 1, 2023 3:43 pm
    • Packmule

      Ya got me on this one was almost done reading this and ...forehead smack..!!!

      April 1, 2023 12:09 pm
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