A Bad Man
It turns out that Hayden — whose outsized personality entertained television audiences before his rapid fall from stardom — is guilty of raping multiple young girls, including his own daughter, according to several reports, testimony at trial, and his own daughter’s words.
The Aftermath
Hayden left multiple victims in his smoking crater of destruction, but by most reports, his victims, family, and former business partners are moving on with their lives. Notably, his shop, Red Jacket Firearms, is now closed. Hayden’s former business partner and the shop’s co-owner at the time, Joe Meaux, initially tried to severe Red Jacket’s business relationship with Hayden after allegations came to light and keep the venture going. However, the brand was too damaged from the fallout surrounding Hayden’s crimes, Meaux reported, and he subsequently closed the business down for good and opened two new ventures, Meaux Guns and Aklys Defense, based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Hayden’s daughter Stephanie has indicated in a more recent interview — conducted by Vanessa Torres published on AmmoLand.com — that she and her sister are moving on, and are closer than they ever have been. The Discovery Channel canceled “Sons of Guns” on August 27, 2014, shortly after Hayden’s arrest that month. Reruns of the show no longer air, for obvious reasons.
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Jebus, I knew (thought) he did some bad stuff, I had no idea he was such a fucking monster. Good Lord
I had hoped that Stephanie would take over or open her own shop with some of the other guys, because she seemed to enjoy it. She came across being very knowledgeable and passionate about guns.
Its human behavior , people want what they can't and or not suppose to have with that being said , maybe now karma can show his tails side of the coin an show him some penatentary lovin
Karma is an incomplete (meaningless) principle, it only refers to the case of good-for-good and bad-for-bad... it has no mention of people who receive bad-for-good or good-for-bad. If we have two conditions of doing good or bad, and receive either good or bad back for both, the principle automatically has 2^2 = 4 total states, not just 2 as karma wrongfully presumes.
So in Haden's case, he is finally receiving back bad (prison for life) for doing the original bad (molesting) - but as in the cases of the 3 girls who did nothing wrong to begin with... they would be the doing good and receiving bad (being molested) back, and karma has no concept of the missing two cases.
There are people like Haden who never get caught - so in their cases, they did bad (molesting) and only received good back (no prison, not caught)... the principle of karma is offline for that one too as a missing case.
Funny how hes a Republican it sure shows
Decent people don't find anything funny about this.
How's that Mueller report working out for you?
Hows that impeachment working out for you?
Dems-R-Evil + Reps-R-Evil = No One should be trusted implicitly. THAT is why the 2nd Amendment was written into the Constitution by ALL the founding fathers. F#€k gun control.
The biggest problem with the thought of gun control is that they're only needed to protect against citizen attackers, and no thought (despite con-federalists in Civil War, nazis in WW2, etc) of oppression by illegal governing bodies. Gun ownership is necessary to defend againts citizen attackers and illegal governing authorities, not just citizen attackers.
If we look back to WW2, in Holland when Germany invaded - they appealed to the Lutheran faith of the Dutch that the Bible commands them to respect their governing authority, (like Haden) in hopes of intimidating their victims into compliance. But the Bible doesn't command anyone to obey an illegal gov't authorities, but the abusers get people stuck in misunderstandings and the abuse begins.
And in general, if police truly could manage to keep citizens safe - then prisons shouldn't have any problem being the safest place in society since no one has any guns (other than the officers)... and they wallpaper the facility from floor to ceiling with rules and regulations about how to act. And yet somehow, prisons despite no guns and complete correctional authority - are usually the least safe place to be in society. But how can that be?
Pretty damn well!
Still available on Youtube.
It (nor molestation) has nothing to do with being in one political party or another, if the democrats starting fighting for gun ownership rights tomorrow - Haden would be mailing in his financial support to the democrats in response.
For many years originally, decades ago - some of the public reported sexual abuse cases against kids came from Teachers in schools, they've rooted them out mostly but every year one seems to still get caught and charged... and Teacher's unions are staunchly democratic. Politics don't make child molesters, child molesters seek opportunities that give them private and unquestioned access to kids.
Haha, jerk off will only be shooting prison loads from now on. Bet his ass hurts. Haha. Loser. Feel terrible for those poor girls, hope he lives to be 100 or more.
i understand he raped some women, exactly how many we do not know. but what else did he do to get 2 life sentence's plus 40 years ???? did he do some kind of terrorist activities ????
They weren’t women they were children he raped! That’s why the two life sentences.
He fuckin raped his own daughter and a little girl and in Louisiana the only thi g they got right is molestation charges are life sentences if you see something wrong with this i bet you are q fuckin chomo
Now that is a crime punishment I would like to see adopted by my country.
I'm guessing there are no pedo muslims in Louisiana?
What a shame. He is paying his debt to society now.