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Rhode Island Lawmakers Push Sweeping Ban on Semi-Auto Guns

Rhode Island eyes semi-auto guns as state lawmakers move to pass a sweeping ban on these types of firearms.
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    Rhode Island eyes semi-auto guns as state lawmakers move to pass a sweeping ban on these types of firearms.

    Gov. Dan McKee (D) carved out funding for a so-called “assault weapons ban” in his 2026 budget proposal, with legislation being sponsored by Rep. Jason Knight (D-Dist. 67) and Sen. Louis DiPalma (D-Dist. 12).

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    Under the bill, semi-auto pistols with a capacity over 10 rounds would be banned.

    “Gun safety remains a crucial public health issue here in Rhode Island and across the country,” McKee said in a press release. “Together, we’ve made important progress in passing gun safety laws, but our work is not over. That is why I chose to include an assault weapons ban in my budget to help move this issue forward. For the safety of our communities—let’s finally get this done.”

    The Rhode Island Assault Weapons Ban of 2025 would officially classify semi-auto firearms of various types as assault weapons and prohibit the purchase, sale, transfer, possession, or manufacture of these types of firearms.

    Daniel Defense PCC VTAC
    Daniel Defense PCC — also would be banned.

    The proposal defines assault weapons as:

    • Semi-auto shotguns with a fixed magazine capacity exceeding eight rounds or semi-auto shotguns that can accept detachable magazines.
    • Shotguns with a revolving cylinder.
    • Semi-auto rifles with a fixed magazine capacity exceeding 10 rounds or those that can accept detachable mags with featuers such as folding or telescoping stocks, bayonet mounts, grenade launchers or barrel shrouds.
    • Semi-auto pistols with a fixed magazine capacity exceeding 10 rounds or those that can accept detachable mags and features like threaded barrels, barrel shrouds, or the ability to be fired from the shoulder (a.k.a. pistol braces).
    • Any gun that accepts belt-fed ammo
    • Firearms that have been modified to operate like “assault weapons.”

    The bill does carve out an exemption for semi-autos chambered in .22-caliber rimfire with tubular magazines.

    What about Rhode Island gun owners who already have a firearm that would fall under the assault weapons definition?

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    Mossberg 590M

    According to the bill, residents who lawfully possess a semi-auto firearm before the act goes into effect would have 1 year to register each of their guns with the state and would be required to obtain a certificate of possession from authorities. The certificate gives gun owners a chance to continue owning guns already in their collection but under specific conditions, such as securely storing them.

    FFLs, law enforcement agencies, and police officers would see certain exemptions under the bill.

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    Proponents of the assault weapons ban say this is a good step forward in protecting residents of Rhode Island.

    “Banning assault weapons is a long overdue, common-sense step to address the serious public health issue of gun violence in Rhode Island. Research clearly shows a ban will save lives and make our communities safer. It is supported by a large majority of legislators, by each of the state’s general officers, and by most Rhode Islanders,” said Senator Louis DiPalma in a statement.

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    2A advocates, on the other hand, argue that this is just another example of government overreach.

    “We’ve seen similar legislation in other states, all appearing to follow the same general formula, and they all amount to egregious efforts to erode the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, without any reference to arresting and prosecuting armed criminals,” Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms Chairman Alan Gottlieb said in a statement.

    “Likewise, for the supporters of this bill to claim it somehow is aimed at gun safety is ludicrous. They seem to equate criminalizing firearms with gun safety, which strains common sense and will likely not prevent a single violent crime.”

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    Sig Sauer P365 X-MACRO

    Gov. McKee has already signed off on a number of gun-related measures, such as the ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, mandatory gun lock measures, and prohibiting those under 21 from purchasing guns or ammo.

    If passed, Rhode Island would join a handful of other states targeting semi-auto guns under an assault weapon umbrella.

    H-5436 is currently in committee but, if enacted, would go into effect on January 1, 2026.

    What do you think of the semi-auto ban? Let us know in the comments below. For more on what’s happening in the gun world, check out our News page.

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    9 Leave a Reply

    • Dennis R. Palmer

      Regarding Rhode Island; Just consider the sources, the area of the country and the left leaning political career hacks who ostensibly represent the state/country on our behalf. It's a shame those same political hacks who devote so much time, energy and our tax dollars on their political whims, spend more time doing something good for the state for a change, like fixing the potholed roads and crumbling infrastructure!

      February 19, 2025 8:19 pm
    • Vinny

      With certainty we will not always have a court that ever so slightly leans conservative.

      February 17, 2025 9:03 pm
    • Te Bee

      Law abiding people are not the ones committing violent crimes with guns. The politicians should let the police do their job and arrest the criminals. Keep the criminals in jail. The politicians don't worry about the criminals because they have their security detail that protects them and drives them around. Lets get it straight.

      February 16, 2025 8:31 pm
    • Mark Onak

      Certain to be overturned by the SC

      February 16, 2025 12:41 pm
    • Eric Johnson

      Defund the ATF

      February 16, 2025 9:56 am
    • Sua Sponte

      Straight up tyranny. It's interesting to watch people make laws about things they can't define. This should be across the board, no exemptions for LE or government officials either.

      "prohibiting those under 21 from purchasing guns or ammo"

      Same people who would be more than willing to send your 17 year old child to die in some third world craphole.

      February 16, 2025 9:20 am
    • larryE


      February 16, 2025 8:07 am
    • Vinny

      I believe Colorado also has a bill being debated that is near the same (all semi-autos with detachable mags).

      February 16, 2025 5:54 am
    • Chris

      “…..egregious efforts to erode the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, without any reference to arresting and prosecuting armed criminals.”

      “…..for the supporters of this bill to claim it somehow is aimed at gun safety is ludicrous. They seem to equate criminalizing firearms with gun safety……,and will likely not prevent a single violent crime.”

      These couple of statements stood out to me. Hate to think this kind of legislation exists elsewhere, particularly since I’ve been blessed to live in a gun-friendly state.

      February 15, 2025 4:54 pm
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