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Rifle Caliber Guide [Definitive Guide+Videos]

Common Rifle Calibers
Quickly learn about the pros and cons of popular rifle calibers with our handy guide. We also cover average price, recoil, and recommended ammo for each.
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    Want to learn all about the most popular rifle calibers? You’re in the right place!

    Common Rifle Calibers
    Common Rifle Calibers

    We have too many calibers to properly label…so I’ve broken it down into two parts.

    Popular Rifle Calibers, Part I
    Popular Rifle Calibers, Part I

    And now onto the bigger boys…

    Popular Rifle Calibers, Part II
    Popular Rifle Calibers, Part II

    We’ll cover pros/cons, average price, recoil, and recommended ammo for a bunch of popular rifle calibers.

    Plus for the ones we shoot regularly…some short video clips!

    Table of Contents


    What Does Caliber Mean?

    Now let’s get some easy terminology out of the way…

    Caliber is the size of the bullet’s diameter and can be measured in both imperial (inches) and metric (mm) units.  If it doesn’t say mm after, it’s likely in inches (because ‘Murica).

    5.56 vs 9mm vs 7.62x51
    5.56 vs 9mm vs 7.62×51

    And for terminology’s sake…a “bullet” is just the metal projectile while the entire thing is called a “cartridge” or “round.”

    Parts of a Bullet Cartridge
    Parts of a Bullet Cartridge

    And a 9mm deconstructed in real life…

    Deconstructed 9mm Cartridge
    Deconstructed 9mm Cartridge

    Here are the definition and units of some of the things we’ll be using to compare the different calibers.

    • Bullet weight: Measured in grains (gr) where 7000 grains make up a pound…so it’s a really small unit.
    • Velocity: Speed of the bullet in feet/sec
    • Energy: Measured in Joules (J), a rough approximation for the power of the round

    Popular Rifle Calibers Guide

    Let’s get to it with our first part…

    Popular Rifle Calibers, Part I
    Popular Rifle Calibers, Part I

    Now…there’s A LOT of calibers we’re going through.  And some are more popular than others.  I’ll highlight those with an underline in the header.


    .22LR Round
    .22LR Round

    This tiny low-recoiling round is popular for both rifles and pistols.  

    Called the “twenty-two” long rifle, it’s a “rimfire” cartridge instead of “centerfire” because the firing pin hits the rim of the case instead of…the center.

    Centerfire vs Rimfire Primer
    Centerfire vs Rimfire Primer

    Here are some fired versions…

    Rimfire vs Centerfire Primer Strike
    Rimfire vs Centerfire Primer Strike

    The .22 long rifle is probably the most popular rifle round out there.

    Its small size and high velocity make it ideal for hitting small game like squirrels at range, and its low recoil makes it a great round for beginners and children who want to shoot but don’t want the shoulder bruises that come with a larger round.

    Here it is in a .22LR pistol…

    It’s even less recoiling in a rifle (Ruger 10/22 shown).

    Usually reserved for target shooting or small pests, that doesn’t mean it’s not deadly to human targets either.  The small caliber bullets tend to bounce around inside a body, follow bones, and wreak havoc.

    Take a look at our Best .22LR Ammo: Accuracy, Plinking, and Hunting.

    .22LR (CCI vs Winchester vs Super Colibri)
    .22LR (CCI vs Winchester vs Super Colibri)
    • Bullet Weight: 30-40 gr
    • Velocity: 1200-1600 ft/s
    • Energy: 140-160 J
    • Price Per Round: ~7 cents

    .17 HMR

    Newer to the game than most cartridges, the .17HMR (Hornady Magnum Rimfire) is an ultra-light bullet designed to be as flat a trajectory as possible for a rimfire round.

    .17 HMR Round
    .17 HMR Round

    This is a cartridge that has room to grow in many ways. 

    Flat shooting trajectory makes it great for precision shooters while the energy downrange is also good enough for varment hunters looking to put down small game.

    Either way – a great option with dozens of loadings available.  And it packs way more oomph than the .22LR!

    .22LR vs .17 HMR
    .22LR vs .17 HMR

    Learn everything about it in our .17 HMR [Guide]: Best Ammo & Guns!

    • Bullet Weight: 17-20 gr
    • Velocity: 2350-2650 ft/s
    • Energy: 330 J
    • Price Per Round: ~18 cents

    5.7 FN

    A new-ish round for personal defense developed by FN Herstal to fly through soft body armor like a hot knife through butter.

    5.7 FN Round
    5.7 FN Round

    It does this with a small projectile going incredibly fast. Unfortunately it’s only really chambered for two FN guns…the Five-SeveN handgun…

    Five-SeveN with Ammo and Mag 2
    Five-SeveN with Ammo and Mag

    And the P90 rifle…

    P90 with an STT Operator

    With the rifle you get an ammo capacity of 50 rounds in a funky magazine.  But as a civilian you can’t go full auto or get the armor piercing rounds.  So ehh…

    • Bullet Weight: 40 gr
    • Velocity: 2300 ft/s
    • Energy: 500 J
    • Price Per Round: ~50 cents

    .30 Carbine

    .30 Carbine Round
    .30 Carbine Round

    Blast to the past! Not super common nowadays, but it was the ammo for the M1 carbine back in WWII and up to the Korean War.

    M1 Carbine on a log
    M1 Carbine by Auto-Ordnance (full review)

    Pretty low recoil and really fun to shoot in the M1 if you get a chance.

    • Bullet Weight: 110 gr
    • Velocity: 2000 ft/s
    • Energy: 1300 J
    • Price Per Round: ~40 cents

    .300 Blackout (BLK)

    .300 BLK 123gr vs 200gr
    .300 BLK 123gr vs 200gr

    The “three-hundred blackout” is a new-ish round (2011) that aimed to put the larger .30 caliber bullet (such as the AK-47) into the AR platform that normally took .22 caliber bullets.

    .300 BLK vs 7.62x39mm
    .300 BLK vs 7.62x39mm

    And also to offer great suppression abilities and the use of current magazines. Recoil is pretty similar to the regular soft-shooting 5.56x45mm of the AR-15. If you’re looking for .300 BLK ammo or uppers, we got you covered.

    • Bullet Weight: 125 gr
    • Velocity: 2200 ft/s
    • Energy: 1360 J
    • Price Per Round: ~70 cents


    The 7.62x39mm cartridge is a Russian round designed for use in the venerable AK-47 and SKS rifles.

    Assorted 7.62x39 (FMJ, Open, Soft, FMJ)
    Assorted 7.62×39 (FMJ, Open, Soft, FMJ)

    With the importation of these rifles to the U.S., the 7.62x39mm has become a popular round, and some bolt-action rifles, notably from CZ, and semi-autos like the Ruger Mini-30 use it.

    The round is large enough for a medium-sized game such as deer and more than adequate for self-defense.  

    Moderate recoil and moderate range but great knockdown power. Especially when compared to the 5.56/.223 AR round coming up soon.

    5.56 vs 7.62x39mm
    5.56 vs 7.62x39mm

    Check out the Best 7.62×39 Ammo article.

    • Bullet Weight: 123 gr
    • Velocity: 2400 ft/s
    • Energy: 2180 J
    • Price Per Round: ~20 cents

    .224 Valkyrie

    A very new round from Federal that used the AR-15 platform and could reach 100 yards.

    .224 Valkyrie
    .224 Valkyrie

    Swap out your upper, get a 6.8 SPC magazine (ok a little annoying) and you’re ready to go.

    90 gr American Eagle .224 Gold Medal Match
    90 gr American Eagle .224 Gold Medal Match

    You can shoot it all day without bruising your shoulder and even I was able to get 1000 yards semi-consistently.  Those better skilled shooters were hitting 1250 around me.

    PSA .224 Valkyrie Shooting
    PSA .224 Valkyrie Shooting

    However, the round was initially plagued with ammo problems which are now fixed.

    Federal American Eagle 90 gr vs 75 gr .224 Valkyrie
    Federal American Eagle 90 gr vs 75 gr .224 Valkyrie

    Learn more in our Complete .224 Valkyrie Guide.

    • Bullet Weight: 60-90 gr
    • Velocity: 2600-3500 ft/s
    • Energy: 2000 J
    • Price Per Round: ~45 cents

    5.56x45mm or .223 Remington

    5.56 Round
    5.56 Round


    The standard caliber of the M-16, M-4, and the civilian AR-15.  

    5.56x45mm (five-five-six) is a NATO round and is normally loaded a little “hotter” than the civilian .223 (two-two-three) even though the two are dimensionally the same.

    Extremely accurate and soft shooting.

    Larger than a .22lr, but not by much, many states don’t allow hunters to use .223 on large game like deer because it’s considered inhumane.

    5.56 vs 9mm vs 7.62x51
    5.56 vs 9mm vs 7.62×51

    It’s used, therefore, more as a varmint round used to kill prairie dogs at long range or predators such as coyotes. There’s also a lot of military and accurate available although the standard is 55 gr.

    5.56 (55gr vs 77gr)
    5.56 (55gr vs 77gr)

    Best AR-15 Ammo: Home Defense & Range for more information

    Deconstructed 5.56 XM855 Round
    Deconstructed 5.56 XM855 Round (Penetrator)
    • Bullet Weight: 55-77 gr
    • Velocity: 3100 ft/s
    • Energy: 1770 J
    • Price Per Round: ~25 cents

    What’s your take on the super popular 5.56?

    Readers’ Ratings

    4.96/5 (1812)

    Your Rating?

    6.8 SPC

    A name almost as long as the story that created the cartridge, the 6.8 Remington Special Purpose Cartridge was designed for the United States Military as an intermediate step between 5.56 NATO and 7.62 NATO.

    6.8 SPC
    6.8 SPC

    While the history behind this cartridge is totally worth reading, you’ll have to take a look at our dedicated article for that!

    The short version of the story is that while it performed well in field testing among Special Forces units in Iraq and Afganistan, it never saw wide adoption in any form.

    But the 6.8 SPC lives on in the civilian world due to its power and range offered in an AR-15 platform, much like the 6.5 Grendel.

    • Bullet Weight: 85-120 gr
    • Velocity: 2500 ft/s
    • Energy: 2000 J
    • Price Per Round: ~60 cents

    6.5 Grendel

    Ever growing in popularity with long range shooters looking to get the most out of their AR-15 rifles, the 6.5 Grendel delivers supersonic speeds well past 1,000 yards.

    6.5 Grendel
    6.5 Grendel

    Because of the precision and wide range of bullet options the Grendel is also a great option for hunters, especially since it proves to be capable of dropping deer with ease out to 300+ yards using a 12.5″ barrel!

    Take a look at the Best 6.5 Grendel Uppers.

    • Bullet Weight: 90-130 gr
    • Velocity: 2700 ft/s
    • Energy: 2500 J
    • Price Per Round: ~80 cents

    .458 SOCOM

    As the name suggests, the .458 SOCOM was designed by US Special Operations members as an alternative caliber for the M4/M16 rifle.

    .458 SOCOM (500gr)
    .458 SOCOM (500gr)

    Born out of the lessons learned by the Rangers and Delta teams in Operation Gothic Serpent, .458 SOCOM is a heavy beast of a cartridge designed to deliver a huge amount of power on target, roughly equivalent to a light .45-70!

    .47-70 Government (405gr)
    .47-70 Government (405gr)

    Firing a bullet at least 5 times heavier than standard 55gr 5.56 NATO, .458 SOCOM was designed to be 100% compatible with standard M4/M16 rifles – including magazines!

    The only things required are a new barrel, bolt, and slightly enlarged ejection port.

    Although it never saw service with US Armed Forces, the concept behind the .458 SOCOM lives on in the .300 AAC Blackout.

    .458 SOCOM offers civilian shooters a great option for big bore shooting out of an AR-15, perfect for hunting T-Rexs or other dangerous game!

    RIP shoulder and wallet though…

    • Bullet Weight: 250-600 gr
    • Velocity: 1000-2200 ft/s
    • Energy: 1800-3500 J
    • Price Per Round: ~$2.00

    Whew…we’re basically halfway there…now onto Part II.

    Popular Rifle Calibers, Part II
    Popular Rifle Calibers, Part II

    .30-30 Winchester

    There is a popular saying that more deer have been killed by the .30-30 in North America than all other cartridges combined. 

    .30-30 Winchester
    .30-30 Winchester

    And really, we believe it!

    Introduced all the way back in 1895, the .30-30 is one of the oldest center fire smokeless cartridges still in production today.

    Normally found in lever-action rifles, this great-great-granddaddy of a round delivers a lot more knockdown power than most people give it credit for.

    Check out the Best .30-30 Ammo and the Best Lever Action Rifles!

    • Bullet Weight: 110-170 gr
    • Velocity: 2400 ft/s
    • Energy: 2400 J
    • Price Per Round: ~75 cents

    Bullet weights range from 110gr up to 170gr with velocities averaging around 2,400-2,500ft/s. Perfect for stalking deer in the woods!

    6mm Creedmoor

    The 6mm Creedmoor (CM) is simply 6.5 Creedmoor necked down and with a smaller bullet.

    6mm Creedmoor
    6mm Creedmoor

    What this offers shooters is a lighter recoiling, faster-moving round that is winning championship marksman competitions the world over!

    Still new to the world of shooting, 6mm has a lot of growth potential as shooters learn more about it and test it in new applications.  Although, it is already clear that it shines brightest as a long range precision shooter’s competition cartridge.

    • Bullet Weight: 85-130 gr
    • Velocity: 3000 ft/s
    • Energy: 2800 J
    • Price Per Round: ~$1.20

    .243 Winchester

    Introduced in 1955, .243 Winchester opened the doors for cartridges based on the popular .308/7.62 NATO necked down to smaller bores.

    .243 Winchester
    .243 Winchester

    Designed for varmint hunting and target shooting, .243 Win is popular due to its age and capability as a cartridge both for precision and for its flat trajectory…but it is an older cartridge that is starting to show its age.

    While .243 Win will have a special place for hunters looking to harvest game at medium ranges, for target shooters the .243 Win has been almost completely replaced by the higher BC 6mm Creedmoor.

    • Bullet Weight: 58-105 gr
    • Velocity: 3000-4000 ft/s
    • Energy: 2700 J
    • Price Per Round: ~60 cents

    .45-70 Government

    Named “Government” because it was developed at the US Army’s Springfield Armory in 1873.

    .47-70 Government (405gr)
    .47-70 Government (405gr)

    It’s a big boy round…or more specifically…a big buffalo round.  Check it out compared to the (now) tiny 5.56…

    Black Hills .45-70 vs 5.56
    Black Hills .45-70 vs 5.56

    And it packs a wallop…

    Nowadays you’ll find them in some lever-action guns.  Check out our review of the Henry .45-70.

    Henry .45-70 Case Hardened
    Henry .45-70 Case Hardened

    There’s a wide range of bullet weight, velocity, and energy…

    • Bullet Weight: 250-405 gr
    • Velocity: 1500-2000 ft/s
    • Energy: 2300-4600 J
    • Price Per Round: ~$1.25

    7.62x51mm or .308 Winchester


    The big brother of the 5.56, the “seven-six-two” NATO round is used by the US military and the .308 “three-oh-eight” is its civilian equivalent.

    5.56 vs 7.62x51
    5.56 vs 7.62×51

    But this time, the .308 is usually the hotter round.

    Deconstructed 7.62x51 Round
    Deconstructed 7.62×51 Round

    Much more recoil than the 5.56 but with extended range and knockdown power.

    Plus tons of choices for ammo.

    Assorted 7.62x51mm (MEN 147gr, PPU 165gr, PPU 180gr, Gold Medal 168gr
    Assorted 7.62x51mm (MEN 147gr, PPU 165gr, PPU 180gr, Gold Medal 168gr

    There are very few animals this round won’t take down and it’s also the de facto sniper round the world over.

    PSA AR-10 .308
    PSA AR-10 .308

    Check out Best 7.62×51 Ammo and also Best AR-10s for the AR platform chambered in 7.62×51.

    • Bullet Weight: 147-175 gr
    • Velocity: 2600-2700 ft/s
    • Energy: 3300-3500J
    • Price Per Round: ~75 cents

    6.5 Creedmoor

    One of the military’s newest calibers!

    6.5 Creedmoor
    6.5 Creedmoor

    And for good reason…it gives awesome long distance precision without insane recoil/blowback.

    And when does it go subsonic?

    1300 yards.

    That’s why both the military and competition shooters love the 6.5 CM.

    I was able to hit 1000 yards semi-easily with a 6.5 Creedmoor from PSA (full review) and I’m not an excellent shot.

    HBH Going Long Distance
    HBH Going Long Distance

    It’s getting more and more popular so there’s plenty of loads too.

    Assorted 6.5 Creedmoor (L to R: Federal FMJ, Soft 129gr, Ballistic Tip 120gr, Gold Medal 140gr)
    Assorted 6.5 Creedmoor (L to R: Federal FMJ, Soft 129gr, Ballistic Tip 120gr, Gold Medal 140gr)

    Check out our 6.5 Creedmoor Guide for the best ammo and guns.

    • Bullet Weight: 120-140 gr
    • Velocity: 2700-3000 ft/s
    • Energy: 3000 J
    • Price Per Round: ~70 cents


    Russian cartridge that is still in military issue today.  


    Popular for their sniper rifles, the 7.62 “Russian” (the R actually stands for rimmed and not Russian), is hard hitting with a good amount of recoil.  

    When you hear this round mentioned, there is one rifle that is always associated with it: the Mosin Nagant.  Surplus makes it cheap to shoot such a large caliber though.

    • Bullet Weight: 150-181 gr
    • Velocity: 2500-2800 ft/s
    • Energy: 3600 J
    • Price Per Round: ~60 cents

    .270 Winchester

    Many have a special place in their hearts for .270 Winchester as their first deer rifle caliber.

    .270 Winchester
    .270 Winchester

    Knocking down deer since the early 1920s, .270 Win is basically .30-06 necked down from .30 cal to .277 cal. This gives you the bullet options for everything 7mm with the case and action length of .30-06!

    The .30-30 might be the grim reaper of deer, but I suspect the .270 Win is a close second due to the flat shooting of the round and the real power it can push behind it.

    • Bullet Weight: 90-150 gr
    • Velocity: 3000 ft/s
    • Energy: 3500 J
    • Price Per Round: ~$1.00

    .30-06 Springfield

    .30-06 Springfield
    .30-06 Springfield

    The .30-06 (thirty-ought-six) began life as the .30 Government and was made the primary U.S. military round in 1906 (hence the “06” in the name).

    Though it was eventually replaced by the 7.62x51mm round in the military after 50+ years, the 06 remains a popular bolt-action hunting round capable of killing any animal in North America given its tremendous knockdown power and range.

    With great power comes great recoil, and a pretty steep price per round.

    • Bullet Weight: 150-200 gr
    • Velocity: 2500-2900 ft/s
    • Energy: 2800-3000 J
    • Price Per Round: ~$1.50

    .338 Lapua Magnum

    .338 Lapua
    .338 Lapua

    Everyone likely says it wrong…it’s “LAH-poo-uh” instead of “lah-POO-uh” but everyone agrees it’s a big hard hitting round.

    One that got the then-new record for the longest confirmed sniper kill at 2707 yards in Afghanistan.

    Check it out when compared to the huge 30-06 Springfield!

    .338 Lapua vs .30-06 Black Tip
    .338 Lapua vs .30-06 Black Tip
    • Bullet Weight: 200-300 gr
    • Velocity: 2800-3400 ft/s
    • Energy: 5000 J
    • Price Per Round: ~$2.50

    .50 BMG

    No rifle caliber guide is complete without the big boy “fifty-cal” BMG (Browning Machine Gun).

    .50 BMG
    .50 BMG

    Manageable when you’re standing and with a suppressor!

    It puts everything else to shame with its immense size difference.  Let’s zoom out to show proper perspective.

    Common Calibers in Room
    Common Calibers in Room

    Super long range, knockdown ability, and recoil in the form of everything from machine guns to sniper rifles. 

    If you ever need to take down a T-Rex at 1,500 yards – this is the round you want.

    • Bullet Weight: 647-800 gr
    • Velocity: 2800-3000 ft/s
    • Energy: 18,000 J
    • Price Per Round: ~$3.00


    So there you have it, our guide to some common rifle calibers.  

    Anything we missed that you really think should be here?  Check out the most Popular Handgun Calibers as well as How Bullets Work.

    Popular Pistol Calibers
    Popular Pistol Calibers

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    54 Leave a Reply

    • Richard Hill

      I bought a gun from your sister a couple years ago in Tulsa state far and it was not right still can’t shoot it you guy don’t know how to build gun so hang it up when I called to get it fixed I was told I was up shit creek without padell

      December 14, 2024 9:52 am
    • J. R. Whitlock

      I had enough money for one do-it-all-well rifle, in 1970. After studying everything I could find, I decided on a 6.5 × 55 mm Swedish, in a Mauser action. Some of my friends thought I was demented. Got no respect because, "6.5 is not big enough." Now my friends brag about their new 6.5mm Creedmoor rifles. I just say, "Let's set up a visit to the range." The "SKAN" holds it own, and even out-performs the 6.5CM in some target shoots. I am not saying one is better. I am saying what is considered best, is partially the current "fad".

      August 6, 2023 3:50 pm
    • Mark D Cox

      You danced all around these calibers and completely ignored the 450 Bushmaster which is far more popular than the 458 Socom and offers comparable ballistics. Plus, the straight wall cartridge allows you to hunt with it in the farm country of the central plains. You also left out Winchester's 350 legend which works well with Deer out to 200 yards. Perhaps you could update your article.

      April 16, 2023 7:09 pm
    • Ed

      300 WinMag is my favorite large game round. Would like to see a "here's the best cartridge" review.

      January 23, 2023 3:03 pm
    • LazrBeam

      Let’s not forget the 6.5 Carcano. A lot of those rifles have been recently imported and are still being so.

      December 26, 2022 6:14 pm
    • Doug Temoin .338 Win mag? Awesome caliber for any big game in Canada...

      June 21, 2022 5:00 pm
    • Wallace McDaniel

      Please take this as constructive critism. (sp) A cartridge is contained in a "case" not a casing. Casing is for sausage or to describe the pipe used in oil wells. You will note that more people use the incorrect term "casing" than case to describe a spent cartridge. Popularity however doesn't make the term correct. This is one of professional firearms examiners pet peeves!

      March 1, 2022 9:12 pm
    • Felix

      Hi Eric. Super article. Lots of research. Thanks. Where do you fit the .270 Winchester Short Magnum in the list? The Browning semi-auto is great for those follow up shots on T-Rex.

      December 25, 2021 7:36 am
    • John

      "A very new round from Federal that used the AR-15 platform and could reach 100 yards."

      I hope so! I think you mean 1,000 yards.

      September 5, 2021 9:03 pm
    • Rick key

      300blk can be used in a 556 upper?
      Use same bcg ?

      June 23, 2021 10:00 am
    • John the Bail Bond Guy

      I already suggested the .50 Beowulf as it's becoming much more popular and if you're going to mention the .224 Valk, then I thought it worth mentioning the Beowulf. I reload my own 300FTX all the way to 500Gr FMJ and it's SUPER fun to shoot. With a tanker brake it's manageable. And in Texas we have the odd T-rex in disguise as a 300 lb feral hog which many calibers need more than one shot to drop. The beo leaves nothing to chance with these behemoths (hogs) running around suburbia and our ranches. I've seen more and more people using the 12.7x42mm round at the range and even one brave soul with a binary trigger on his.

      April 28, 2021 6:28 am
    • Brian J Beard

      Not a single Chey-Tac or Barrett round here. Need to expand this, and correct the CPR's. The .338LM is averaging $4.75 per round.

      October 29, 2020 2:03 pm
    • jason

      Interesting. Good article all in all; when you're bored bring up some variants if you can. I have a 30-30WIN that loads to Norma spec and blows away the 'light' 170gr. 180gr, short ogive, FN, knocks a solid 3/4" in dent in 1/4 hot rolled steel at 100yds. Or, if you like, cuts steel t-posts along the fence in two at 200yds. (if you happen to put the paper target on a steel t-post...) Just saying. Do you want heavy and slow, or fast and flat? Then there's the 50cal black powders. Don't laugh.. there was no IMR in 1776, and a half inch ball still makes a big whack when it hits stuff. Now we have sabot rounds, if you want long range fast n flat.

      And where is the 25-06? A couple inches drop at 500yds, really. Plenty of bang behind it too.

      September 28, 2020 2:30 pm
    • Chris

      Sorry my numbers were incorrect..
      Im paying $ 6.15 per round..

      September 22, 2020 4:46 pm
    • Chris

      The article was great... i want to know where you found .338 lapua for $2.50 a round?? Im paying $11.15 a round..

      September 22, 2020 4:44 pm
    • Elijah

      I like your article and it was very clean and helpful to compare cartridges. I only wish the 300 aac showed its true energy at 1800 J on average (it out paces the 556 slightly but holds it at longer ranges). This round is better for camping for me in the rare case I ever needed to stop an angry/hungry bear compared to the 556. I love the shorter barrel builds for home defense as long as you get a good round that breaks up easier (mostly sups). I just love how you can get a sleek light AR build that you can carry around and have so many versatile rounds to choose from. Great article though!

      July 19, 2020 12:22 am
    • Duane wootton

      A long time friend of mine recently passed away an left me a Modello Carcano Italian military rifle dated 1938 he’d had for over 60 yrs that is a beauty an looks like it’s made of chromium or stainless metals ? I was told it’s a “parade” edition for high ranking officers but besides the above can I shoot the .308 bullet (rounds) safely in this rifle ?

      February 20, 2020 1:05 am
    • Filthy Capitalist

      I'd add 7.5x55, aka 7.5 Swiss. Basically a .308 designed in 1911. Big brother to the first FMJ round ever, 7.5x53.5 Swiss.

      October 8, 2019 1:37 pm
    • Alain Remont

      Eric, yes, 22LR, 223, 30-06 (and 308). But what about the 222, 270, 375 H&H and of course the 458 Lott? All hunting calibres for small to dangerous game.

      August 26, 2019 12:41 am
      • jeff phillips

        222 bee is an awesome prariedog cartridge!

        October 6, 2019 3:30 pm
    • Jim west

      Jim West. John I like your video iam new at this I will watch it why I take it down hope I can put it back . I have watch one video where he used some clean and oil spray let it soak for about 15 min, and wipe it off and put it back . He said that all he has every done. What do you thank about that.?

      August 15, 2019 1:51 am
    • ron

      out of all your research on ammo why no 45/70 or 30/30 ????

      July 7, 2019 3:53 pm
      • David

        I was just thinking the same thing...

        July 14, 2019 10:57 am
    • Russell K. Port

      Nothing was said about the 7MM Magnum or 270 caliber.

      February 24, 2018 11:53 am
    • gecko

      I appreciate your honest replies to inquiries from folks like me.

      February 16, 2018 6:50 pm
    • Keith


      Please double check your numbers on the 3006. Should have more energy than either of the other 30 caliber rounds. Although they are all close, 06 is the strongest in any flavor...

      November 12, 2017 5:09 am
      • Keith

        3006 energy is off by at least 1000j. Should be 3800-4000+

        December 12, 2017 4:56 pm
        • Keith

          Verify and fix your data. A round that helped win two World Wars deserves better. I know that the '06 is old and not trendy, but still one of the best all around North American hunting rounds. I could care less that it is not popular choice in an AR. It is still the benchmark for hunting rounds.

          December 14, 2021 4:00 pm
      • Bullwinkle

        I generally see the bullet's energy expressed in foot pounds, but agree that there are errors.

        April 18, 2018 12:09 pm
    • Matt

      Hi Eric, thx for your presentation on the different calibers! Your info helped me settle on a steal of a deal (w/manuf. rebates and Academy store coupons) for a Savage Arms Axis XP with Weaver 3x9x40 Scope! Your article helped me choose the .308 specifically due to all around accuracy, application, and price per round cost.

      But since I've checked out comparative data on .270 for ages, I couldn't dismiss the .270 very easily..... So, could you pls add three or four more calibers to your data? I think many would appreciate these:
      (1) .270 Win,
      (2) .300 Win Mag,
      (3) 30-30 lever action previously requested,
      (4) 45-70 another common lever action.

      Although I'm no hunter (I didn't have a mentor that showed me how that worked), so I target shoot for fun and knowledge, geek-style. Maybe sometime I'll just put my YouTube research to work, so I would appreciate your wisdom on these added calibers!
      Thx! -Matt

      October 9, 2017 7:26 am
      • Eric Hung

        Hi Matt, glad I could help! Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with those calibers but I'll see who on my writing staff can help.

        October 17, 2017 3:23 pm
    • Harold

      Seems you left out 90% of the rifle calbres. Not much of an information section here without all if them.

      October 1, 2017 5:55 am
      • Eric Hung

        Hi Harold, I probably did...but tried to hit all the common ones most people will see.

        October 2, 2017 2:00 pm
        • Lewis

          .243, .270, 7mm-mag, .300, are very common in my part of the woods.

          June 25, 2018 1:40 pm
    • James Wadkins

      Found some empty brass in some I picked up. Marked R-P, remuc, peters, and h&h. All look about the same and R-P marked 300 mag, h&h marked h&h mag. Know these two can't be as h&h is a tapered case and all look more like 300 weather by cases. What was the 300 mag in R-P cases. Could they all be 300 win magfired in a 300 weatherby?

      September 30, 2017 3:16 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Hi James, sorry but that's out of my knowledge base.

        October 2, 2017 1:59 pm
    • thinkdunson

      wreak havoc, not wreck havoc.

      September 4, 2017 11:34 am
      • Eric Hung

        Thanks for catching that!

        September 6, 2017 1:42 pm
    • Larry Hinkle

      Any thoughts on lever action rifles?

      May 2, 2017 8:24 am
    • MO1021

      Hello Eric,
      Thank you for making it simple. I am looking for information on power and size comparison, pricing and availability of fairly common rounds like the .243, .270 vs. the .223 or 308. I am not much of a hunter anymore but would like a substantial enough self defense round with low recoil that I can also use for frequent target shooting. I now have a Ruger 10/22.

      March 15, 2017 8:23 am
    • Nate

      Hi, I know it's an old round and some class it as redundant, but where does the 30/30 fit in here- I'm curious about its 'energy' and suitability for wild pigs.

      March 5, 2017 9:09 pm
    • Derek

      Shooting Xenomorphs? I died laughing.

      February 11, 2017 4:24 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Lols, thanks Derek.

        February 11, 2017 9:33 pm
    • Eric Hung

      Thanks for catching that!

      January 13, 2017 12:09 am

      7.62x54mmR the R is for Rimmed. You have a typo in your description "(the R actually stands for rimless and not Russian)", should be (the R actually stands for Rimmed and not Russian),

      January 11, 2017 8:17 pm
    • johnathan dorris

      Why, in the size comparison, is the 5.56 after the 7.62, when the 7.62 is bigger?

      November 21, 2016 8:09 am
      • ehung

        Hey Johnathan, great question. I went with height...the 5.56 I had is slightly taller than the 7.62x39mm round. But yes, the 7.62 actual bullet projectile is bigger.

        November 21, 2016 4:53 pm
    • alexander

      Most of it is pretty accurate except the 308 and 30-06 area. I own both and the 30-06 is a good 200-1000 fps and 200-700 ft-lbs of force.

      September 23, 2016 12:43 pm
    • Mike

      You have become my "go to" place for information. Thank you for your efforts

      August 27, 2016 8:31 pm
      • ehung

        Thanks so much Mike...glad I can help out. More to come!

        August 27, 2016 8:49 pm
    • Greg

      Eric, where does a .270 fall in your caliber display? I'm looking into hunting wild hog and the .270 is my largest caliber rife (at the moment) and wondering if I need to purchase a larger caliber for the upcoming hunt?

      August 26, 2016 6:32 am
      • ehung

        Hi Greg, I haven't had personal experience shooting the .270 but I know it's a necked down version of the 30-06 (meaning the top part of the brass is resized smaller to fit smaller diameter bullets). It shoots fast and flat and is especially good for open fields.

        August 27, 2016 9:00 pm
    • Robert Stewart

      I have several cartridges with head stamps LC 89. I don't know what caliber they are and am trying to find out. Any help would be appreciated.

      July 10, 2016 3:30 pm
      • ehung

        Hi Robert, from that I only know that it was Lake City ammo manufactured in '89. I'd bring it in to a gun shop to see or you can get a micrometer and start measuring and try to match it up against SAAMI specs.

        July 12, 2016 2:31 pm
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