The Multi-Target Laser Training System that engages your reflexes as you train. Using a Strikeman laser cartridge in the appropriate caliber, the Strikeman Pro mobile app, and our signature multi-targets, you can harness the power of a challenging and competitive training range in your home—ammo free.
Every target on the sheet has a “signature” which the AI in the app recognizes through subtle color hints and markings. The signatures are also clear to the human eye by number, letter, and color. The mobile app tracks your shot time as well as accuracy in the metrics section.
Essential to Strikeman Pro are 4 Game modes that challenge mind and body plus real-time Compete Mode so two trainees can compete against each other at once. You can also compete against other app users.
· Shot Timer
· Accuracy Detection
· Tracked Metrics Based on Accuracy VS Shot Time
· Save Templates by firearm model or the drill you are performing
· 2 types of Target Sheets: (a) 12 Circular Targets (b) 8 Silhouette Targets.
· Every Target is marked with a unique #, Letter, Color arrangement-
· Requires Strikeman Pro Upgrade within Strikeman iOS/Android mobile app.
4 Game Modes:
1. Target Call Out – The app randomly presents a Letter A through H- and you nail the corresponding target as quickly and accurately as possible- speed and accuracy count.
2. Critical Thinking – The app “tricks you” with Number, Letter, or Color, forcing you to think critically before you fire- speed and accuracy count.
3. Rapid Fire – No shot timer- accuracy counts
4. Free For All – Shot timer optional- accuracy counts.
Add Competition!
Using the multi-targets (12 Circular Sheet or 8 Silhouette Sheet), Strikeman Pro challenges 2 shooters to compete against each other at the same time. Competition fuels improvement during training. Picture you and your partner competing in a holster fire drill in the game mode you like (Note: Critical Thinking is the most challenging). Use this to instruct students, or to compete against friends and family. Competing adds real-world stress and urgency to your training drills.

This tool is great for dry-firing anytime, anywhere. This is such a great and fun way to get more accurate in the comfort of your own home. This product was well made and much larger than I anticipated. The app makes training a breeze, and best of all, saves you tons of time driving to the range and not the mention the cost of ammo. You can purchase this directly at
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