Brian Belko
Brian is a regular contributor on outdoor publications and a self-professed lover of milsurp firearms.
- Pro Staff at Military Hunting and Fishing
- Author
- Wide Open Spaces
- Pew Pew Tactical
- Fisher & hunter
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Is Your Mosin Nagant Worth Money?
7 years ago
The Mosin Nagant is often thought of as a bargain bin milsurp rifle - but some are major collector's items. Is yours worth a lot of money? (Read)
Best Surplus Handguns to Own and Shoot
7 years ago
Surplus handguns are a great way to get a quality, reliable handgun on the cheap. Here are the very best ones that any surplus collector should own. (Read)
10 Great Gun Safes for At-Home and On the Go
7 years ago
Every gun owner is responsible for the secure storage of their firearms. Here are some great gun safes that will keep you, your family, and your guns safe. (Read)