I am many things, a multi-time world and national shooting champion, an experienced shooting instructor, a woman of the outdoors, proud US Army veteran, published author, and two of my most treasured titles, wife and mom. I believe a huge part of my success comes from a desire to have balance in my life. Family is always first and my personal motto in life is work hard, share knowledge and showcase a winning spirit through a blend of kindness, ferocity, and humility.
My website is a conglomeration detailing my experiences traveling the world as a pro shooter and what I use to compete on the range and fill the freezer. From shooting tips, firearm safety, gun rights and the latest in guns and gear to lifestyle posts with food, fashion, and fitness, JulieGolob.com is more than a typical athlete site. I hope you find it both educational and entertaining and let me be your guide to excellence in shooting proficiency and performance!
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Talking to Your Kids About Gun Safety with Julie Golob
6 years ago
Got kids? Got guns? Mom, veteran, hunter, and professional competition shooter Julie Golob gives some life-saving tips about children's firearms education. (Read)