Kat Ainsworth Stevens is an outdoor writer, author, and Field Editor for Range365. She is a contributor for an array of major industry publications including USCCA Concealed Carry Magazine, Outdoor Life, and SHOT Business. Kat is heading into her second decade of concealed carry, has been an avid hunter for decades, and has never met a firearm she didn’t want to run (she also has a penchant for big bores). If it pew-pews, it’s on. Although she is now a full-time outdoor writer her background is eclectic and includes K9 Search-and-Rescue and emergency veterinary medicine.
- K9 Search-and-Rescue
- Author
- USCCA Concealed Carry Magazine
- Outdoor Life
- SHOT Business
- Range365
- Pew Pew Tactical
Get latest articles from Kat Ainsworth Stevens
Best Thermal Scopes [All Budgets]
3 years ago
Looking to own the night? We walk you through a our favorite thermal scopes for your AR-15 or bolt gun to take your hunt to the next level. (Read)
[How-To] Be a Good Guy with a Gun
4 years ago
We've all heard the saying, "good guy with a gun," but what does it take to be one of the good guys? Well, we're going to tell you. Come see! (Read)
Best Lead-Free Ammo for Hunting & Shooting [Guide]
4 years ago
Do you use lead-free ammo on hunts and at the range? Maybe you should. Read up on the benefits and see our list of the best lead-free ammo. (Read)
By the Numbers: Gun Ownership Through the Years
4 years ago
How has gun ownership shifted throughout the decades? We crunched some numbers and analyzed data to offer a look into gun ownership trends. (Read)
[How-To] Stage Guns for Home Defense Safely
4 years ago
Quick access to a firearm can make a big difference in a home defense scenario. So, come read our tips for the best spots to store guns. (Read)
Tips for Concealed Carry and Home-Defense in Winter
4 years ago
Ready to winterize your self-defense plans? Come in out of the cold and check out our best tips for winter concealed carry and home-defense. (Read)
1994 Assault Weapons Ban vs Biden's Gun Ban Plan
4 years ago
How does Biden's assault weapon ban compare to the 1994 version? We dive into his proposed points and what it might mean for gun owners. (Read)
Ballistic Gel: Purpose, Protocol, & Best Ones
4 years ago
How does your ammo really perform? Time to test it with some ballistic gel. We go through the process plus our recommended ones. (Read)
[Review] USCCA Certified Concealed Carry Instructor Course
4 years ago
Want to become a firearms instructor? Read our hands-on review of the USCCA Certified Concealed Carry Instructor Course. (Read)
8 Most Common AR-15 Failures & How To Fix Them
4 years ago
The AR-15 is reliable but can still have some hiccups. We go over a couple of the most common AR-15 failures and how to fix them. (Read)
Suicide and Firearms: Statistics, Signs, & What We Can Do
4 years ago
Suicides and firearms. What are the statistics, signs, and things you can do for yourself or a loved one to keep safe? (Read)
[Guide] How To Shoot a Pistol One Handed: Tips, Tricks, & Drills
4 years ago
You might not always be able to use both hands to shoot your pistol. We go over helpful tips, tricks, and drills to master how to shoot a pistol one handed. (Read)