Kat Ainsworth Stevens is an outdoor writer, author, and Field Editor for Range365. She is a contributor for an array of major industry publications including USCCA Concealed Carry Magazine, Outdoor Life, and SHOT Business. Kat is heading into her second decade of concealed carry, has been an avid hunter for decades, and has never met a firearm she didn’t want to run (she also has a penchant for big bores). If it pew-pews, it’s on. Although she is now a full-time outdoor writer her background is eclectic and includes K9 Search-and-Rescue and emergency veterinary medicine.
- K9 Search-and-Rescue
- Author
- USCCA Concealed Carry Magazine
- Outdoor Life
- SHOT Business
- Range365
- Pew Pew Tactical
Get latest articles from Kat Ainsworth Stevens
Remembering Operation Red Wings: What Happened?
4 years ago
Operation Red Wings is one of the darkest times in SEAL team history and the inspiration behind the movie Lone Survivor. So what exactly happened? (Read)
Hague Convention: Does It Only Allow FMJ vs Hollow Point Ammo?
4 years ago
Can the US armed forced only use full metal jacket (FMJ) ammo instead of hollow points? Does this affect what you should use for self-defense? Answers! (Read)
Top 5 Firearms Instructors (That You Can Still Learn From)
4 years ago
Want to learn shooting from the best? We gather our favorite firearm instructors from all around the US. Now get your learn on! (Read)
De-Escalation & Secondary Measures for Gun Owners
4 years ago
You can't shoot all your problems away. We cover some de-escalation techniques and secondary measures for gun owners and concealed carriers. (Read)
The Ammo Equation: How Much Ammo Do You Really Need?
4 years ago
How much ammo do you really need for each caliber and firearm? We dive into the "ammo equation" and even throw in how many magazines you need for each gun. (Read)
How to Buy a Used Gun [Ultimate Guide]
4 years ago
Want to save some money by buying a used gun? We go over how to choose the right gun to buy, a checklist of things to look over, and where to buy. (Read)
1911 Series 70 vs Series 80: What's the Best?
4 years ago
What's the difference? We go over everything from the safety, bushing, and hammer in the Series 70 and Series 90 1911s to see which is the best for you. (Read)
10 Things New Gun Owners Need to Know
4 years ago
Got a new gun? Here's 10 things you've got to know to stay safe, shoot accurately, and not look like a newbie at the range. (Read)
Kids and Guns 101: Safety, Age, & Recommendations
4 years ago
Want to get your kids into the shooting sports? We go over some essential safety, the right age, and a few gun recommendations perfect for children. (Read)
3 Best Bond Arms Derringers [Hands-On]
5 years ago
Bond Arms is the premier derringer manufacturer but they have a lot of models. We've hands-on shot a bunch of them and these three are our favorites. (Read)
Open Carry vs Concealed Carry [Pros & Cons]
5 years ago
Carry curious? We go deep into the pros & cons of open carry vs concealed carry so you know what's the best for your situation. (Read)
[Review] Kimber K6s: Worth It
5 years ago
Looking for a primary or backup revolver? The Kimber K6s outperforms its price point in our review of its reliability, accuracy, ergonomics, and more. (Read)