Travis Pike is a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. He currently teaches concealed carry courses and enjoys spending time on Florida’s Nature Coast. He is interested in helping folks protect themselves with firearms and shoot better at the range.
- USMC veteran (2nd Bn 2nd Marines for 5 years)
- Deployed to Afghanistan (2009 & 2011)
- Machine Gunner
- Trained with Romanian Army, Spanish Marines, Emirate Marines, & Afghan National Army
- Expert Rifle Badge USMC
- NRA Basic Pistol Instructor
- Concealed Carry Instructor
- Freelance writer
- Gun University
- The National Interest
- AmmoLand
- Truth About Guns
- The Armory Life
- GunMag Warehouse
- Task & Purpose
- Recoil
- Pew Pew Tactical
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Guns of Pop Culture: "Stranger Things" & Hopper's Handguns
2 years ago
"Stranger Things" isn't necessarily a gun-filled action adventure, but it's got its fair share of firearms and we take a look at the guns of Hopper. (Read)
Best New Rifles of 2022 (That Aren't All ARs)
2 years ago
We take a look at some of the best new rifles to come out of 2022...and they aren't all AR-15s! Come see what we've got. (Read)
12 Guns of Christmas: Best Guns for Gifting this Holiday Season
2 years ago
We put together a shopping list to help your loved ones have the most fun at the range this holiday season with some fun guns that are sure to please! (Read)
What Happened to the Winchester Model 1911 SL?
2 years ago
We take a look at the Winchester Model 1911 SL, also known as the Widowmaker. How did this gun earn that name and what happened to it? (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: "Eraser" & The Rocky Mountain Arms Stakeout
2 years ago
We take a look at "Eraser" -- an Arnold Schwarzenegger film where he wields the Rocky Mountain Arms Stakeout. (Read)
8 Best Light-Bearing Holsters for Concealed Carry
2 years ago
Pistol lights are all the rage, but how do you carry light-equipped guns? With light-bearing holsters, of course! Come get our top recommendations! (Read)
What Happened to the HK XM8?
2 years ago
HK's XM8 popped up in movies, TV shows, and video games and was often seen as the elite super-soldier's what happened to it? (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: "The Dirty Dozen" & the M3 Grease Gun
2 years ago
The Dirty Dozen is a fun WWII movie featuring an awesome ensemble cast with a ton of veterans of WWII on tap and the unique M3 Grease Gun. (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: McClane, Riggs, & the Beretta 92F
2 years ago
The Beretta was a standout in a lot of 80s action flicks -- most notably, "Lethal Weapon" and "Die Hard." Come learn more about this action-packed pistol... (Read)
Colt CAR-15 Models Explained: More Than a Carbine
2 years ago
When you think of the CAR-15, you probably see a carbine but what if we told you the CAR-15 is more than just a carbine; it's an entire family of firearms. (Read)
What Happened to the Benelli B76?
2 years ago
In 1976, Benelli produced a very interesting handgun, the B76. We take a look at this inertia driven handgun and find out what happened to it... (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: Ithaca 37 Stakeout and "Aliens"
2 years ago
We look at the classic sci-fi flick "Aliens" and the custom Ithaca 37 wielded by Corporal Hicks in the film. (Read)