Travis Pike is a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. He currently teaches concealed carry courses and enjoys spending time on Florida’s Nature Coast. He is interested in helping folks protect themselves with firearms and shoot better at the range.
- USMC veteran (2nd Bn 2nd Marines for 5 years)
- Deployed to Afghanistan (2009 & 2011)
- Machine Gunner
- Trained with Romanian Army, Spanish Marines, Emirate Marines, & Afghan National Army
- Expert Rifle Badge USMC
- NRA Basic Pistol Instructor
- Concealed Carry Instructor
- Freelance writer
- Gun University
- The National Interest
- AmmoLand
- Truth About Guns
- The Armory Life
- GunMag Warehouse
- Task & Purpose
- Recoil
- Pew Pew Tactical
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Guns of Pop Culture: Model 19 & The Last Boy Scout
2 years ago
In this Guns of Pop Culture, we take a look at an underrated Bruce Willis, Damon Wayans flick, and the role the Smith & Wesson Model 19 played. (Read)
8 Things Video Games Always Get Wrong About Guns...
2 years ago
We love video games and guns around here...but video games often miss the mark on gun stuff. Read up on what we think video games mess up every time. (Read)
What Happened to the Glock 25 & Glock 28?
2 years ago
We take a look at what happened to the Glock 25 and 28 to see why these models have largely been lost in obscurity... (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: "No Country for Old Men" & the Remington 11-87
2 years ago
In this Guns of Pop Culture, we take a look at the Remington 11-87 that makes a grand appearance in the film "No Country for Old Men." (Read)
Ruger LCR Review: Best 9mm CCW Revolver?
2 years ago
We take a look at Ruger's LCR in 9mm to see if this revolver fits the bill for concealed carry. Come read up on specs, features, and a range report. (Read)
What Happened to the Remington R51?
2 years ago
Remington jumped into the single-stack 9mm craze in the mid-2000s with the R51...but what happened to this concealable handgun? Come find out... (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: "Minority Report" & the Beretta 9000S
2 years ago
We take a look at "Minority Report" and the Beretta 9000S Tom Cruise uses in the film as he goes on the run. (Read)
Polymer80 PFC9 Review: Better Than the Glock 19?
2 years ago
We take a look at Polymer80's PFC9 -- a Glock 19 clone -- to see if it's better than the G19 and worth your attention... (Read)
6 Best Tactical Pistols [Hands-On Tested]
2 years ago
We take a look at tactical pistols, define what they are, and share some of our favorites...from striker-fired pistols to revolvers. (Read)
What Happened to Boberg Arms?
2 years ago
We examine the Boberg Arms series of pistols to see how this unique design came about and, ultimately, what happened to it... (Read)
Mantis Laser Academy Training System Review: Best Dry Fire Add-On?
2 years ago
Face it, dry fire training is boring but can the Mantis Laser Academy Training System kick things up a notch? We test it out to see... (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: "Snatch" & the Desert Eagle
2 years ago
In this Guns of Pop Culture, we look at Guy Ritchie's film "Snatch" and the Desert Eagle used by Bullet Tooth Tony. (Read)