Travis Pike is a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. He currently teaches concealed carry courses and enjoys spending time on Florida’s Nature Coast. He is interested in helping folks protect themselves with firearms and shoot better at the range.
- USMC veteran (2nd Bn 2nd Marines for 5 years)
- Deployed to Afghanistan (2009 & 2011)
- Machine Gunner
- Trained with Romanian Army, Spanish Marines, Emirate Marines, & Afghan National Army
- Expert Rifle Badge USMC
- NRA Basic Pistol Instructor
- Concealed Carry Instructor
- Freelance writer
- Gun University
- The National Interest
- AmmoLand
- Truth About Guns
- The Armory Life
- GunMag Warehouse
- Task & Purpose
- Recoil
- Pew Pew Tactical
Get latest articles from Travis Pike
Shotgun Patterning 101: Getting Your Shotgun Ready for Home or the Field
1 year ago
Knowing your shotgun's patterning is the most important thing you can do with a shotgun. So we give you the tips and tricks to get it done! (Read)
LPVOs: 5 Reasons Why Your Rifle Might Need Something Else
1 year ago
A good LPVO can be an awesome tool for your rifle...that said, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. So, let's explore the downsides to LPVOs. (Read)
Road to the M1911: What Led to the 1911?
1 year ago
We take a look at the pistol designs that paved the way for Browning's successful M1911 design. Come get your learn on! (Read)
5 Surprising Products Made By Your Fave Gun Companies
1 year ago
We take a tour of some interesting products made by gun companies that aren't guns -- from motorcycles to lawnmowers, come see what we dug up! (Read)
Best Rifle Slings: AR-15, AK-47 & More [Hands-On Tested]
1 year ago
We take a look at our favorite rifle slings for AR-15s, AK-47s, lever-actions, and even hunting rifles. Come see what made the cut. (Read)
How Much Do Guns Cost?
1 year ago
In this article we cover how much guns actually cost. We break it down by types of firearm and various price tiers for each type. (Read)
Can VR Train New Gun Owners?
1 year ago
We take a look at whether virtual reality games are a valid way to train and learn new skills outside the gun range. (Read)
What Is M.A.R.C.H. & Why Should Gun Owners Know It?
1 year ago
We cover what the M.A.R.C.H. medical acronym means, how it differs from the ABCs, and the importance of first aid training. (Read)
Beretta 21A Bobcat Review: Best Micro Pistol?
1 year ago
We take a look at the Beretta 21A Bobcat -- its specs and features, what makes it unique, and how it stacks up against modern pocket pistols. (Read)
Best 10mm Rifles & Subguns
1 year ago
We run through some fun 10mm rifles and subguns sure to make your range days complete. Come see what made the cut! (Read)
Best AR-15 Barrel Lengths [Guide]
1 year ago
In this article, we cover all the info you need to choose the right barrel length for your favorite AR-15 build. (Read)
Best Laser Training Apps: Improve Your Dry Fire Training
1 year ago
We hands-on tested laser dryfire training apps to determine which ones are worth downloading to your phone to train. (Read)