Travis Pike is a lifelong shooter who just happened to be mediocre enough with a gun and a keyboard to combine the two and write. He currently teaches concealed carry courses and enjoys spending time on Florida’s Nature Coast. He is interested in helping folks protect themselves with firearms and shoot better at the range.
- USMC veteran (2nd Bn 2nd Marines for 5 years)
- Deployed to Afghanistan (2009 & 2011)
- Machine Gunner
- Trained with Romanian Army, Spanish Marines, Emirate Marines, & Afghan National Army
- Expert Rifle Badge USMC
- NRA Basic Pistol Instructor
- Concealed Carry Instructor
- Freelance writer
- Gun University
- The National Interest
- AmmoLand
- Truth About Guns
- The Armory Life
- GunMag Warehouse
- Task & Purpose
- Recoil
- Pew Pew Tactical
Get latest articles from Travis Pike
Best Budget Weapon Lights [Pistol, Rifle & Shotgun]
1 year ago
Want a light for your gun for home defense or carry but don't want to spend a ton of money? We've got some recommendations for affordable weapon lights! (Read)
History of Combat Shotguns: Military Shotguns Through the Ages
1 year ago
We deep dive into the history behind combat shotguns...where they came from and what battles they served in. (Read)
Primary Arms Classic Series Mini Review: Best Budget Mini Red Dot?
1 year ago
Primary Arms' Classic Series Mini Red Dot promises a budget-friendly mini optic for your pistol, but does it deliver? We hands-on review it to find out. (Read)
7 Best Takedown Guns for Backpacking & Survival
2 years ago
Takedown guns are perfect for hikers, campers, and survivalists since these guns break down and easily stow away in a backpack. (Read)
Kalashnikov Concern: History Behind the AK Brand
2 years ago
We take a look at the iconic Kalashnikov Concern and how this Russian conglomerate kicked off the AK fervor. (Read)
5 Best Retro AR Rifles & Why You Need One
2 years ago
Retro is cool again and we've got the lowdown on the best retro AR-style rifles on the market. Come see which AR models we picked! (Read)
Best Drum Magazines [AR, AK, PCC, & Pistol]
2 years ago
Are drum mags practical? Not really. Are they fun? Yes! So we're running through some of our favorite drum magazines for ARs, AKs, pistols & PCCs! (Read)
The Future Is Now: Sci-Fi Worthy Guns & Gadgets
2 years ago
We take a look into the future...the future of guns (and gear) by running through some of the newest and most sci-fi worthy guns and gadgets! (Read)
Best .40 S&W Handguns
2 years ago
Want something with a bit more oomph? We got you! Take a look at some of our favorite .40 caliber handguns. (Read)
The Difference Between the Sig Sauer P320, M17 & M18
2 years ago
How does the Sig Sauer P320 differ from the M17 and M18 military versions? We deep dive into these pistols to see what features are different. (Read)
Best .300 Blackout AR Pistols & Rifles
2 years ago
The .300 Blackout round was designed with short barrels in mind. So, let's take a look at some of the best .300 BLK guns -- AR pistols and rifles. (Read)
7 Reasons to Ditch Subcompacts & Carry Full Size
2 years ago
Sure, subcompacts and micro compacts are all the rage, but have you tried a full-sized handgun? We walk you through why carrying a big gun might be better. (Read)