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5 Best Backup Guns: When All Else Fails

The Mossberg MC1SC has been pretty reliable but has some noticeable ammo preferences like its apparent love for Inceptor 9mm.
What happens when your main sidearm goes down? Do you have a belly gun for a last ditch effort? We review a few of our favorite backup guns for EDC.
We review products independently. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission to help support our testing. Learn more.

    We don’t get to choose the time and place that we’ll face an emergency.

    That’s why an EDC gun is carried every day.

    But no matter how much you’ve trained with, cared for, or tested your EDC — sometimes everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. That is why you might want to have a Back-Up Gun.

    Sig Sauer Women's Concealed Carry

    We’ll take a look at some of the best and most popular of the Back-Up Guns on the market right now.

    These are small guns that can be used for EDC also, but due to their ultra-compact size make a great back-up also.


    1. Ole Reliable

      Glock 26

    What’s a Backup Gun (BUG)?

    Before we dive into the best options, lets quickly define what it is we’re looking for.

    A back-up gun is exactly what the name implies, a plan B for when plan A fails in a critical moment. Because this is going to be carried in a second choice manner, such as a pocket, purse, ankle, etc. it needs to be small and light, but still useful.

    This automatically rules out anything like a derringer (not useful) or a Sig 226 (not small). This mostly leaves guns in the “compact” or “sub-compact” categories.

    With that in mind, these are the best options I’ve personally tested!

    Best Backup Guns

    1. Glock 26/27

    Making a Glock the opening salvo is perfect.

    When people think of BUGs their minds frequently wander to tiny snubby revolvers, derringers, and mouse guns. Guess what, BUGs don’t have to be wholly unrealistic or entirely painful to shoot!

    glock 26 vs 19
    The much smaller 26 on the left is a good bit more concealable than the 19 on the right….but also comes with fewer rounds on tap, and is a bit harder to shoot accurately.

    Glock manufactures a number of pistols that fit the bill as backups.  The 26 and 27 are 9mm and .40 Smith & Wesson models, respectively, in the expected Glock double-stack.

    It’s true they have a bit more heft than many BUGs; both pistols are 1.26-inches wide but the 26 weighs 21.52 ounces empty while the 27 weighs 21.43 ounces empty.

    If you’re wondering why the 29 isn’t being included – and hey, I have one – it’s because at 1.38-inches wide and 26.81 ounces empty it crosses the admittedly blurry line between backup and daily carry size.

    Could it be a backup for you?


    It’s a fantastic gun.

    What’s your take on the 26?

    Readers’ Ratings

    4.98/5 (1710)

    Your Rating?

    2. Remington RM380 Executive

    Moving on to smaller-caliber pistols we have the Remington RM380 Executive (or just the RM380 itself since the Executive is Big Green’s newest version).

    It’s chambered in .380 ACP.

    Popular Pistol Calibers
    Popular Pistol Calibers

    Those of you who know me know I have a certain lack of excitement over .380 ACP but that doesn’t mean you should discount it entirely. Cue collective gasp.

    Remington RM380 Executive
    Remington’s RM380 Executive is a DAO pistol in .380 ACP and a good choice for a pocket pistol for a lot gun owners out there.

    Again, this is not your EDC. This gun backs up your EDC. It’s also a gun I have used as my own BUG. The RM380 is a hammer-fired gun with a 6-round capacity and diminutive size.

    It has a 2.75-inch barrel, an overall width of 0.95-inches, and an empty weight I cannot recall other than to say it’s light.

    This is a pistol you can conceal, a pistol you could carry in an ankle holster without excessive bulk or imbalance. You could pocket carry it if such methods appeal to you and there are, in fact, pocket holsters made for it.

    Perhaps the thing that recommends the RM380 most for use as a BUG is also its biggest downfall: the trigger. The gun doesn’t have an external thumb safety but it does have one heck of a DAO trigger.

    Trigger pull is right around ten pounds and it’s long. It just might be the longest trigger pull I’ve ever felt.

    I know how that sounds antithetical to what is normally recommended, but in this case, we can make an exception.

    Because the trigger is so long and heavy, it is very close to impossible to negligently/accidentally pull it.

    With some practice, you can learn to run the trigger more smoothly but as with many tiny pistols, it does tend to be a challenge.

    I’m well aware of the propensity for people to chuck their loose pistol in their pocket or get sloppy in general and although I really don’t recommend doing that, the RM380 trigger does make it a safer option.

    Double Action .380 ACP
    at Palmetto State Armory

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    It’s also ridiculously reliable and has eaten every load I’ve ever fed it. As with the majority of .380 ACPs its most accurate range is up-close-and-personal but that is okay in this case.

    3. Ruger LCP II

    Another .380 ACP, this one a slightly different design. The Ruger LCP II is the company’s updated version of the old LCP and it is a stellar improvement over the original. Out with the old, in with the new(er).

    Sinterfire .380 ACP 75 grain HP Frangibles and a Ruger LCP II. If you like .380 ACP you really should check out Sinterfire’s frangibles
    Sinterfire .380 ACP 75 grain HP Frangibles and a Ruger LCP II. If you like .380 ACP you really should check out Sinterfire’s frangibles

    The LCP II has a 6-round capacity, a 2.75-inch barrel, a width of 0.75-inches, and an empty weight also unlisted and no I don’t remember this one either. But it’s light, they’re single-stack pocket pistols.

    This gun doesn’t have an external thumb safety, either. Instead, its sear requires significant engagement and spring tension and there’s a hammer catch to stop the hammer from striking the firing pin unintentionally.

    Ruger LCP II
    Ruger LCP II

    The slide racks smoothly, the grip is nicely textured, and it’s reliable. It does have fairly significant muzzle rise, but that is expected due to the size of the gun and can be trained for.

    The LCP II’s greatest feature is also its potential downfall, like the RM380 only in reverse. You’ll find this trigger a pleasant surprise compared to the original LCP trigger.

    It’s lighter, crisper, and does make it easier to land more accurate follow-up shots, faster. Because of that, the trigger guard must be protected – as it should be anyway – meaning your soft, unprotected ankle holsters are also no bueno.

    Again, I am familiar with the penchant of people to treat pocket pistols like a fistful of keys and toss them in their pockets. This is not the gun for you all.

    Pocket Perfect
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Otherwise, this is a solid little pistol for fans of .380 ACP and deep concealment. Ruger did a good job enhancing it over the original. 

    Check out our list of other nice .380 ACP Pocket Rockets.

    4. Mossberg MC1SC

    A newcomer to the field of sub-compacts: the Mossberg MC1SC.

    This takes us back to 9mm BUGs meaning you’re back in the land of the FBI’s current golden child caliber.

    It also marks the first Mossberg pistol since their early days. So no, this is not the first Mossberg handgun to ever exist, just the first in a good long while.

    The Mossberg MC1SC has been pretty reliable but has some noticeable ammo preferences like its apparent love for Inceptor 9mm.

    The Mossberg MC1SC has a 6-round capacity with a standard, flush-fit magazine. It has a 3.4-inch barrel, an overall length of 6.25-inches, and an empty weight of 19 ounces. The standard model ships with white three-dot sights but it is also offered with TRUGLO Tritium PRO sights.

    Aesthetically it’s one of the better-looking subcompacts on the market. Performance-wise it’s a relatively accurate pistol. How comfortable it is to grip is going to depend on your hands and preferences. It’s offered with or without a cross-bolt safety.

    What makes this gun unique is the Mossberg Safe Takedown System, a way the company devised for owners to remove the striker assembly prior to takedown. This means no pulling the trigger to field strip your gun.

    The bright orange housing for the system is visible once you remove the slide plate and the assembly slides right out the back of the gun. Then you can disassemble the gun to clean or whatever it is you’re working on.

    Before you ask no, I cannot answer yet whether this will prove to be a weak point in the gun’s design. So far there have been no reports of issues and the gun I have is fine.

    This one’s understandably popular partly because it’s a Mossberg handgun and because it’s a subcompact 9mm. Mossberg might have been a tiny bit late to the tiny-9mm market but they seem to have done well with the MC1SC. 

    5. Sig Sauer P365

    It wouldn’t be a current BUG list without a SIG P365. Here we have a 9mm with a 10-round capacity, making it pretty unique among slim pocket pistols.

    Despite its greater capacity, it’s still only 1.0-inches wide.

    P365 Upgrades The Whole Lot
    P365 Upgrades The Whole Lot

    Other measurements are its 3.1-inch barrel, overall length of 5.8-inches, and empty weight of 17.8 ounces (we know you were wondering). It’s a striker-fired gun available with or without a thumb safety.

    This is the part where things get trickier. The P365 did experience some growing pains but it appears the current generation of the pistol is performing well.

    It has a lot of fans out there and understandably so. The SIG name gives it some of that popularity but it’s that increased capacity so many people really love.

    Crowd Favorite
    at GrabAGun

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    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    What’s not to love about 10 rounds of 9mm in a skinny subcompact! As for accuracy, in my hands it’s neck-and-neck with the MC1SC. YMMV.

    It’s worth mentioning SIG recently came out with the P365 SAS. This is a super-streamlined version of the 365 that might prove much more useful as a back-up gun if you’re looking to draw from the pocket.

    at Guns.com

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    Prices accurate at time of writing

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    Honorable Mention

    There’s bound to be some that are missing in this article.

    If you’ve got to go revolver…the tried and true backup gun is the S&W 642 Airweight.

    Smith and Wesson 642 (5)
    S&W 642 Airweight

    Though not our favorite (we rate it a 3/5)…it does the job for many EDC-ers and law enforcement officers.

    Best Bang-For-Buck CCW Revolver
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Full review here where we go over all the pros and cons.


    Here’s the deal with BUGs: they should meet the same requirements your EDC does. That means they’ve got to be reliable, accurate, and concealable.

    Any and all truly diminutive guns are a little less pleasant to shoot than full-sized models but some are definitely better – or worse than others. For example, I cannot in good conscience recommend a snubby Airweight.

    How you carry it is not unlike choosing how to carry your EDC in that it depends on your body, your needs, and your personal preferences. 

    Then there’s training. You need to train with your backup. It might not be as fun as training with your larger EDC but it is important.

    What good is your oh-crap gun if you find out you can’t hit the broad side of a barn with it, let alone a bad guy? What good is it if you neglect its care to the point it fails at the moment you need it most?

    Train with it. Maintain it.

    Do you carry a BUG? What is it? Or if you don’t, why not? If you’re looking for a proper EDC CCW, take a look at the Best Concealed Carry Guns and then our Best Concealed Carry Holsters to complete it.

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    54 Leave a Reply

    • Cal E.

      Yeah, I carry that GLOCK 29, but not as a backup!

      October 25, 2024 12:31 am
    • Jim Finley

      It's illegal in my state to carry more than one handgun at a time, unfortunately. If I could carry two, the BUG would be my Glock 30 in .45 ACP.

      October 24, 2024 10:58 pm
    • Tim Woodruff

      I carry a ruger max and a Kimber .357

      August 13, 2023 8:25 pm
    • Art

      The choice of a back up gun for me has landed squarely upon the Kel-Tec P3AT. Very light and small. Is it the greatest? Maybe not - but it 's good enough for several larger manufactures to essentially copy. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! How light is it? Around seven ounces. Is it painful to shoot? Somewhat - but are you really going to notice when you are fighting for your life? I have also carried the P32 - the same firearm in .32 acp. Why .32? The stopping percentages are very close (a few percentage points less than the .380 in actual shootings) AND you get one more round!
      I have also carried an AMT Back Up .45. Like having a flat .45 revolver. A DA gun with a five round mag. Carries in your pocket like a brick. It really is not that terrible to shoot tho. I have carried an ASP 9mm. A cut down model 39 Smith &Wesson. Kind of a first effort at a compact 9.
      I have truly welcomed the compact/subcompact evolution! There are a tremendous number of choices available to us now. For a serious BUG, I am currently debating between the Glock 43 and the S&W shield 9mm. I have purchased both and while the Glock feels really great, it has the typical Glock characteristics. The grip angle is goofy. (I have a 19 which I have carried on and off for years - just have to readjust a bit when I decide to carry that or one of my other Glocks) It has a rather vague trigger(another Glock "thing") and a fat, but small capacity six round mag. Can't beat the reliability tho. The S&W has a very nice trigger for a compact. It also comes with both a seven AND eight round mag. Have not shot the bejesus out of them yet to see which I will choose.
      I have tried several other different BU guns including Taurus G2/3 S & C models(don't scoff - they are reliable, easy to shoot and inexpensive!) Kel-Tec P-11 & P40 - the original "hi-cap" pocket pistol, Charter arms undercover revolver, S&W 642, 36 & 37, Taurus 85 ch, Colt Agent & Cobra six shot revolvers, Colt Mustang (carried that for a couple of years) a Beretta model 21A and even a freedom arms mini revolver! In.22 mag! Just for grins, I have a Charter Arms in .32 H&R mag coming. Six rounds instead of five in a reasonably powerful cartridge - that is, if you can find/afford ammo. It may be something that is more pleasant to shoot for those who are sensitive to recoil.
      Just a few parting thoughts;
      - Caliber does not matter as much as shot placement (although I do like 10mm!)
      - The first rule of being a gunfighter is to have a gun!
      - Murphy lives in combat environments - have a BUG!
      ( I can't take credit for these statements - but I can vouch for their validity!)


      October 4, 2022 9:55 pm
    • Cain

      If we are assuming my primary semi auto is going to fail after never once having a failure, then im not going to rely on another semi auto, my back up would be a snubbing revolver. Partially because the failure rate is almost nonexistent, and they can be pretty thin and small if you have a smaller caliber, and by the time I realize my primary has failed and I need to pull out a secondary, they are going to be on top of me and I can't trust a semi auto in that situation like I can a revolver.

      May 22, 2022 6:05 pm
    • Sean

      Kahr CW380

      March 27, 2022 5:45 pm
    • Evan

      I carry my sig 365XL for EDC - (12 or 15 rounds of 9mm) - I guess it could be a BUG (according to this article) for my Sig M-18 (17 or 21 - 9mm's), or my 226 (13 rounds of .357 Sig - or .40 S&W - with a couple extra mags)... but I like smaller packages and the 365 XL is my EDC (with one 12 round spare mag).
      but fear not - I have the Glock 27 for my BUG - (9 rounds of .40 S&W), which, on occasion is my EDC but it's a fat little tool, as are the spare mags. The G-27 is a pleasure to shoot too, and the .40 S&W felt recoil is no worse than 9mm's (surprising for such a compact package).
      but I only carry one gun at a time - unless I expect trouble, then I'll carry one of my bigger boys with plenty of extra mags... and my EDC.

      February 10, 2022 6:55 pm
    • Craig DeMouy

      You missed the star of BUGs the Kahr CM9.

      November 14, 2021 4:15 pm
    • Mikial

      A well written article and a good topic. I completely agree that the lightweight pocket guns are terrible choices as I have seen demonstrated through several situations where people I knew first hand never practiced with their tiny air weights because it hurt too much to shoot them. In one case, a woman who carried a tiny, lightweight gun that hurt her so much to shoot didn't even have enough confidence in it to draw it when her ex ran her off the road one night. Beyond that, for me anyway, my BUG should be the same caliber as my EDC. Consequently, I wouldn't carry a 9mm EDC and a .380 BUG, especially since there are plenty of 9mm BUGs that aren't much bigger than a .380.

      July 4, 2021 6:06 pm
    • Jack hammer

      Another tired "glock" article.. Besides the sig I wouldn't want any of these guns.. Massive pile of subjective reasoning

      March 30, 2021 4:26 pm
      • Mikial

        Because Glocks are such terrible guns that virtually no one uses them or actually carries one for EDC or as a BUG . . . right?

        July 4, 2021 6:09 pm
        • Robert Guernsey Jr

          What? Lol, I know you’re kidding…
          I have the 19 and my ccw is the 43. I love them both. Haven’t gotten a BUG yet…

          October 31, 2021 6:47 pm
    • HDrider3089

      I still like my old model 380 LCP. I can hit my target at 20 feet and it always goes bang.

      February 1, 2021 4:06 pm
    • Fyrfytr998

      While I currently own the G26, seems like the P365 is the new darling of small EDC guns now that they’ve ironed out the kinks.

      June 1, 2020 5:16 pm
    • Hagan

      My EDC/BUG: Colt Defender. Big 45, hole as many as these guns, incredibly dependable and accurate. Highly recommend

      May 5, 2020 8:09 pm
    • Beerdy

      Ran a test with my Mossberg MC1 this weekend with some different ammo. It liked everything except the cheap range reloads.

      January 21, 2020 8:16 am
    • Vulcan

      The Taurus G2c 9MM, (got my dark purple and stainless slide for $185 delivered to my FFL), NATO pressure capable, internal polished stainless upgrades available cheap, dayglo sights for $30, is a near hit out of the park and super well reviewed everywhere, many color combo's, magazine pinkie extensions for man size hands (love them), and holds 12+1 in a near Shield 9MM size - and I have both, ...it's a winner! TEGE paddle OWB holster with finger release a must have and cheap from the Zon. And these are on sale for sub $200 often, and $215 anytime. Better warranty than some, these days too.

      Go to YouTube and watch the reviews and if you aren't BIll Gates and have a budget that doesn't allow yachts and trips to Monoco -- BUT want a true success and proven gun, the Taurus G2c would be an easy choice. Eats whatever ammo you stick in it, and not picky.

      January 9, 2020 8:58 pm
    • MikeT

      Why isn't the Kahr PM/CM9 considered? It's the best of both worlds. Long pull DA trigger that's as smooth as can be and it's striker fired. It's small, light, accurate, and very reliable. I've carried all the ones you mentioned and have gone back to a Kahr because it's a solid choice that still surpasses all the ones you mentioned.

      January 1, 2020 6:55 pm
      • Dave

        Because the trigger pull is so long that it prohibits it from being used Effectively for self defense, I sold my cm9 and bought a vintage 1979 super mag 80#s @28 that draws 93#s at my 31 inch draw And I can put 8 arrows into my block target at half the time I can empty 7+1 out of that smooth longggggg trigger pull!

        August 25, 2020 9:19 pm
    • Don

      Missed the Ruger LCP in .327 Federal Magnum. 6 rounds instead of 5, shoots from a purse or coat pocket...repeatedly, if necessary, and with power close to a .357 Magnum. Hell of a BUG.

      January 1, 2020 6:21 pm
      • Fyrfytr998

        You meaning the LCR?

        June 1, 2020 5:01 pm
      • LazrBeam

        I think you meant the Ruger LCR or LCRx. Just sayin’.

        July 21, 2024 10:08 pm
    • Clark

      9MM, 380, and 45ACP are primary gun calibers. 22, 25, 32 are backup gun calibers. None of the guns mentioned are sub-calibers. The guns mentioned are the same guns recommended in their concealed carry article. 32acp will blow their brains out just like a 9MM. Please mention the Beretta Tomcat/Bobcat and other guns that are actually last ditch survival tools.

      December 31, 2019 10:55 pm
    • Bo

      Clark, As the great Col Jeff Cooper once said If you choose to carry a .25 cal gun please don't shoot anyone with it as it might make them mad and there is a possibility they will do you great bodily harm.

      December 31, 2019 9:34 am
      • Clark

        More people are killed with 22lr than any other caliber. If you are not worried about 25 cal, can I shoot you with it?

        December 31, 2019 10:48 pm
        • Don

          I agree that the .22 can be just as deadly as larger calibers, but still prefer to carry a larger caliber whenever possible. If I can carry a BUG that is the same caliber as my primary firearm, so much the better. In the case of the Glock 26 or 27 as a BUG, not only will it use the same rounds as the primary, it will use the same magazines, giving these BUGs considerable capability for round capacity. If you think that .22 or .25 are the best options for self defense, you disagree with every police, military, and self defense organization in existence, Yes, I don't want to get shot by a .22, but I can say that about a pump pellet rifle as well, but I don't choose to use one of those over a .223 Remington. You completely miss the point: .22, .25, and .32 USED TO BE the backup calibers; now, with small guns in .380 and up, you have much better choices in BUG calibers.

          January 1, 2020 6:29 pm
          • Clark

            Sub calibers are so many people's primary carry caliber because they are small enough to carry anywhere. "the best gun is the one you have with you". If you want to carry two 15+rd 9MM handguns everywhere go ahead, but I doubt you will be having very much fun. A BUG should not even be noticeable until you need it. Any headshot is going to incapacitate the threat. Comparing a 5 grain 350fps BB pellet to a 55 grain 3350fps .223 Remington is just silly.

            January 1, 2020 11:04 pm
          • Bo

            Thank you Don. You are the voice of reason. Common sense is a flower that doesn't grow in everyone's garden.

            January 6, 2020 12:33 am
    • John Van Hollebeke

      What about the Browning 1911 380? Have you tried that one??

      December 30, 2019 11:42 am

      Kimber micro 9
      Height (inches) 90° to barrel: 4.07
      Weight (ounces) with empty magazine: 15.6

      December 30, 2019 10:14 am
    • Michael

      I can't imagine carrying my 27 with a full mag in an ankle holster, but very thankful to my dad for gifting me the RM380 this fall. After watching the church shooting in TX this weekend, I think I will start making room in my pocket for this one. 27 btw is my edc., swapping out with TT-30.

      December 30, 2019 8:20 am
    • Tom Jamison

      What about the new Springfield Hellcat? To new to add?

      December 30, 2019 7:13 am
      • Clark

        This is a primary carry gun. Just because it is sub-compact does not mean you want to carry it in your pocket or on your ankle.

        December 31, 2019 10:51 pm
    • Robin Lee Compton Sr.

      Thank you Kat for the information here... RLC

      December 30, 2019 5:25 am
    • Richard

      Sig 938, Hellcat, any 38 or 327 wheel gun... The list goes on and on...

      December 30, 2019 4:00 am
    • Sgt Jim

      The .38+p S&W snubby is my choice for a second gun. I don’t go to it because my high capacity auto is empty, I carry spare mags to reload. I go to it if god forbid I’m knocked to the ground or for some reason I can’t get to my edc or it’s dislodged from me. I can jam the snubby into the persons gut, chest, face or whatever I can and pump 5 fairly powerful +P rounds in. A semi automatic backup is a one shot pistol if jammed into a person. Also, I can use the snubby as an impact weapon. It’s all metal and will still fire if I do so. Hi cap semi as main, some type of snubby as a backup save your life gun.

      December 29, 2019 7:39 pm
      • D Dillon

        Yep totally agree 38 stubby with no hammer is way to go for backup. If going for backup aggressor is on you. Any auto is not the way to go.

        January 1, 2020 8:06 pm
      • Clark

        Standoff is a great consideration, i'll be keeping my eye out for a S&W lightweight

        January 1, 2020 11:05 pm
      • b. obrien

        642... just pull the trigger. live another day

        July 11, 2021 5:15 pm
    • Michael Carroll

      How about the new Springfield Hellcat, I love mine.

      December 29, 2019 7:04 pm
    • Mark West

      No consideration for Ruger's LC9 or EC9? My LC9s has a better trigger than my Sig365 out of the box.

      December 29, 2019 6:52 pm
      • Jose Del Valle

        Mark you are right , I do Carry a Ruger ec9 , nice and very reliable pistol for edc , just love it

        December 29, 2019 10:50 pm
    • Clayton

      Glock makes a fine pistol....the 43 is one of them, BUT the trigger is the absolute worst trigger of anything I own. Very heavy, crunchy, hard to shoot accurately. Shouldn't have to start changing parts to get a decent trigger on any gun.

      December 29, 2019 6:36 pm
    • Frank

      Sorry, Kat. Sig P238 Legion can now be had at the same price points as your rubber guns above. No comparison for ruggedness, heft, recoil control and shootability.

      December 29, 2019 5:43 pm
      • Daim


        December 29, 2019 11:13 pm
    • Gary

      Kahr P9. 7+1 9mm rounds, .9" wide, 5.8" long, 16.9 ounces with the magazine in it. Easy, comfortable shooter and very accurate, strong or weak handed. I have never had anywhere close to a burp with this one. Absolutely trust my life to it.

      December 29, 2019 5:05 pm
    • Bruce

      Diamondback DB9 for me. 7+1, 9mm, no safety

      December 29, 2019 4:34 pm
    • Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

      .455 Webley, 2-in barrel, bobbed hammer, cutaway trigger guard. You can shoot it from inside your pocket without jamming.

      December 29, 2019 4:32 pm
    • LazrBeam

      Roger that on the RM380. Mine goes everywhere with me in a Sticky holster in my right front pocket. On many occasions I’ve got a G19 or P365 OWB as well.

      December 29, 2019 4:28 pm
      • LazrBeam

        Oooops, I forgot, or a Ruger LCR in .327 Fed Mag OWB.

        December 29, 2019 4:30 pm
    • Ronald Hunter

      As I speak a Kel Tec P11 with belt clip is attached to my boot. I just left a movie theater and it went with me. I have the 12 round mag in it. It is usually my truck gun, but is also my jeep gun a nd my sedan and coupe gun. I have 4. They never fail to fire or eject a soent round. Heavy trigger pull but I have no trouble hitting steel at 15 yards. Good enough especially when you can't carry something larger. My EDC is a glock 29 ir a Kimber micro 9.

      December 29, 2019 4:02 pm
    • Terry N

      As with every comparison test, somebody is annoyed you didn't include their favorite blaster. My contender is the S&W Bodyguard380 w/laser which wasn't mentioned, let alone in 'best 5'. Smallest, slimmest on the market makes for perfect pocket carry in custom thin leather 'split finger' holster. You can't tell it is there unless you pat me down.

      December 29, 2019 3:59 pm
      • Jw

        What about the tarus spectrum

        January 22, 2020 1:26 pm
        • LazrBeam

          It’s junk compared to the Taurus TCP 738 that it superseded. The TCP 738 is one helluva little .380. I’ve got three and they’re like Energizer bunnies, they just keep going and going and going.

          May 17, 2024 4:20 pm
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