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Shooting Range Helpful Tips

First time to the shooting range and not sure what to expect? We'll cover rules, what to do, and indoor/outdoor ranges to make your trip safe and a little less intimidating.
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    Well, you bought your new gun.

    You’ve done a bunch of dry fire practice and have a good handle on how your gun works. There’s only one thing left to do…off to the gun range!

    But you might be a little unsure of what to expect, etiquette, and how to keep safe. That’s where we come in!

    Table of Contents



    There are a few things you should know before you head out to the range. Your very first trip to a range can be a bit intimidating, if not outright scary. I fully admit to having some cold sweats…

    Don’t hesitate to ask one of the employees any questions you might have. Trust me, they’d rather answer a beginner’s question than have to worry about the repercussions of a mistake.

    Even if you’re out on the range already!

    Raise Your Hand at the Range
    Raise your hand at the range and ask the RSO any questions you have.

    Whether you’re renting, accompanying someone, or bringing your own guns, here’s some information to make your trip to the shooting range a little more enjoyable.

    General Shooting Range Tips

    Every shooting range has its own set of rules, but here are some general tips.

    Firearm Safety Rules
    The four rules of firearm safety
    Circle of Shooting Ear Protection
    Circle of Shooting Ear Protection

    Our favorite beginner electronic ear pro is our very own ShellShock Protection EXO PRO with gel cups, developed from our years of experience on the range.

    at ShellShock Protection

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    • Sunglasses and prescription glasses are generally ok, but check out our Best Shooting Glasses to find some excellent dedicated options.
    Tested Shooting Glasses, Side
    Tested Shooting Glasses, Side

    Just like we did for ear pro, we developed our own ShellShock Protection SWITCH glasses based on our collective shooting experience. These glasses sport a proprietary fog-resistant coating and are ANSI Z87.1+ Safety rated.

    at ShellShock Protection

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    • Most will allow you to bring in your own ammunition for your own guns only. If you’re renting a gun, you’ll probably have to purchase the marked-up ammunition the range sells. Check out our Best Places to Buy Ammo Online for some savings.
    More Popular Ammo Brands
    More Popular Ammo Brands
    • Some ranges have additional restrictions, such as no steel-core, tracer, or armor-piercing ammo. These types of rounds can cause fire hazards or ruin targets and backstops.
    Green Tip 5.56 XM855
    Green Tip 5.56 XM855 steel-core ammo
    • If you aren’t shooting, stand 1 to 2 yards behind the shooter.
    • There will usually be a bright red/yellow line in front of the shooting table. Do not cross it unless the RO says it is ok during a ceasefire.
    • There might also be firing rate restrictions, such as no rapid fire or rapid fire that is limited to double-taps only.
    Glock 18 Shooting Drum Mag Full Auto
    Not like this
    • Most will also allow small children who can physically handle a firearm. Please keep an eye on your kids at all times!
    • Pregnant women are advised not to go since there’s no hearing protection for the unborn, in addition to lead exposure risks.
    • Check the range’s rules for spent brass casings. Some will not allow you to keep them since they collect and sell them.
    PSA Sabre AR-10 boom
    PSA Sabre AR-10
    • Costs can vary, too. Some places charge one price for all day while others charge hourly.

    For more on specific gear to bring to the range, check out our Essential Range Gear list.

    Phew, that’s a lot of tips — get ready for some more!

    Gun Rentals

    Some shooting ranges offer rentals of guns. However, there might be some age limits (18 for shotguns and rifles and 21 for handguns). 

    Renting is a great way to check out different styles and calibers.

    More CA Roster Handguns

    Even before you ever buy your first gun, see if any of your local ranges rent guns and go give it a shot.

    Keep in mind that these guns are usually maintained just enough to keep them working (if that). They are going to be a bit on the dirty and abused side. Still, it’s a cheap way to try some different guns out.

    Before you buy a gun make sure you know the gun’s MSRP and what it’s being sold for at other stores and online.
    In some cases, ranges will let you rent guns.

    If you aren’t 100% sure how the gun operates, ask an employee. On the range with live ammo is not the time to figure out how it works.

    In the meantime, you can start with our Beginner’s Guide to Guns.

    Curious Case of Gun Cases

    You’ll want some sort of case for your gun — don’t just carry it in out in the open!

    Gun Cases and Gun Bags
    Gun Cases and Gun Bags

    While the original manufacturer box or plastic case is fine, you may want something a bit nicer that can fit different guns or multiple guns. We’ve got you covered in our Best Gun Cases and Gun Bags.

    Also, I’m going to type this slowly and in bold letters to make absolutely sure the point is made…do not, under any circumstances, carry a loaded gun into the range.

    Checking for Empty Chamber
    Checking for Empty Chamber

    Unload your gun; make sure it’s unloaded. Double and triple-check that it’s unloaded before you put it into the case before you leave your house.  

    Gun ranges don’t mess around with this type of thing.

    Go With The Flow

    Here’s a high-level walk-through of what to expect from the moment you walk through the front door.  

    Some things might be different depending on your range, but this is essentially what is going to happen on your first trip:

    • Make sure you have your gun unloaded and cased before you go in.
    Empty Revolver Chambers
    Empty Revolver Chambers
    • Go up to the counter and pay the range fee. You can also buy some paper targets and ammo if you need it. You may also have to sign a liability waiver.
    • Put on your ear and eye protection, and then head into the range itself. Some places will walk you in and usher you to a bay. Other ones just hand you your receipt for the fees, point to the door, and tell you, “have a good time.”
    Putting on Eye and Ear Protection
    Putting on Eye and Ear Protection
    • Set your stuff down on an empty bay. Go ahead and unpack your guns and mags and supplies. Keep your gun pointed downrange (“down range” means “towards the far side of the range where everyone is aiming and shooting their guns”).
    Locked Back Slide at Range
    Locked Back Slide at Range
    • Somewhere, usually by the door, will be a big stack of cardboard sheets and a staple gun. Take one of your targets and staple it to one of those sheets. You only need one staple per corner. It’s ok to leave your stuff in your bay while you do this. Trust me, no one is going to mess with it. It’s amazing how polite and trustworthy people are when they’re in a small room where everyone is carrying multiple firearms.
    Grabbing Targets to Setup at Range
    Grabbing Targets to Setup at Range
    • Most indoor ranges have electric target hanger…thingies. They are operated by a switch located inside your bay. Pull the switch in one direction, and the carrier will come towards you. Push it in the other direction, and it goes further away.
    • Reel it in, clip your target up, then move it down range. Distances are usually marked on the walls or floor. If it’s your first trip, swallow your pride and start with the 7-yard mark. Work your way to the back of the room over several trips. Outdoor ranges may have specific break times where everyone unloads their guns and walks out to place their targets.
    Indoors Range Shooting
    Indoors Range Shooting
    • This is the fun part: Load up your magazines, load up your gun, and shoot.
    • When you’re all done, remove your target from the cardboard backing and put it back on the stack you got it from. You can either save or throw away your target; I like to save mine so I can track my progress. Throw away the empty box your ammo came in. Toss off any brass that may have landed on the counter.
    Fixing Splatter Targets
    Fixing Splatter Targets
    • Finally, most ranges have signs saying “sweep spent brass forward” or something to that effect. If you look around, there are usually two or three brooms lying around. Take one and sweep the spent brass to the other side of the counter and away from the area where people are walking. Essentially, leave your bay cleaner than when you found it.

    Range Commands

    Again, each range varies, but they usually focus on letting you know when it is ok to shoot.

    A “hot” range means it is ok to shoot.

    For ranges that have “cold” or “ceasefire” range time, the Range Safety Officer (a.k.a RO or RSO) will let you know how much time is left during the “hot” phase. Some ranges will have red lights that turn on to indicate the range is cold.

    On ranges that have that have RSOs, that person is your king/queen/emperor/god.

    What they say goes, and you are not allowed to argue with them. These people aren’t on some kind of power trip.

    Crimson Trace RAD Pro Gunsite Class
    Listen to your RSOs and instructors.

    Their job, their sole purpose for existing, is to make sure that you and everyone else in the room are as safe as humanly possible. It is a difficult job and one they don’t take lightly. If they make a mistake, if they miss one detail, there’s a chance that someone can get hurt or worse.

    Keep that in mind when they’re telling you to do something. That range is their world, and they graciously allow you to shoot in it.

    During the transition time when you can go mess with your target set up at outdoor ranges, you will need to unload and lock your actions open. 

    This means locking your pistol slides or bolt back. Then, step back and have the RSO double-check. He will then allow everyone to go downrange to put up or fix targets.

    Checking if Gun is Safe at Range
    Checking if Gun is Safe at Range

    Some range will also require you to use “chamber flags” which are plastic indicators that show there’s nothing in the chamber.

    Locked Back Slide at Range
    Locked Back Slide at Range

    Never handle your guns when the range is cold or when people are downrange! Not even if it is empty!

    Indoor Shooting Range Specific Tips

    Indoor Range, Targetmaster
    Indoor Range, Targetmaster

    Indoor ranges are usually only around 25 to 50 yards and cater mainly to pistols. Some will allow rifle and shotgun rounds but may have additional ammo restrictions.

    You can see above that there are many shooting stations separated by panels. Try to move toward your bench so that your flying brass hits the panels instead of the person next to you.

    For just about every gun range, the bays are first come, first serve.

    Indoors Range with Multiple Bays
    Indoors Range with Multiple Bays

    Once you’re there, that bay belongs to you, and the only people who can tell you to leave are the employees. That said, don’t be a jerk about it.  

    Don’t just set your stuff down, then go for a walk — claim your bay, prep your target, load up, and fire your ammo.

    Ruger Mark IV

    When you’re all done, pack up, clean up, and exit as quickly as possible so that other fellow gun owners who are waiting may enjoy themselves. Most ranges only have a dozen or so bays so everyone needs to be considerate about things.

    If you’re with a large group, try not to bother the shooter. I’ve seen it too many times where the shooter turns around to answer someone and accidentally “sweeps” people with the muzzle of their gun.

    Don’t do that…

    There’s also some sort of mechanism for moving paper targets back and forth. 

    Usually, you don’t have to wait for a cold session. I’ve seen everything from drawstrings to high-end electronic systems. It is usually pretty self-explanatory, but if you are confused, just ask the RSO.

    Outdoor Shooting Range Specific Tips

    Angeles Shooting Range, Pistol Side
    Angeles Shooting Range, Pistol Side

    Outdoor ranges tend to be longer than indoor ranges (100 to 1,000+ yards), which allows you to stretch out the legs of your rifles.

    Fewer outdoor ranges have rentals since the larger, open area makes it easier for people to leave without something that is theirs.

    Outdoor ranges also usually don’t have closed partitions but rather benches or individual stations. Targets can also vary a lot based on the range, but they can include metal targets (ting!) and places to put up paper targets.

    Putting Down Targets at Range
    Putting Down Targets at Range

    Check out the review of my old go-to outdoor ranges (Angeles Shooting Range in Sylmar, CA) to see how they do it.

    Pro Tip: Flattery Will Get You Everywhere

    There’s something unique about gun owners. We are a very proud group.

    We love our guns and love to show them off.

    Womens Concealed AIWB
    Look, look, look at my gun!

    We’re also, for the most part, a generous lot. I’ll give you an example: I was at the range one day, and between magazines, I noticed that the person in the next bay over had a very nice pistol.

    He happened to be reloading his mags at the same time, so I complimented him on it.

    His reply threw me completely off guard, “Thanks! I love this thing. I’ve got a bunch of others but I usually wind up just shooting this one. Would you like to take a couple of shots?”  

    This complete stranger was offering me an opportunity to shoot his gun and his ammo.

    Most of us are pretty happy to share our love of guns.

    I politely declined, as I was still new to shooting and was afraid I’d somehow damage his gun. The thing is, this wasn’t an isolated incident.  

    I’ve had numerous people offer the use of their gun after I’ve complimented their pistol or made friendly conversation. That’s never happened to me with any of my other hobbies.

    Final Thoughts

    Heading to the range can seem a little overwhelming at times, especially if it’s your first time. But it doesn’t have to be intimidating.

    Crimson Trace RAD Max Range Shooting

    Make sure your gun is unloaded beforehand, gather your supplies, and just show up and be respectful and you will have a good time.

    Pew Pew Tactical Handgun Course
    Pew Pew Tactical Handgun Course for all your beginner needs!

    Want to learn more so you’re truly confident at the shooting range? Check out our video Beginner Handgun Course that covers the important stuff, and without the attitude! Love gear? Check out our Essential Gun Range Gear article.

    February 2025: Changed top safety glasses recommendation from Wiley-X to the ShellShock Protection SWITCH.

    The Best Gun Deals, Coupons and Finds

    Subscribe to Pew Pew Tactical's sales and deals email.

    51 Leave a Reply

    • Duriologist

      It's been my experience that when people offer their gun for others to try, the trying happens at the offeror's bay. If the gun leaves the bay, its owner follows. Just seems like a good practice.

      February 20, 2025 3:02 pm
    • Uncle Phred

      I was surprised by the total number of comments and by how many seem to be relatively new to the community. It's a wonderful thing.

      I've been around 'gun people' for over 60 years- in uniform(s), at public ranges and at gun shows. I have always been struck by the overall sense of civility, politeness and helpfulness of gun enthusiasts. I work as an Instructor/RSO and I've seen shooters freely give away ammo and targets to newbies. "Try this" is a commonly said in many different contexts. So...

      If you're new to all this, don't be reluctant to ask for help of any kind.

      February 14, 2025 8:52 am
    • Itsmeslim33

      Regarding letting someone use your firearm or taking a couple of shots with someone else’s, is there a general best practice about where the firing actually occurs? I’ve never been in that situation, but would think if I let someone try my firearm, I’d prefer they did it in my bay vs. walking off with it. That being said, I myself might be hesitant just walk into someone’s else’s bay. If I find myself in that situation, I’d just ask/clarify, but curious on what’s the norm.

      February 13, 2025 9:50 am
    • Ron Crocker

      Your site is so informative and so helpful, like this article reminding us of the basics. Our local indoor range has a vocal refresher of the safety rules and it doesn't hurt to ask for it each time. Thx!

      July 2, 2024 8:05 pm
      • Eric Hung

        You're so welcome, Ron!

        July 3, 2024 10:36 am
    • MIchael Walls

      Went to the range for the first time this weekend. Of course, I got there 30 min before closing (misread the times), and couldn't shoot. Now, I'm glad I missed it, because it gave me a chance to read this article! Yeah, I was already nervous going in, so this was real helpful. Thanks Eric!

      November 5, 2023 6:26 pm
    • Mike Bato

      Thanks for the range info.just bought a Glock 19. 3rd gen and can't wait to get to the range..I look forward to firing my new "hobby,".I also just bought a new shotgun,do ranges allow shotguns ?? I'm kinda new to all this though a friends Dad took us shooting when we were kids.i had bought a.308 winchester at a yard sale, the owner had disassembled it and couldn't put it back together brand new for $50 ,!! Got my hunting license back then.anyways thank you for the great tips,I love your article's

      June 25, 2023 6:35 pm
    • Rubye

      I have been into guns for around 3 years. I wish I had found you then. What great information for new shooters I tell everyone about Pew-Pew. Thanks for the free targets. I love the dots...They really helped my 15 yard shots.

      May 29, 2023 7:11 am
    • robert schneider jr

      ive been shooting for almost a year now im a member at the range i shoot at i rent guns at this range ive shot the desert eagle 50 cal AE it has a kick ive shot the model 29 .44 magnum it has a kick too.soon i will have my own firearm i recently got my firearm permit i think my first firearm will be the John Wick gun the HK P30L 9MM.shooting is fun all you have to do is follow all the safety rules and be considerate of others you will be fine.

      February 21, 2023 9:05 pm
    • Gene

      Thanks for info updates open range SW Arizona. Issues with reload solved

      December 4, 2022 7:11 pm
    • William W Thornley

      I'm in Martin Tn and no one can tell me of a place to shoot within a reasonable distance. Small rural community, you'd think it would be easier to find some farmer with a gravel pit or a "safe" place to go shoot. I'd pay em for use of the property.

      November 15, 2022 4:42 pm
      • ZBear

        Have you tried Russell's Reloading
        2880 Chestnut Glade Rd, Martin, TN 38237
        Blind search on Google Maps

        August 9, 2023 12:42 am
    • shooting range

      In a sport where success depends almost entirely on dedication and practice, target shooting is pivotal for developing skills such as self-discipline.

      April 20, 2022 6:34 pm
    • Chester Paul Hoevel

      I know the first time at a range with my 1851 navy colt reproduction I was extremely nervous if not just plain scared. I didn't know what the recoil would be, I hoped that loading my black powder and ball would go well and was hopeful I could hit the target. Well everything went smoothly even my aiming and thanks to the range employees being as understanding and knowledgeable as they are I go back at least once a week.

      April 13, 2022 12:13 pm
    • james jones

      I usually don't leave comments but just wanted to say thank you for the great write up. It is a bit intimidating and the 10 minute read has me walking in a lot more confident.

      October 2, 2020 10:36 am
      • David, PPT Editor

        Glad to help! Remember, everyone was new once. You're in good company :D

        October 2, 2020 10:40 am

      Excellent article. You hit all the points that i needed a refresher on thank you for a very thourough article and making it easy for me to elaborate to my wife the basics.

      September 13, 2020 3:31 am
    • mike quattro

      Just got back into shooting after a 20 yr hiatus. I have to tell you that finding PPT web site and the enriched content on the platform was just what I needed. I've learned so much very quickly and have been proselytizing PPT to everyone I know who's into guns or wants to, but doesn't know where to start. Thnak for for the clarity and ease of learning that your group supplies to the general public. No matter how much one knows about a topic, one can always learn more. You guys are great and doing a great service to the public.

      September 2, 2020 11:59 am
    • Jim

      Just bought my first handgun, G19 Gen3, and if I'm being honest I am super excited about going to the range, but utterly intimidated at the same time. Wasn't sure of the rules, etiquette, etc but this article has put me at ease. Thanks from all the beginners out there

      September 1, 2020 4:59 pm
      • David, PPT Editor

        Glad to help!

        September 1, 2020 6:46 pm
      • Eduardo

        So how was it Jim? Did u go?

        October 4, 2020 6:46 pm
    • Francis

      I'm an experienced shooter now but I wish I had read an article like this about 5 years ago. I go shooting often with my daughter's. Like you said in your article, thru friends I've made or complimenting people on there guns I've gotten to try quite a few that never would have happened and likewise I've offered to let people try my Sig legion when they start asking about it. People in this sport are very friendly, respectful and easy to get along with. I really like your website I've learned quite a bit on there.

      June 29, 2020 12:16 pm
    • Nicholas

      Since I grew up in the country I've never had to go to a range until now. Does the rule of not bringing a loaded gun into a range also apply for my concealed carry? Also, what if i want to shoot my EDC at the range? I'd love some input. Thanks!

      June 19, 2020 6:52 am
      • Christian B Jordan

        My local allows CC in the store and on the range. You're not allowed to draw and fire in one motion on the range at all.

        November 27, 2021 4:24 pm
    • Mark Anderson

      Great advice, for this newbe with a pistol. I took my NRA pistol class at an outdoor range, but I'll be working out w/ my new gun at an indoor range.

      May 9, 2020 11:10 am
    • steele honda

      Thanks for pointing out that most gun ranges will allow you to bring in your own ammunition for your guns. I am thinking about going to a gun range because I've never been, but my dad has a pistol that he would help me learn how to shoot. I think knowing how to handle a gun is a very important skill to have nowadays and so I think it would be important for me to learn.

      March 6, 2019 5:27 pm
    • Curt

      I shot my first gun around 1969 or 1970 with my father, I've been shooting for awhile. Except for people you want to avoid and stay away from, both new and old shooters will appreciate your attention to safety., Guns are generally safe, but can be very unsafe if handled wrong. Take it easy and learn. No one will care if you are new and inexperienced if you take safety seriously.

      August 5, 2017 11:33 am
    • Yolanda

      Excellent read and accurate too!

      Wish I would've read this BEFORE my first trip to BA in Phoenix AZ. It was a learning experience and even though there is a video introduction in safety as well as how the range worked, we still made mistakes.
      They are a fantastic group of ROs and once we learned everything, it was a lot of fun. I've been back serveral times. The shooters are great too ;)
      Like Eric says...Ask first then you won't have to apologize later!

      March 29, 2017 9:30 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Awesome we could help out (afterwards!)

        April 5, 2017 4:33 pm
    • Lance

      Hi Eric,
      How much ammo and range time per week would you suggest for a busy college student?

      February 3, 2017 8:45 pm
    • Dennis

      Hey Eric,
      Grear article. Just getting into guns.
      Finn made a great point.
      How about a "Jargon" list. I hear some terms used that fly past me at times...
      Great for added clicks and as a resource to keep folks at the site...?

      February 2, 2017 8:36 am
      • Eric Hung

        Hey Dennis, great idea!

        February 7, 2017 7:49 pm
    • Finn Stewart

      I've never gone shooting before, but my father-in-law is taking me and I don't want to seem unskilled. I like how you mention that a "hot" range means it is okay to shoot. I should probably do some more research and find out what the shooting jargon is so I am not phased by it and understand what my father-in-law is saying. Thanks for the tips!

      December 13, 2016 12:38 pm
      • ehung

        Hi Finn, thanks and let us know how it went.

        December 14, 2016 1:26 pm
    • Dennis

      Your site is great for experience and beginners to learn more about guns. glad i found your site. Wondering if can ask a question on how to carry your rifle bag when going from your car to the firing station.

      I've never owned a rilfe before as all my guns are pistols. I've recently purchased an AR and ready to take to the range. I've also purchased a sturdy rifle case to carry it in.

      However, I've read one article where when you carry your rifle case from your car to the firing station you must point the bag up (muzzle up) even though it's in the case and never care it from the carry handle.

      Is this the proper etiquette at the range?

      Don't get me wrong, I'm all for saftey but with all the gear I would be hauling to the firing station it would be sensible to carry the rifle bag on its carry handle.

      Please let me know what the is proper way to carry the rifle bag at the range. I don't want to make the RO mad or any patrons upset at me.


      December 5, 2016 11:23 pm
      • ehung

        Thanks Dennis!

        I've never heard of anyone getting grief from the bag pointing in the wrong direction. But if you're concerned I would call up the individual range and ask beforehand.

        December 6, 2016 5:29 pm
    • Elaan

      First, thanks for the great site Eric!

      I experienced such generosity just last week! I went to investigate an outdoor range near my home, as I am a new gun owner (Sig P938, & Remington 957). I want to be someone that actually knows how to use their gun, instead of it just looking pretty in it's case, and the CCW corse I've signed up for, is less than a month away. The range is perfectly located between my home, and our kids school, and I can go plinking after dropping them off.

      Anyway, two guys saw me milling around, and asked if I needed help, I told them what I was doing, and one asked if I'd used an AR before (I've shot several 9mm's, .380's, a few .22 rifles, and an AK, and although my husband has one, we haven't taken it out for a spin yet). I explained my newb status, just incase he wanted to back out, and he was still game. He spent 45 minuets with me, giving tips, and said I was a "natural" (False flattery? Maybe, but I hit where I aimed 90% of the time @ 50 & 100 yards.). Then he let me shoot his new revolver! I can't remember what it was, but it was nice in the hand, and easy on the eye, and I'd never shot one before. I'm sure I used at least $10 in ammo, but I will pay it forward, if given the opportunity.

      I can honestly say, this 50 year old, mom of 3 had a blast!

      November 6, 2016 9:05 am
      • ehung

        Wow that's awesome! Some of the friendliest and most helpful I've ever met have been at the range or in shooting competitions.

        November 7, 2016 9:51 pm
    • Jen

      Do you submit our personal information to the government so they find out what guns we own or is an ID strictly private and for your records only? Do you distribute or otherwise share our personal information with anyone else?

      October 16, 2016 8:29 pm
      • ehung

        Hi Jen, I'm just a blog so I'm not sure there's even anything for me to give anyone. If you sign up for my newsletter I have your email that is kept only for me to send you useful new articles once in a while.

        October 17, 2016 2:01 am
    • David

      For indoor ranges I always wear face mask for the possible lead in the air.

      October 13, 2016 10:14 am
    • Michelle Thompson

      I'm 44 years old and have purchased my very first firearm along with my concealed weapons permit. I'm going to the range today at lunch and was extremely nervous but your article gave me lots of useful information. Thank you!

      October 12, 2016 7:02 am
      • ehung

        Hi Michelle, so glad I could help you out!

        October 15, 2016 8:20 pm
    • Chris

      As someone that is new to the world of firearms and just purchased my first rifle (I started small since I want to work towards something heavy duty) and was trying to figure out how to do things at the range, this is a lot of great information. My biggest concern was how do I carry the rifle to and from. A friend said he would give me one of his extra socks, but if he wasn't around for that help, I wasn't sure what was the protocol. I assumed that carrying a rifle or any gun out was problematic, but didn't know where to go beyond that. So it's nice that I could use the box itself if need be.
      Thanks for the information.

      July 30, 2016 5:26 pm
      • ehung

        Hi Chris, thanks so much and glad I could help!

        July 30, 2016 7:01 pm
    • Luke

      Thanks for the article! Been looking for something like this. Heading out to the range this week!

      July 26, 2016 5:22 pm
      • ehung

        Thanks Luke, let me know how it goes and if any particular tip helped!

        July 26, 2016 8:14 pm
    • Mandy

      I am so nervous and excited to go to the gun range for my first shooting lesson, in about an hour! I am so grateful I found this article as I believe it will help me feel more confident going in, knowing what to expect.

      I appreciate the information and hope to spend more time reading your site soon!

      July 21, 2016 2:53 pm
      • ehung

        Thanks so much for the message, Mandy. Hopefully your lesson and experience goes well!

        July 21, 2016 3:06 pm
    • Christine

      I'm heading for the (indoor) gun range tomorrow, for the first time in almost 30 years, and I found your article to be extremely helpful (and humorous). As a 63 year old woman who will be going to the range alone, I was rather intimidated by the thought of it, but this has given me the confidence I will need. Thank you.

      June 8, 2016 11:41 pm
      • ehung

        Thanks so much for your comment and please let me know how it goes or if there's anything I can add to the guide.

        June 9, 2016 7:00 am
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