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Best Body Armor [Tested]: Hard Plates & Soft Armor

AR500 Body Armor Group
Want the best body armor for your purpose and budget? We've hands-on tested the most popular options out there and cut through the misinformation.
We review products independently. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission to help support our testing. Learn more.

    Looking to prevent extra holes in your body?

    AR500 Armor Tested
    AR500 Armor Tested

    The world of body armor is confusing…with misinformation abounding and tons of technical stuff. But we’ve got you covered.

    The Pew Pew Tactical team and network have been wearing all different types of armor for years. And we’ve shot up a BUNCH of body armor.

    AR500 Armor Tested
    Level 3A Soft Armor with 9mm & .357

    And before we run through our recommendations…we’ll walk you through the important technical aspects so you can choose the best armor for your end-use and budget.

    Body Armor Test Mira Level 4 Black Tip
    Mira Level 4 Ceramic Against Black Tip

    Ready? Let’s go!


    Table of Contents


    Best Body Armor Comparison Chart

    NIJ RatingProtectionWeightSizeWarrantyShelf LifePrice
    Safe Life Multi-Threat Level IIIA VestLevel IIIAHandgun Threats4XS – 7XL5 Years & Incident Guarantee$599
    Safe Life Defense FRASLevel IIIRifle Threats16 lbs (2 panels)4XS – 7XL5 Years & Incident Guarantee$1599
    AR50 Body Armor Single PlateLevel III+Rifle Threats8.5 lbs10” x 12” / 11” x 14”20 Years$139
    Spartan Armor Level III+Level IIIRifle Threats4 lbs – 9 lbs (varies)10” x 12” / 11” x 14”20 Years$120
    Spartan Armor Elaphros Level III UHMWPELevel IIIRifle Threats3.4 lbs9.5″ x 12.5″5 Year$649
    AR500 Level IV CeramicLevel IVArmor-Piercing Threats7.4 lbs10” x 12”10 Years$120
    RTS Tactical Ceramic Level IVLevel IVArmor-Piercing Threats6.3 lbs / 3.5 lbs10” x 12″ / 6” x 8″5 YearsReplace free of charge if it takes a hit before 5 years$269
    Velocity Systems Special Threat Ceramic PlatesLevel IVArmor Piercing Threats4.3 lbs – 6.7 lbs (varies)SM – XL$334
    RMA Level IV Multi-CurveLevel IVArmor Piercing Threats8.2 lbs / 11 lbs10” x 12” / 11” x 14”10 Year, Free Incident Replacement$179 – $219
    Mira Tactical Level IVLevel IVArmor Piercing Threats5.9 lbs10” x 12”10 Year$139 – $249

    How We Tested the Best Body Armor

    For this article, we narrowed our search down to body armor that balanced protection level, ergonomics/comfort, and value. From there, it was time to test!

    Every product recommended here has been tested on-body and while performing activities that require a range of motion — from dry fire drills to running. From there, the body armor was taken to an outdoor range and placed on a ballistic gel torso, where we shot it with a variety of different calibers.

    Body Armor Test LAPG Level 4 M80 Gel Man
    Body Armor Test with our ballistic gel buddy

    Calibers used for testing:

    • 9mm
    • .45 ACP
    • .357 Magnum
    • .223 Remington
    • 7.62×39
    • M855 Green Tip
    • .30-06 Black Tip

    We assessed the ballistic gel torso after each firing round and noted penetration or any other types of damage.

    Why You Need Body Armor

    Will I become bulletproof with body armor?

    In short–no. They’re bullet-resistant, meaning that they increase the rates of survival, decrease the severity of injuries that occur, and give you a better chance. 

    All body armor can be defeated–it may just be a matter of what is shooting at it or how many times you’re hit.

    AR500 Armor Tested
    You’re Not Wonder Woman.

    And don’t think you can simply get up after getting shot while in body armor…chances are you’re going to be in a world of pain with possible broken ribs and internal bleeding.

    That’s a TV/movie trope. And lastly…be sure to check out threat level ratings when shopping for armor, too. Get the level that is appropriate for the types of threats you might face.

    Now…let’s squash some misconceptions about body armor legality.

    Even if you don’t work in a vocation that requires protection from flying lead, there are still plenty of reasons to want a set of body armor…

    The main one is…because you can. Second, you’ll look cool. But here are some of our other favorites…


    Ok, let’s get this one out of the way… there are some pretty inexpensive (and long-lasting) hard plate body armor packages if you’re planning on protecting your home or roaming for supplies.

    Pew Pew Tactical Shooting with MIRA Safety Gas Masks
    Gas Masks in the Desert

    Home Defense

    You probably don’t have time to don some armor…but peace of mind is a good reason. I recommend a Tough Hook system.

    Tough Hook
    Tough Hook

    Range Safety

    You’ll probably look more like a goober if you’re donning plates at the local range. But if you shoot in the open (or go to terrible ranges)…it doesn’t seem that bad of an idea.

    Ferro Concepts Slickster At Range
    Ferro Concepts Slickster At Range


    Live-action role-playing…uh, yea…we don’t do this…we swear 🙂

    Stonerpunk Review
    Stonerpunk Review


    The main reason for our team wearing body armor. It gives you a workout, an excuse for why you were slower than your buddy, and protects against potential negligent discharges.

    Our editor Eric always wears his for night shoots, as do most of his squad…

    And now… there are new competitions called Tactical Games which mix CrossFit and shooting…where you gotta wear a 15+ pound rig.

    The Tactical Games
    The Tactical Games

    The training begins! But first…what are the two biggest types of body armor?

    Soft Armor vs. Hard Armor

    There’s a staggering variety of body armor types and rating codes, so don’t feel bad if you’re left scratching your head.

    1. Spartan Armor Assortment, Elaphros in Middle
    Spartan Armor Assortment

    We’re going to break down the details a bit for you. One of the first categories you’ll discover is soft vs. hard armor

    Police officers and anyone looking for a more comfortable but less protective armor option usually goes with soft armor. It’s made out of a flexible, incredibly strong woven net fabric (like Kevlar) that stops the projectile and spreads its impact energy across the entire vest.

    AR500 Soft Armor Flexing
    Soft Armor Insert, Flexing

    This type of armor is commonly found in complete vests but also can be found in inserts that can be added to bags, carriers, or behind stronger plates.

    Soft armor can protect against many pistol calibers, as well as other threats like knives (if rated) and debris.

    Level 3A Soft Armor with 9mm & .357
    Level 3A Soft Armor with 9mm & .357

    Hard armor is…hard.

    It’s also harder to conceal, but it offers far more protection.

    It is constructed from either steel plates, ceramic composite, or ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (plastic).

    Soft vs Hard Armor
    Soft vs Hard Armor

    Generally, hard armor plates are worn in a plate carrier, which is a vest that fits over your other clothing.

    Invictus Plate Carrier, Front
    Invictus Plate Carrier, Front

    Hard armor plates have a variety of ratings, but the strongest can stop some pretty serious rifle rounds.

    RTS Ceramic vs AR500 Plate Thickness
    RTS Ceramic vs. AR500 Plate Thickness

    Body Armor Threat Levels

    Body armor levels are yet another confusing aspect of shopping for armor.

    These standardized ratings, however, are set by the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice, based on tiers of threats. 

    NIJ Armor Protection Levels, Justnet.org
    NIJ Armor Protection Levels, Justnet.org

    Even with these ratings, it’s important to keep in mind that a combination of factors can affect the effectiveness of a vest. These include but are not limited to bullet material, bullet mass, and especially velocity.

    That’s why when you dig down into the weeds…the ratings are set for certain calibers AND velocity.

    Unfortunately, that means even if you have a protection level for a certain round…if you’re too close and the round hasn’t had time to slow down…you’re still screwed.

    Mario Target, M193 and Commercial 223
    Mario Target, M193 Penetration

    Our recommendation is to check the manufacturer in the NIJ’s database (slow load) of tested companies and body armor models. All of our choices down below are already vetted!

    The body armor industry has stepped up with its own III+ rating, which falls somewhere between the NIJ Level III and Level IV ratings. Just know that this rating isn’t made by the NIJ, and it can differ between companies.

    .338 Lapua vs .30-06 Black Tip
    .338 Lapua vs .30-06 Black Tip (M2AP)

    Here’s one example:

    NIJ Ballistic Threat Level Chart for Body Armor
    NIJ Ballistic Threat Level Chart for Body Armor, AR500 Armor

    What do we recommend?

    Go with Level IIIA soft armor if you only think you’ll have handgun threats…or if concealment is the priority.

    Spartan Armor, Level IIIA
    Spartan Armor, Level IIIA

    For best bang-for-the-buck hard armor…go with Level III+ that stops 5.56 M193 and M855 since those are relatively common rounds. Some brands will also call them “special threat” protection.

    Coatings (Lightweight III+ Regular, III+ Regular, III+ Build Up)
    Hard Armor: Left to Right: Lightweight III+ Regular, III+ Regular, III+ Build Up

    For max protection…or if for some reason you’ll be against true armor-piercing rounds…get something Level IV ceramic.

    AR500 Armor, Level IV Ceramic
    AR500 Armor, Level IV Ceramic

    Keep those in mind as we dive deeper into the world of body armor…

    What is Body Armor Made Of?

    AR500 Steel Plate Armor

    Armor made from material such as AR500 steel is the most affordable hard armor on the market at around $70-100 a plate (you’ll want a front and back).

    But it’s also the heaviest at 8+ pounds for each plate normally.

    It’s seriously durable since most range targets are constructed out of AR500. And it can also maintain its integrity for years if properly stored.

    Paxcon Standard Coat on Level 3
    Level 3 with M80 (7.62×51) Hits

    It can stop almost all handgun rounds and most non-armor-piercing rifle rounds. But one threat to keep in mind is very high-velocity rounds such as the 5.56 M193, which can still zip on through Level 3 armor.

    It’s a small hole…but it went right on through…

    Level 3, M855 & M193
    Level 3, M855 & M193

    Another thing to consider is spalling, or the frag that flies off from a hit.


    Even if the round doesn’t penetrate your armor…you’re going to have a bad day if sharp metal hits your throat and face.

    Paxcon Spalling
    Paxcon Spalling

    Enter Paxcon or any other kind of surface spray for AR500-based armor. It helps keep in the spalling…but we’ve found you want the build-up layer for it to be truly effective.

    Paxcon Build Up Coat
    Paxcon Build-Up Coat

    You can hope your carrier catches the majority of it…or suck it up and get the build-up.

    Ceramic Armor

    If money is no object, ceramic armor can stop some pretty extreme bullets, like the fast M193 and M2AP (30.06 armor-piercing).

    30.06 M2 AP in Garand Clip
    30.06 M2AP in Garand Clip

    The trade-off is that this is the most expensive at $200+, the bulkiest option in terms of thickness — but it is lighter and is normally Level IV.

    Level 4, M2AP
    Level 4, M2AP

    Ceramic armor isn’t the most durable…so if you drop it or fall on something while wearing it…you will likely have to replace it.

    It’s also mostly rated for a single hit or multi-hits not in the same area. The lighter, thinner, and more hits a ceramic plate can take…the more it’s going to cost.

    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve M80 Follow Up
    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve M80 Follow Up

    We go super in-depth Testing Ceramic and UHMWPE Armor here.

    Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene Plastic (UHMWPE)

    Plastic may not seem the most protective, but it falls somewhere between ceramic and steel on factors like cost and durability. UHMWPE plastic is super light at around 3 pounds a plate–it even can float on water.

    But it is a great deal thicker than its steel counterparts.

    1. Spartan Armor Assortment, Elaphros in Middle
    Spartan Armor Assortment, UHMWPE in Middle

    Common rounds, like the M855 green tip, may punch through plastic, but it offers protection from pretty much all pistol calibers. It stands up to repeated shots but only about as well as ceramic.

    Body Armor Test RTS Level 4 After Black Tip
    Body Armor Test RTS Level 4 After Black Tip

    Best Body Armor

    Almost all manufacturers are under a big lead time due to current events…so be aware!

    Best Soft Armor for Civilians & Law Enforcement

    1. Safe Life Defense Level 3A Vest – Best Lightweight Model

    Editor’s Note: Use code PEWPEW10 for 10% off.

    Best Lightweight Model
    at Safe Life Defense

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Super concealableExpensive
    Good coverage on your torso and sides
    Strike and slash resistant

    A light and comfortable all-in-one solution that can be worn outside to be super concealable.

    Safe Life Defense Body Armor
    Safe Life Defense Body Armor, Level 3A (R) and FRAS (L)

    The Safe Life Multi-Threat Vest in Level 3A gives you a lot of coverage on your torso and sides. Check out the panels that go into the vest.

    Plus, it’s strike and slash resistant…and doesn’t add too much width to your sides.

    Safe Life Multi-Thread IIIA, Side
    Safe Life Multi-Thread IIIA, Side

    It comes in other variants such as First Response, Level 3A+, High-Vis, and Tactical Molle.

    We’ve been wearing it around the office, and so far, it’s very comfortable as advertised.

    Stay tuned for our shooting tests! But for right now highly recommend it for an all-in-one handgun-rated low-profile vest.

    2. Safe Life Defense FRAS (Flexible Rifle Armor System)

    Editor’s Note: Use code PEWPEW10 for 10% off.

    at Safe Life

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Soft and flexibleThick
    Good torso coverageHeavy

    The FRAS system is much thicker/heavier compared to the regular Level 3A system above, but it’s still reasonably soft and bendy where it counts.

    Safe Life FRAS, Side
    Safe Life FRAS, Side

    Keep in mind if you want rifle-rated armor, you’d have to go hard plates.

    This system covers much more of your torso compared with plates. The weight is around the same as going with a super light carrier and plates (small is around 15 lbs). Check out the number of plates a single FRAS replaces…

    FRAS Coverage VS Rifle Plates
    FRAS Coverage VS Rifle Plates

    We’re going to train with this one soon, but one possible drawback is that the cumberbund isn’t too stretchy and might inhibit heavy breathing. Oh, yea…and it’s a pretty penny.

    We’ll report back with some testing, but this is really cool if it can replace plates in certain situations.

    Next up…the ability to defeat rifle rounds!

    Best AR500-Based Steel Armor Plates

    3. AR500 Level III+ Lightweight – Best Lightweight Steel

    Best Lightweight Steel
    at AR500

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    ThinNot NIJ rated

    We’re big fans of AR500 Armor (yes, confusing name), likely the largest player in AR500-based armor, and we’ve tested it ourselves.

    Check this video out for all their offerings:

    As well as our full review of all their products.

    AR500 Body Armor Group
    AR500 Body Armor Group

    One of our favorites (and what we wear most of the time) is their Level III+ Lightweight Steel Body Armor.

    As we mentioned, Level III+ isn’t an NIJ rating, so pay attention to the details. AR500 uses independent testing and is very clear about what its armor can and cannot handle.

    Level 3+ Lightweight, M855 & M193
    Level 3+ Lightweight, M855 & M193

    Level III+ takes care of the zippy M193 5.56 rounds (which are standard NATO rounds).

    Plus…it’s much more lightweight and thinner than its regular III+ counterpart.

    Lightweight III+ vs Regular III+
    Lightweight III+ vs Regular III+

    We’d also recommend going with their curve for comfort and a build-up layer of Paxcon to mitigate spalling.

    What’s your take on the AR500 Armor Level III+ Lightweight? Rate it below.

    Readers’ Ratings

    4.98/5 (1987)

    Your Rating?

    4. Spartan Armor Level III+ – Best Steel for Movement

    Best Steel for Movement
    at Spartan Armor Systems

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    NIJ CertifiedHeavy
    Movement-inducing cuts

    Another big player in the AR500-based steel armor space is Spartan Armor.

    Their plates look better, and they have more movement-inducing cuts compared to AR500 Armor.

    7. Spartan Armor, Level III, Swimmers Cut
    Spartan Armor, Swimmers Cut

    They also use a nicer feeling/looking coating comparatively and a rubbery material on the back…if that matters.

    Spartan Armor, Level III, Shooters Cut, Back
    Spartan Armor, Shooters Cut, Back

    Again, we’d go with their Level III+ plates for proper rifle protection.

    They are NIJ certified, and we’ll be bringing their plates out to the desert soon for our own testing!

    Desert Armor Testing
    Desert Armor Testing

    We recommend upgrading to the Full Coat Frag Mitigation Coating for additional protection from shrapnel. It will increase the weight of your plates a bit but will protect you from spalling.

    How about something lighter but at the cost of a little thickness?

    Best UHMWPE Body Armor

    5. Spartan Armor Elaphros Level III UHMWPE – Best Rifle Rate UHMWPE

    Best Rifle Rate UHMWPE
    at Spartan Armor Systems

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Rifle-ratedDoesn’t stand up to M855 Green Tip

    Editor’s Note: We tested the Gen 1, but since our testing, Spartan Armor has discontinued the Gen 1 and replaced it with the Gen 2. Specs are similar, which is why we’re including our throughts based on the Gen 1.

    If you want ultra-light protection that still will defend you against rifle-rated threats, check out Spartan Armor Elaphros Lightweight Level III UHMWPE body armor.

    1. Spartan Armor Assortment, Elaphros in Middle
    Spartan Armor Assortment, Elaphros in Middle

    These plates were designed for operators who needed maximum maneuverability but still wanted great protection at an extended distance. They’re also stab-resistant for close-quarters protection and are multi-shot rated.

    Body Armor Test Level 3 Spartan Armor
    Body Armor Test Level 3 Spartan Armor

    Manufactured using Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) Hybrid Fibers, these plates weigh in at a mere 3.5 pounds per 10×12 plate.

    We shot them up in our standalone Ceramic & UHMWPE Body Armor review.

    It took Tula 7.62×39 strong and had some more extensive rear deformation from M80 (7.62×51). But you’d probably survive.

    Body Armor Test Level 3 Spartan Armor M80

    Stopping Wolf .223 was easy, and we actually had a difficult time finding the impact.

    And although the Elaphros technically isn’t rated for the faster M193…it survived that as well. However, it did get stopped by M855 Green Tip.

    Body Armor Test Level 3 Spartan Armor Green Tip
    Body Armor Test Level 3 Spartan Armor Green Tip

    The lesson here is…if Level 3 is all you need…this will do it.

    Spartan offers a 5-year warranty, and these plates have a 5-year shelf life. But if you’re looking for a little more protection…check out…

    Best Ceramic Level IV Body Armor

    6. AR500 Level IV Ceramic – Best Rifle Rated Ceramic

    Best Rifle Rated Ceramic
    at AR500

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    10 year shelf lifePricey
    Offers extra level of protection from high-powered roundsHeavy
    10-year shelf life

    If you’re looking for a little bit more serious protection and don’t mind the bulk, AR500’s Level IV Ceramic/PE armor might be what you’re looking for.

    Like the AR500 steel plates, you can find ceramic plates in a variety of cuts and sizes.

    AR500 Armor, Level IV Ceramic
    AR500 Armor, Level IV Ceramic

    You’ll pay a little more per plate than you would for similar steel plates, but you do get an extra level of protection from high-powered rounds.

    These plates run about an inch thick and weigh about 8.3 pounds a plate. They also come with a 10-year manufacturer’s warranty and have a 10-year shelf-life.

    Oh, yeah…and they stopped a couple of shots of 30.06 M2AP armor-piercing rounds.

    Level 4, M2AP
    Level 4, M2AP

    7. RTS Tactical Ceramic Level IV

    at RTS Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Super affordableThick and heavy
    Level IV protection
    Performed well against 7.62×39

    RTS Tactical is a relative newcomer, but they’ve made a name for themselves with ultra-affordable ceramic level IV armor at ~$150 a plate.

    Scary…having affordable and level IV in the same sentence…

    RTS Ceramic Level IV (left) and AR500 Level III (right)
    RTS Ceramic Level IV (left) and AR500 Level III (right)

    One thing that’s different is that they are some thicc bois at 1.1″ and 6.3 lbs.

    RTS Ceramic vs AR500 Plate Thickness
    RTS Ceramic vs AR500 Plate Thickness

    The weight is actually ok, but you’ll need a more conventional carrier rather than something more minimalist since it likely won’t be able to hold it. My Crye JPC 2.0 did not like it at all.

    But there are enough YouTube videos out there showing decent punishment. And I received a third-party ballistic test result from them.

    RTS Ballistics Test
    RTS Ballistics Test

    We finally got the chance to test them in our Ceramic & UHMWPE series.

    An initial 7.62×39 shot landed dead center, and the plate has very little cavitation.

    Body Armor Test RTS Level 4 762
    Body Armor Test RTS Level 4, 7.62×39

    However, additional hits from M80 ball caused severe damage and effectively put the plate out of the running.

    Body Armor Test RTS Level 4 M80 Second Shot
    Body Armor Test RTS Level 4 M80 Second Shot

    Some .223 rounds after started deflecting, and the final Black Tip rounds cut the plate in half…something we didn’t see in other Level 4 plates.

    Body Armor Test RTS Level 4 Shredded in Two
    Body Armor Test RTS Level 4 Shredded in Two

    Unfortunately, our sequence of rounds didn’t lend the plate well to a direct Black Tip hit to start off with…but for the price, it did really well against 7.62×39.

    If you’re going the affordable route…check out their plate/carrier combos so you can be sure it will fit.

    RTS Tactical Plate Carrier
    RTS Tactical Plate Carrier

    The carrier is decently built but a little cumbersome by today’s standards. Still good if you aren’t using it day in and day out.

    Affordable Plate + Carrier
    at RTS Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    8. Velocity Systems Special Threat Ceramic Plates – Top of the Line Plate

    Top of the Line Plate
    at Brownells

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Trusted by law enforcement and military personnelPretty heavy
    Multi-strike ratedHard to get ahold of
    Hugs your body contours

    When price is no object for the right protection.

    Their body armor is top-of-the-line and trusted by law enforcement and military personnel, and it’s for a good reason.

    Velocity Level IV Plates
    Velocity Level IV Plates

    The Velocity Systems Special Threat Ceramic Plates are multi-strike rated and tested against 7.62×39 Mild Steel Core, 7.62×51 M80 Ball, 5.56×45 M855, and 5.56×45 M193, which puts this armor at around a level III+ (though Velocity doesn’t specify).

    These plates only come in a 10×12 inch traditional cut size, but they’re triple curved to hug the contour of your body and are 0.60 inches thick.

    Each plate weighs 6 pounds, which does put them on the heavier–but more protective–end of things.

    It can be hard to get ahold of Velocity Systems armor since the company will only sell directly to law enforcement or the military, but it can be found at other retailers.

    9. RMA Level IV Multi-Curve

    Editor’s Note: We reached out to RMA, and we’ve got you a 5% discount with code PEWPEWTACTICAL5.

    at RMA Armament

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    AffordableHeavy and thick
    Minimal rear deformation in testing

    Is RMA really the king of armor?

    Their Level IV’s come in at a super hefty 8 pounds per plate and are 1 inch thick.

    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve
    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve

    Off to the desert for testing!

    Our first 7.62×39 round took a good chunk of ceramic but didn’t manage to fully penetrate…on all other plates, we could see the backing material.

    Plus…no backface deformation that we could tell.

    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve 762 Cavity
    RMA Multicurve 7.62 Cavity

    Our M80 7.62×51 shots managed to sneak one round through when it was very close to a previous hole.

    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve M80 Follow Up
    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve M80 Follow-Up

    The same thing occurred with Wolf .223 as the end of the strings got through as the plate got more and more damaged.

    However…the M2AP Black Tip was stopped…and with almost no rear deformation.

    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve Black Tip After
    RMA Multicurve Black Tip After

    A second round of Black Tip was not a good time, though…

    Body Armor Test RMA Multicurve Black Tip Gel Man
    RMA Multicurve Black Tip Gel Man

    The verdict?

    The price is good at ~$160 a plate for certified Level 4 protection. It’s a little heavier, but rear deformation is almost nonexistent for the shots it stopped. But if you’re looking for good multi-hit protection, you might want to move on.

    10. Mira Tactical Level IV – Editor’s Pick

    Editor’s Note: We’ve got you a discount as well…save 15% off armor with code PEWPEW15.

    Editor's Pick
    at Mira Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Decent weight and thicknessExpensive
    Tested to NIJ standards of level IV protection
    10 year extended warranty

    We love our Mira gas masks, as reviewed in our Best Gas Masks article.

    Pew Pew Tactical Shooting with MIRA Safety Gas Masks
    Pew Pew Tactical Shooting with MIRA Safety Gas Masks

    But how does their armor fare? Specifically their Level IV.

    Again…take a look at the details in our Ceramic & WHMWPE test in the desert. But here’s the gist.

    It was the only Level IV plate to take two direct M2AP hits.

    Body Armor Test Mira Level 4
    Body Armor Test Mira Level 4

    But let’s back it up… They are pretty light at under 6 pounds per plate and .9 inches thick.

    Our starting Tula 7.62×39 rounds didn’t cause any issues, although a good amount of ceramic was blown out…par for the course.

    Body Armor Test Mira Level 4 762
    Mira Level 4 7.62×39

    The next M80 shot took out another chunk of ceramic but had no rear exit hole. However, there was a decently noticeable distension in the back.

    The second M80 shot somehow got deflected upwards. Commendable in stopping two 7.62×51 rounds when others failed.

    Body Armor Test Mira Level 4 M80 Follow Up
    Mira Level 4 M80 Follow Up

    Onto four rounds of .223…only the last one got through after the previous three seriously compromised the area. Not bad.

    Mira Wolf .223 Final Shot

    At this point, we were afraid the plate was not going to survive any M2AP Black Tip rounds.

    It caught the first one, which tied it with the previous ceramic plates.

    Body Armor Test Mira Level 4 Black Tip
    Mira Level 4 Black Tip 1st Round

    And amazingly caught a second round.

    Body Armor Test Mira Level 4 Black Tip Pt 2 After
    Mira Level 4 Black Tip 2nd Round

    Very impressed!

    If you’re looking at an all-around Level 4 ceramic plate…the Mira Tactical Level IV is a great choice.

    • Decent weight at 6 pounds and .9 inch thick
    • Stopped 2 rounds of M2AP Black Tip
    • Only failed on the 4th shot of .223 in a compromised area

    We’ve gone through all our civilian options…

    Best Body Armor for Law Enforcement

    Now, how about something for law enforcement?

    These are from well-known companies that sell exclusively to the police and military. Sorry, normies!

    They are usually custom-fit since they are meant to be worn all day long.

    11. Safariland Matrix Ballistic Panel

    at Safariland

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Thin and lightweightDoes not protect against rifle rounds
    Ergonomic design

    If you were looking for something more concealable than a plate carrier, Safariland should be one of your go-to’s. Trusted by law enforcement, Safariland offers a variety of soft ballistic panels, including the Matrix Ballistic Panel.

    This soft armor is rated Level II, which means it protects against stabs and most pistol-caliber threats. It’s thin and lightweight, so it can be concealed under clothing or uniforms, but offers a significant amount of coverage and protection.

    Safariland Matrix Ballistic Panel Layers
    Safariland Matrix Ballistic Panel Layers

    It’s less than a quarter of an inch thick, and its ergonomic design makes it much more comfortable to wear on duty or for long periods of time.

    It pairs with a covert carrier, which will allow you to wear this armor under your clothing.

    12. Safariland SX Ballistic Panel

    at Safariland

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Ultra thin and lightweightConsiderably expensive
    Protection from many pistol calibers and stab threats

    Another pick from Safariland, the SX ballistic panel, is the thinnest, lightest, and one of the strongest panels on the market.

    It’s rated Level II, so you still get protection from many pistol calibers and stab threats, but it is a mere 0.16 inches thick.

    Safariland SX Ballistic Panel Layers
    Safariland SX Ballistic Panel Layers

    Safariland designs its ballistic panel with comfort and ergonomics in mind. Protecting your life doesn’t have to mean neglecting your comfort!

    Like the Matrix panel, the SX needs to be worn with a covert carrier.

    13. US Armor Enforcer 6000

    at US Armor

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons
    Super comfortableExpensive
    CovertTakes a bit of work to get on
    Helps keep you cool

    Want to know what other brand of body armor is trusted by law enforcement? US Armor creates custom-fitted armor solutions, like their Enforcer 6000 soft body armor.

    These ballistic panels cover threat levels at either Level II or Level IIIA, depending on which model you select. The Level II panels are 0.17 inches thick, while the Level IIIA panels are 0.26 inches thick–making this an extraordinarily comfortable covert armor to wear.

    nforcer 6000 Womens
    Enforcer 6000 Women’s Cut

    US Armor also uses Outlast Fabric technology, which helps keep the wearer cool and dissipates heat handily. While US Armor does offer standard sizing, they’re best known for their custom fittings, so your armor can be tailor-made to fit your form.

    The downside is — custom-fitted armor requires a bit more work, a bit more time, and, of course, a bit more money as well.

    Check out US Armor’s Master Product Catalog and get in touch with their sales team to place your order.

    Now…time for the best carriers and accessories!

    Best Plate Carriers & Trauma Pads

    Whether you’re planning to pick up some standalone plates or spring for a set, there are still plenty of must-have accessories to go with your shiny new armor.

    Plate Carriers

    We mentioned it a few times above, but all the stand-alone plates that we talked about are worn inside of a plate carrier–a tactical vest with special pockets designed just for your body armor plates.

    Spartan Armor Carriers
    Spartan Armor Carriers

    You can find carriers with velcro and MOLLE so you can attach all your gear to them, and you can also find carriers that can be hidden under your clothing for more subtlety. Choosing your plate carrier will depend on the type of plates or panels you buy.

    You may be able to mix and match brands between your plates and your carrier, but when in doubt–stick with the same brand. Some armor systems work best when all parts are from the same manufacturer.

    That being said, let’s look at some of our favorites!

    The AR500 Veritas Plate Carrier and armor panels
    The AR500 Veritas Plate Carrier and armor panels

    We’ll start with the AR500 Testudo Gen 2 Plate Carrier, which is sized for AR500’s larger plate offerings. It features a fully adjustable cummerbund and shoulder straps, 3D Mesh technology to increase breathability, and plenty of gear-mounting options.

    Testudo Plate Carrier, Loaded
    Testudo Plate Carrier, Loaded
    at AR500

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    There’s also the AR500 Veritas Modular Plate Carrier, which is the smaller version of the Testudo. It has all the same great features, it’s just sized for smaller plates and smaller bodies.

    Veritas Plate Carrier
    Veritas Plate Carrier

    Both the Testudo and Veritas carriers are available in coyote, olive drab, multi-cam, and black.

    at AR500

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    For a super-light option, check out Crye Precision’s AirLite SPC.

    The entire system weighs just over one pound, so you can cut the weight without sacrificing your protection. The mesh design also offers superior breathability.

    Pew Pew Tactical Shooting with MIRA Safety Gas Masks
    Rocking our Crye Precision AirLite SPC and some super-cool biohazard protection.

    You can get it in ranger green, multi-cam, black, and coyote.

    at Crye Precision

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    If you’re looking for a covert carrier, we’ve got you covered with the Safariland M2 Covert Carrier. Not only is it low-profile and highly durable, but it’s easily washable, which is a big plus for people wearing protection every day.

    at Safariland

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    The anti-microbial, wicking mesh lining will keep you dry and cool all day long for a truly comfortable covert body armor. It’s available in a variety of colors, including tan, olive drab, navy, black, and white.

    A current favorite of ours is the Ferro Concepts Slickster which is super low profile but can be built up with an additional kit.

    A Dumb Place for Magazines
    Bare Slickster with Some Kit

    We do an in-depth review here that includes a video.

    at Refactor Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Trauma Pads

    You may not realize it, but body armor plates are only designed to stop a bullet — not make it comfortable. Body armor absorbs the ballistic energy of a bullet to some extent, but you’re still going to feel pretty dang sore afterward.

    Trauma Pad Demonstration
    Trauma Pad Demonstration

    One way of mitigating the soreness is by wearing a trauma pad, like the AR500 Trauma Pad, under your armor.

    These are non-ballistic pads, which means that they don’t provide additional protection. What they do instead is instantly harden upon impact, increasing the rigid surface area of your armor and helping to decrease the amount of energy transferred from your armor to you.

    at AR500

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    AR500 offers trauma pads cut to match all of their different plate sizes, so all you have to do is match them to your plates.

    Other Body Armor Gear

    221B Tactical Maxx-Dri Vest 5.0

    Wearing a vest or plate carrier can get HOT. The Maxx-Dri vest keeps a little distance off your armor to let yourself air-cool off.

    221B Maxx-Dri Vest 5.0
    221B Maxx-Dri Vest 5.0

    It will look a little better with higher coverage loadouts such as soft armor vests. Otherwise with smaller carriers they’ll be a lot more exposed. But hey…you’ll be so much less sweaty than the other guy!

    Hiperline & Maxx-Dri 5.0
    Hiperline & Maxx-Dri 5.0
    at 221B Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    RTS Tactical Level III+ Rifle Special Threats Mini Shield

    If you prefer Captain America to Iron Man, we have some ballistic alternatives for you! RTS Tactical has a series of shields, and we’ve tested them.

    These steel Level III+ shields have a handle, a trauma pad to protect the forearm, and a retention strap. They are easy to use and comfortable to wear, depending on your strength.

    They come in three different sizes, S, M, and L, and offer more protection the bigger they get, but they’re also heavier.

    You can check out the full review, but suffice it to say, we were impressed with how they performed. We shot one with 9mm, .45 cal., M855 5.56mm, and even some shotgun slugs.

    Nothing got through. Actually, the shield barely even looked like it was damaged.

    The exterior lost some of its polyurea finish but was hardly even dented. The tested shield’s handle got a little loose after all the knocking around but tightened back up with some tools.

    at RTS Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    RTS Tactical Bulletproof Memory Foam Pillow

    I can see where you might be scratching your head with this one. We were too at first, but we shot it anyway!

    The idea of a ballistic pillow is interesting. Say you hear something go bump in the middle of the night, a pillow is one of the closest things to you.

    You could respond with a firearm in one hand and, using the included handle, a pillow in the other. The tactics are very similar to the shields above.

    These pillows are memory foam and actually very comfortable to sleep on (tested). They also stop IIIA threats.

    Ours caught the 9mm, .45 cal. , and shotgun slugs, but the M855 got through as they are not rated for rifles.

    at RTS Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Body Armor Laws in the U.S.

    There’s a myth that it’s illegal for civilians to own body armor, and it certainly seems true when you’re shopping around.

    Armor Carrier Side with Blowout Kit
    Armor Carrier Side with Blowout Kit

    Some companies will only sell to you with the proper documentation indicating your status as an LEO or military member.

    Truth is — all civilians in the U.S., with the exception of felons, can legally own body armor.

    Brewster Body Shield
    Body armor has come a very long way.

    There may be some local regulations, so you should check out your local laws to make sure you’re in the clear. Don’t just take our word for it.

    And unfortunately, after mass shootings…there’s been some lawmakers calling to add body armor regulations on regular civilians.

    Aero Precision EPC Night Vision Shooting
    Aero Precision EPC Night Vision Shooting

    How to Fit Body Armor

    Obviously, the better fitting your armor is, the more comfortable it will be and the better protection it will offer.

    Too large or too small plates may not cover you properly, and poorly cut shapes can restrict your movement or leave uncomfortable pressure points.

    Micro Plate Carrier
    AR500 Armor, Micro Plate Carrier (8″ x 10″)

    Here’s what to look at when it comes to choosing the right size of armor.


    There isn’t really an industry standard when it comes to sizing plates, and wrong-sized plates usually can’t be returned for safety reasons, so you want to get it right the first time.

    10” by 12” is the most common armor plate size, along with tiny bois (8” by 10”) and big bois (11″ by 14″).

    You can find other sizes, as well, but these are the easiest. Pay attention to the manufacturer’s sizing charts, and get a little help measuring yourself if you need it.

    Body Armor Anatomy
    Body Armor Anatomy, sixty-six.org

    You want to be sure that the armor plate touches your sternal notch (follow down from your Adam’s apple to where you’ll gag when you press in).

    You’ll also want the width to cover your nipples. It’s going to look a lot higher than you think.

    Position of Body Armor Plates
    Position of Body Armor Plates

    The point of armor is to protect your heart and lungs, not your guts.

    Cuts & Shapes

    Most manufacturers produce armor in just a handful of shapes, but you’ll choose depending on the type of coverage you’re looking for and your body’s unique shape and motions.

    These shapes are:

    • Rectangular: These plates offer the most coverage but the least mobility. They’re also popular for back plates since they cover so much.
    • SAPI: These plates offer a lot of the same coverage as rectangular plates, but the upper corners are removed to give you a better range of motion.
    • Shooter: These plates are similar to the SAPI, but the corners are cut more aggressively down. May be handed, where one side is shaped differently to accommodate a buttstock for right or left-handed shooters.
    • Swimmer: These plates are aggressively cut down on all corners, offering the least protection but the most mobility.

    Again…it might vary among manufacturers who come up with their own cutesy names.

    Different Cuts of Armor (L to R, Advanced LW Shooters Cut, SAPI, Advanced Shooters Cut Left)
    Different Cuts of Armor (L to R, Advanced LW Shooters Cut, SAPI, Advanced Shooters Cut Left)


    Curved and flat plates both exist–but each has different uses. Plates can curve from top to bottom or from your chest to your belly, but they can also curve from side to side or shoulder to shoulder.

    Plate Armor Curve (Top is Level III+, Bottom is Level IV)
    Plate Armor Curve (Top is Level III+, Bottom is Level IV)

    Your body is curved, so it’s well worth your comfort to spring for the curved chest plate, even if it’s a few dollars more. Curved plates are contoured to the natural shape of your body, so they often have the best fit.

    Flat plates can be good for back armor, but you may still find that uncomfortable. Choose what fits your body best.

    After all…you don’t want to feel miserable wearing it.

    How to Choose the Right Body Armor

    Now that you have a grasp on all the intricacies of picking out body armor, it’s time to choose the right one.

    Ultimately, it comes down to you — your protection needs, your budget, and your body. We’ve got a few recommendations…starting with soft armor, moving into hard plates, and then ceramic.

    Final Thoughts

    Choosing body armor isn’t something that should be taken lightly. After all, it’s your life you’re entrusting to a few inches of steel, ceramic, or plastic, so you want to feel confident in your decision.

    Tru Spec 24/7 Concealed Armor Undershirt
    Tru Spec 24/7 Concealed Armor Undershirt

    We hope we’ve helped you find some great options, but be sure to do a little research into what threat protection level suits your needs and take time to measure yourself, so you can find the right armor plates.

    For most civilians…we highly recommend AR500 Armor’s Level III+ Lightweight as the way to go. One more time for our video!

    at AR500

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    If you’re going with UHMWPE or Ceramic…our budget choice is the RTS at about $150 a plate.

    at RTS Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    But our best protection favorite is the Mira Level IV…which was the only plate that stopped two rounds of armor piercing 30.06. Remember to use code PEWPEW15 for 15% off!

    at Mira Tactical

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Did this help? Any other brands we should check out and test in the future? Let us know. Check out the standalone Best Ceramic & UHMWPE Plates and Best Battle Belt & Armor Carriers articles. Or head over to our Best Plate Carriers article for more options on outfitting yourself.

    Latest Updates

    • October 2024: Added information on how we tested and a comparative analysis.
    • March 2024: Removed Advanced Slickster Plate Carrier
    • October 2023: Removed AR500 Lightweight UHMWPE

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    78 Leave a Reply

    • Ricardo Castaneda

      Try looking into armor for other parts of the body, like stomach, neck. Groin and so on.

      I was having the same thoughts as well on this issue

      November 30, 2024 11:55 pm
    • Erik

      Please have a look at the soft and hard armor by Legacy Safety and Security, LLC. Excellent armor at really good prices.

      July 14, 2024 11:48 pm
    • JK

      Love to see one of these on JUST Plate Carriers

      October 13, 2023 3:07 pm
    • Jon

      I am almost positive Ar500 ceramic plates are manufactured by RMA.

      October 12, 2023 10:55 pm
    • Otto

      Hey folks:

      I'm a "new-bee" to firearms, and after reading about the armour, I am wondering if I wore like, 5 Level 4 plates in my carrier, would that stop a 50 BMG round @ 100-yards (or @ 200-yards), or should I look for something more substantial? Thank you in advance.

      October 12, 2023 9:31 pm
    • F

      This article is trash. Most of these are. Not one leading manufacturer of most common leaders in the industry. For anyone looking for all encompassing resource for firearms, training, knowledge and gear, dump this website and go to T.Rex Arms. Way more valuable insight

      October 2, 2023 2:10 am
      • You're_an_id10t

        You said "Valuble insight" so I went there, read a little, watched a couple of their YouTube videos and there is a serious lack of ANYTHING remotely knowledgeable anyone with a shred of knowledge would deem 'valuable insight'.
        Why would anyone listen to a bunch of civilian kids with no oversees experience (w/ one that spent a few years as a LEO) about gear (particularly combat gear) that don't know good gear from the hole in their ass? F.... m0r0n...

        July 28, 2024 4:45 pm
      • T.Rex Arms children

        I went to T.Rex Arms and read / watched some content.
        Question: Why would any mature adult male with any real experience take advice from kids that look like they're not old enough to legally drink beer? Not a single one of them said anything even remotely close to anything that would deem them knowledgeable whatsoever. "Valuble insight" LOL okay...

        July 28, 2024 4:49 pm

      I would love to see a review on
      Hesco hard body armor
      Agilite gear hard body armor
      Up against sparton armor or another preferable ceramic hard plate company.

      May 6, 2023 10:51 am
    • Wayne

      I'm confused about the "Shelf Life" of steel plates. I bought Level 4 steel plates with Spall Guard 3 years ago for my JPC 2.0 Carrier. Its stored in my 5.11 duffle bag in a basement with dehumidification. How could it not last ??

      April 4, 2023 7:58 pm
      • qwe304

        There is no such thing as lv4 steel. only "3+". that said, in a temperature controlled environment with limited humidity, both steel and ceramic plates would last decades. I have one from 1995 that shows no signs of decay.

        October 12, 2023 10:56 pm
    • monster

      The more I think about this article the more I'm convinced that it's more geared to sell than inform. If it was intended to inform it would lead with steel plates are deadly and spalling is dangerous. As a matter of fact spalling is mentioned so far down and so briefly that too many wouldn't consider how deadly steel plates are. Pew Pew should look into getting different sponsors if that's how it decides to cover a topic. I get it's how you pay the bills but there should be lines that aren't crossed and pushing unsafe products should be one of those lines. Done with my rant.

      March 16, 2023 10:08 pm
    • Chuck Cochran

      Still using a Point Blank Soft Armor if the need arises. I'd like to get a PC and Level IV plates, but I balk at spending that much at my age and limited mobile. Limited income means I'll probably have to go with Level III or III+, for use with our community response group.

      March 16, 2023 8:29 pm
    • John

      Does the Safe Life Multi-Threat Vest in Level 3A come with the Amish Farmer ZZ Top beard or is that an option?

      March 16, 2023 1:47 pm
    • monster

      Are steel plates really worth all the weight and more importantly the risk of spalling? I'm wondering why this list doesn't consider a company such as Shotstop and their duritium plates? Duritium is lighter than steel and more durable than ceramic, plus it has less risk of spalling. So why not spend the extra bucks for peace of mind?

      March 16, 2023 1:14 pm
    • Sam

      So I'm still looking for an ideal solution - Level 3A/Plus concealment vest with plate pockets for ceramic Level 4s. Ideally, concealable small caliber rifle protection with the holders for Level 4 plates should the occasion require, trading heavy protection for concealability but offering both. Any thoughts?

      January 29, 2023 10:27 am

      Why is there no concern for protecting the belly? A person on bleed out quickly if shot in the belly.

      December 16, 2022 3:14 pm
      • monster

        Heart and lungs are immediate?

        March 16, 2023 3:49 pm
    • TB

      Good review, but seems a little biased. Most civilians aren’t going to be able to carry steel plates with a full load out. What about HESCO and DFNDR plates?

      June 27, 2022 6:57 pm
      • Redacted

        Hesco I wouldn't trust because they've had multiple plates permanently removed off the NIJ list

        DFNDR is gtg

        August 1, 2022 3:56 am
        • qwe304

          Want to know the easiest way to avoid having your plates fail and get delisted? just don't certify them to begin with.

          October 12, 2023 10:58 pm
    • Emperor Norton

      The best body armor is a big bullet coming at ya.

      May 29, 2022 12:32 am
      • suzy

        check at outdoorammos on google

        June 17, 2022 7:09 pm
    • Rodney

      Very helpful article. While I didn't go with the recommendations here, I did observe my local shop test on the set of level IV and carrier that I did acquire. Thank you, as it helped me determine what I needed at that time.

      Reading Johnny's feedback, I think he has it right. With all the stuff going on in public spaces, something to slip on and head to the office or walmart is going to become more in demand and certainly something I am interested in. Can't really wear ceramic plates to the store and not be noticed, lol.

      So, for the more casual and not expecting trouble everyday wear, what is on the market that can be trusted? I see a lot of links for "ballistic clothing" and "bullet proof clothing" but I wouldn't trust any of that. Is there casual jackets with a level II or better protection?
      Now that the

      March 9, 2022 6:01 pm
    • Dave

      Good article, but with Safe Lifes Flexible Plates, and now their HyperLine armor, you should update it! I have a IIIA+ by Safe Life, and bought my son an FRAS. My wife will probably go with the Hyper Line. No more heavy, clunky, poor coverage armor!

      January 3, 2022 12:34 pm
    • Bill ZAMORA

      Have you done any testing with LA Police Gear plates or Botach Tactical Battle Steel plates? They offer affordable level III, III+ & IV plates ($99 - $189)

      December 31, 2021 10:11 am
    • Aaron Lewis

      Are there any updates as products have changed since this was originally written?
      Best bang for the buck? Best soft armor protection?

      October 19, 2021 11:50 am
    • Sam

      I have a leather riding vest. It has 2 front zip up pockets to fit 8x12 plates to either front side and a 15 x 20 in back. Considering these sizes, it looks to me that a plate to carry in either does not exist. An 8x 10 in both fronts may work but leaves a lot of gap up the chest area. For the rear/back the closest i have found is a 11x14 or 11x15. Does anyone make a 15x20 or am i lookung to dbl up with 2 - 10x 15. Any suggestions?

      September 28, 2021 6:30 am
    • Bill

      Does the Safe Life FRAS actually work or is it BS like Dragon Skin turned out to be?

      September 16, 2021 10:25 pm
      • Redacted

        it's BS - they stole the design from Stealth Armor Systems with the Hexar plates - plus SLD misleads people in their marketing - they have only ONE actual plate on the NIJ list - most of their junk is just chinesium

        August 1, 2022 3:55 am
    • Jon Banks

      There's a lot to take in here. So, even reading (or trying to) all of this still leaves me intensely confused. Is there soft armor with pockets for plates for added protection? Maybe IIIA with front and rear pockets?

      August 19, 2021 5:41 am
    • David

      It’s hilarious how hard you guys shill for AR500. Won’t even approve comments lmao

      August 5, 2021 11:22 pm
    • Drew

      Hey crew,
      Appreciate all the work and testing and reporting you do. As an owner of a media outlet in a different hobby, and who regularly does group tests, shootouts, or best of reviews, this is kinda discrediting to the rest of your Channel. I’ve read/watched lots and and your input sway decisions, yet after reading what is titled as a best armor review, which would have me thinking about what I should buy, this read’s like an AR500 and some other brands you get commission from ad.
      There are many other brands out there, offering protection and I don’t think I’m alone in wanting to know more about PE plates and who makes them than two options from your Avant Link partners.
      I get it, but when a major opportunity to do and claim such a big review like this is missed, it’s hard to now believe/ read any of your other reviews or pages without thinking, are there other brands that are better, they just aren’t in pew pews affiliate program? And that’s a bummer.
      Appreciate the hard work, you guys do a ton of it, just some input from a fellow media squid who’s trying to make an informed purchase in another arena.

      June 13, 2021 8:08 am
    • John Martin

      All you have to do is google "Body Armor Recall" and this should answer any questions about purchasing Body Armor from AR500 Armor. Smoke and Mirrors don't make purchases on the basis of marketing and price!

      May 25, 2021 10:55 am
      • Yes

        This recall involves AR500 Armor Level III body armor, including chest plates, side plates and ABS panels. The black, steel-core body armor is rated for protection against rifle calibers up to 7.62X51 M80 Ball (.308) at 2,800 feet per second. AR500 Armor is printed on a white label on the back side of the armor. Only AR500 Level III body armor with the manufacture date code of February 2016 and March 2016 are included in the recall.

        May 27, 2021 3:35 pm
    • William king

      whats do you think about tec tec 5.11 plate carrier

      March 8, 2021 9:49 am
    • William king

      whats do you think about tec tec 5.11 plate carrier

      March 8, 2021 9:49 am
    • William king

      whats do you think about tec tec 5.11 plate carrier

      March 8, 2021 9:49 am
    • William king

      whats do you think about tec tec 5.11 plate carrier

      March 8, 2021 9:49 am
    • Tom

      Would you consider also testing with the ammunition that may be used against them in battle, such as 5.45x39, 7.62x54R, and other adversarial rounds? Or are we just talking about internal bad guys? If so, what a sad state of affairs.

      February 14, 2021 8:00 pm
    • Mark

      One aspect ignored, which is expiration. Soft armor and polymer/ceramic have something like 5 years shelf life. Steel plate are 20+. Maybe not an issue for those willing to drop some bills every 5 years.

      January 21, 2021 10:36 am
      • Russel

        I've heard that steel plates can cause fragmentation of the bullet sending shrapnel up into yours, and people around you faces. But damn, every five years would get spendy.

        January 22, 2021 9:44 pm
    • Jerry Smith

      I am wondering why Highcom or Hesco isn't on this list or even mentioned at all...

      November 20, 2020 5:05 am
      • Redacted

        Because Hesco is crap - they've been repeadetly pulled off the NIJ list - every model that has been revoked has been PERMANENTLY removed and blacklisted form the NIJ list

        August 1, 2022 3:58 am
    • Tom

      I think there is a problem with the website. It only let's me read part of the article,and there is no "next" or "next page" or "continue" button, or anyway to read beyond option #2 when they start listing the best armor

      November 18, 2020 5:17 pm
      • David, PPT Editor

        Hey, ya, that's not good! We'll look into it and get it fixed.

        November 18, 2020 5:27 pm
    • Curtis

      What about a review of the tacticon.com Body Armor? How does it stack up?

      November 6, 2020 7:52 am
    • Marty

      Question, I see AR500 has a special Anniversary concealed ultra package a IIIA soft armor for $175, seems to fit the bill, except lead time is 3-4 months.

      Good for a SHTF situation?

      August 28, 2020 12:08 pm
    • John A. Bang

      Okay, how about soft armor with pockets for plates as additional coverage? Say, a level II or IIIA vest with pockets for III+ plates, or something along those lines? Maybe extra side protection? I'm still very confused.

      August 24, 2020 1:35 pm
      • Jason

        I think the Safe Life Defense vest has this. I'm looking for something similar.

        August 26, 2020 6:16 am
      • C.lewis

        If you're not worrying about size try to find an interceptor body armor vest like the military uses it is both level 3A protection and has the spots for your plates

        September 6, 2020 4:51 pm
    • SJ

      I have AR 500 Curved plate 111-A any way to up the rating by adding another layer or ? It seems as thick as some of my targets I shoot w my ar15 193 and they don’t go through so I’m confused why they won’t Stop it-if any one has input-thanks

      August 20, 2020 8:57 pm
    • Big Trooper

      I was hoping you'd cover some of the abdominal carriers and plate options. At 6'3" and with a longer torso, even the largest carriers and plates I have leave a lot exposed. Intestines and a surviving stomach matter. I wore vietnam-era flak vests in Iraq in '91 with a 2nd Chance underneath that to provide at least a semblance of protection. Bulky, hot, and miserable. Fast forward 15 years in my career and good old SAAPI plates. Much improved protection, but brutal on an already abused body.

      Now that I'm retired from that profession, I have carriers and plates for homestead protection. On the unthinkable chance that I find myself in the way of incoming fire again, I need all the help I can get. Thanks!

      July 19, 2020 10:36 am
    • Brian

      Thoughts on Safe Life iii+? My first soft armor purchase. I called them and they said they passed all NIJ tests but are waiting for certification. Thank you,

      June 14, 2020 4:09 pm
      • John

        They've been waiting for NIJ certification for about 3-4 years, on all of their products. Their original vests were stamped, "Shanghai", but that has now been taken off. Wait 6 more months, call again and you'll hear the same thing.

        August 15, 2020 2:55 pm
    • Annie

      Hi Allison! Question. I’m looking for something simple for my daughter (10) and myself. Mostly for range safety and just in case. We both could fit into a women’s small. I was flirting with soft vest. What are you suggestions for our build and needs? Thanks!

      May 1, 2020 7:58 am
    • Jason

      CATI armor is great stuff at a competitive price.. it's might be better then Spartan Armor

      March 30, 2020 5:49 am
    • David

      It doesn’t. I love my AR500 Armor!! I’m a retired cop and I can tell you I have and do trust my life to AR500 armor. You just have to remember that like it says in this article it is not the super high end crazy expensive stuff. So it is a bit heavier then more expensive options. But it is quality stuff and it works!!! I’d guess that guy is just a troll with little or no real knowledge or experience hence the open ended trash talk with no fact etc. take care!

      February 3, 2020 11:27 am
    • Holden Karsten

      AR500 armor blows, where is Velocity systems on here?

      December 21, 2019 10:35 pm
      • Chris

        why does it blow?

        December 27, 2019 4:57 pm
        • Clark Nelson

          They took two months to finish my armor, so don't buy from them if you need something next week.

          IMO steel armor is on the way out, and there are better ceramic plate makers like hesco.

          I bought the testudo gen two but it is way too large. The plates move around in their pockets which makes it feel even heavier. My whole rig right now is 30lb, which I can't wear for very long.

          If I would go back and buy again, I would spend more money on armor that is lighter. I got a good deal buying my whole rig through ar500 and they don't "suck" but I would research and buy each part.

          March 31, 2020 6:42 am
        • Holden Karsten

          Its steel armor, its archaic. At least the updated this an added Velocity systems. Also I've heard nothing but bad things about it (AR500)

          June 2, 2020 4:20 pm
          • Rob

            You do know that AR500 is the name of the company, right? They offer steel, but they also offer ceramics. Just because it's branded AR500 armor doesn't mean it isn't level iv ceramic

            June 6, 2020 12:18 pm
      • JB

        AR500 Armor actually does really well in certain aspects, the only thing they need to work on is their marketing and R&D. I've shot all of their plates and they hold up really well and I would trust them to protect me if it's all I could afford. In actual combat (not that I'd be in one), I'd prefer ceramic, which AR500 has, but they're from Hesco anyway. But AR500 are great for backup plates, training and for people who just can't or won't drop $800 - $1,000 on a set that rarely gets used. Plus, steel has a very long lifespan whereas ceramic doesn't, plus ceramic can fracture and compromises it's ballistic ability.

        March 28, 2020 11:49 am
    • Richard

      Would like to see comparison/review of several of the AR500-AR600 manufacturers...not just AR500 or Spartan brands.

      September 22, 2019 8:34 am
    • RogerDodger

      Please publish updated list for someone looking to spend 2k on a few new plates b4 the crab people arrive :O

      August 29, 2019 6:08 pm
    • Larry

      Any information about the difference between MIL–A 46100 armor and AR500?

      August 27, 2019 1:02 am
    • Jay

      Nice article, but what about CATI ARMOR? Their 3+ plate is multi curved, and is rated for m193!! I don’t feel this is a totally accurate list

      August 19, 2019 5:09 am
      • Eric Hung

        We're already working on an update list!

        August 20, 2019 7:15 pm
      • Robert

        Cati for sure. Watched a plate take 6 5.56 green tips at 20yards at the range this spring and bought a pair the next week.

        August 31, 2019 7:09 pm
    • Steve

      Great article! Thanks

      August 18, 2019 8:35 pm
      • Eric Hung

        Thanks Steve!

        August 20, 2019 7:15 pm
    • Anrae Godley-Cooper

      I wear both hard and soft armor and I personally don't care about how the public view me or any of us that choose to wear body armor.

      August 18, 2019 7:26 pm
    • Lynda Carter

      Who says I’m not Wonder Woman!
      Besides - why not use both at the same time?

      August 18, 2019 6:01 pm
    • Chuck

      Should check into RMA Defense. When I was looking around for rifle plates for duty use I came across them and saw they boasted 5 rounds of M2AP. Called them direct and they had great customer service. After I bought it saw a youtuber shoot one of their level IV plated with a 338 Lapua Mag with no penetration.

      August 18, 2019 5:56 pm
      • Eric Hung

        For sure, we're already working on an update list!

        August 20, 2019 7:14 pm
    • Johnny

      I want something I am going to where every day and every where (walmart, mcdonalds, movie theater, etc).....so soft armor is my pick. Try doing that with hard armor and a plate carrier.

      What I wish is for a jacket carrier. Take off when at the office, put on when leaving office.

      August 18, 2019 4:45 pm
      • Eric Hung

        I've seen something like that at SHOT...looks like a regular jacket. Check out Miguel Caballero.

        August 20, 2019 7:17 pm
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