Category AR-15
Best .300 Blackout BLK Ammo: Self Defense, Hunting, Target
.300 AAC Blackout ammo comes in lots of flavors from training to home defense to hunting, we took a look at the whole range of ammo and picked out our top favorites for each type so that you can save time and money! (Read)
[Review] Radical Firearms Upper
We review a dirt-cheap Radical Firearms upper that we got for $200. Is it the best bang-for-the-buck AR out there? Or is it headed for the back of the safe? (Read)
Best Stripped AR-15s: Easiest Way to a Custom Build
Buying a stripped or "nearly-complete" AR is a great way to get a mostly-assembled gun that takes minimal effort, but is still custom to you. We cover our favorites. (Read)
The Truth About Brass vs. Steel Ammo
Should you shoot steel-cased ammo? Or simply stick with the more expensive brass-cased ammo? We go through the facts and set things straight with some simple rules to follow. (Read)
5 Best .300 Blackout AR-15 Uppers
The .300 Blackout is here to stay. We'll cover the best uppers out there for all budgets and build types...from pistol to rifle to suppressed. (Read)
Franklin Armory BFSIII Binary Trigger [Review]
The Franklin Armory Binary Trigger allows a shooter to simulate full-auto fire without the expense and NFA restrictions of a truly fully-automatic lower. Find out more about this cool piece of engineering (and see why it might be going away forever). (Read)
Best Rifle Bipods: AR-15 & Bolt Guns
Looking for the best bipod for your hunting rifle or AR-15? We cover what makes a great bipod and a few of the most popular ones out there that we owned or shot with extensively. (Read)
4 Guns that Changed the World
Firearms advancement comes down to power, speed, weight, and accuracy. Every once in a while an invention changes the world. It doesn't happen often and it normally isn't recognized for it until decades later. Well, here are four guns that changed the world of firearms. (Read)
How to Shoot with a Bipod
Bipods are easy, right? Sure! But you still need to know how to use them correctly and know what kind to get. We will take a look at how best to use a bipod and our recommendations to get you started. (Read)
.224 Valkyrie [Complete Guide]: Specs, Ammo, & Guns
Is the .224 Valkyrie by Federal the next caliber for you? We look at the ballistics, ammo pricing, best uppers, and best barrels to answer your question. (Read)
AR-10 vs AR-15: [What’s Best For You?]
The AR-15 and AR-10 rifles are two of the most popular and successful rifles in history. Find out the differences, pros/cons, and what's best for you. (Read)
Stag Arms 9mm AR-15 Rifle [Review]
Looking for an out-of-the-box 9mm AR-15? Or a builders kit with all the important bits? We review the fit/feel, accuracy, reliability, and more of Stag Arms' 9mm AR-15. (Read)
AR-15 Parts & Tools List: Building? [Start Here!]
Building an AR-style rifle is a great way to learn as a shooter, save money, and build a rifle that is distinctly yours. Here's all the parts you need, as well as info on choosing specific parts, and some gear we recommend. (Read)
Best Pistol Caliber AR-15 Carbines (AR-9)
Got a pistol? Got a AR-15? Enter the AR-9 platform! Find out why they are great defensive guns and a couple of our favorites. (Read)