Category Beginner’s Guide
Best Semi-Automatic Rifle for Beginners: AR-15 vs AK-47
Quickly learn the pros/cons of the AR-15 vs AK-47 debate. We'll cover ergonomics, reliability, cost, accessories, and even recommended models. (Read)
How to Shoot a Rifle: AR-15 & Bolt Action
Learn how to shoot the most common semi-automatic rifle, the AR-15, as well as a bolt action rifle. (Read)
Shooting Range Helpful Tips
First time to the shooting range and not sure what to expect? We'll cover rules, what to do, and indoor/outdoor ranges to make your trip safe and a little less intimidating. (Read)
Best Sniper & Precision Rifle for Beginners [Ultimate Guide]
Find out the best sniper/precision rifle for you at all price points. We'll cover important aspects such as caliber, action, and recommended models. (Read)
Trigger Pull & Follow Through
Learn the most important aspects of the trigger pull and follow through. Important bullet points, diagrams, and video to help you out. (Read)
How to Properly Shoot a Handgun or Pistol
Quickly learn how to safely shoot a handgun by covering different trigger types, correct grip, sight alignment, and loading/unloading. (Read)
Best Home Defense Gun [Shotguns, Pistols, & Rifles]
Shotguns, pistols, and rifles. What's the best home defense gun for you? We go over the pros and cons of each complete with favorite models and ammo picks. (Read)
[Guide] Shooting Stances: Isosceles vs Weaver vs Chapman
Quickly learn the pros/cons of the Isosceles, Weaver, and Chapman shooting stances through tons of pictures and videos. (Read)
[Guide] Sight Picture & Eye Dominance: Shoot Better
Quickly discover your eye dominance for shooting in less than 60 seconds and learn proper sight alignment, holds, and where to focus on your front sight. (Read)
[Beginner’s Guide]: Rimfire vs Centerfire Ammunition
Quickly learn the difference between rimfire vs. centerfire ammo in appearance and firing mechanism. Plus pros/cons and the best recommended rimfire ammo. (Read)
How to Properly Shoot a Shotgun
Quickly learn how pump and semi-auto shotguns work, before diving into how to load, unload, and shoot them. (Read)
How to Shoot a Revolver
Quickly learn how single and double action revolvers work , how to shoot them, and how to unload to make them safe. (Read)