Category Competition
Best Pistol Red Dot Sights [Real-Views + Video]
Looking for the best red dot for your pistol? We cover the most popular models and their pros/cons, slide compatibility, and bang-for-the-buck-ness. (Read)
Essential 3 Gun Gear: Everything But The Guns
Its hard to choose 3-gun gear. We've laid out exactly what you need to compete, including all the best gear to get your first match off to a great start. (Read)
Getting Started with IDPA Competition
IDPA offers a fun, practical way to practice shooting in defensive situations, win prizes, and make new friends. Read on to find out how to get started. (Read)
Beginner’s Guide to Service Rifle Shooting Competitions
Service rifle competitions are great for veterans, history buffs, and other firearms enthusiasts to shoot tried-and-true guns in a competition setting. (Read)
Best Pistol Caliber Carbines for Competition
Pistol-caliber carbines are all the rage right now, and competitions that let you show them off are cropping up all over. Here's how to get started. (Read)
Best 3-Gun Rifle Compensators [Tested]
Looking for the best compensator to reign in muzzle flip? We cover options for all budgets and the most popular 3-Gun competition calibers. (Read)
Best 3-Gun Shotguns: Smoke the Competition
If you're looking to get into competitive shooting, you'll need a good 3-gun shotgun. We've rounded up some of the very best available to help you get started. (Read)
8 Best Budget Guns for New Shooters [Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun]
Picking your first gun can be a hassle. So, we're taking the guesswork out and providing you with some great guns for new shooters...that are affordable! (Read)
[USPSA]: How to Choose Your Division
Want to start pistol competitions with USPSA? There's a lot of rules governing divisions and we're here to sort it out. Plus our favorite pistols for each! (Read)
5 Best Lightweight Bolt Carrier Groups (BCG) [Hands-On]
Want to really reduce your double-tap split times? We've tried the most popular lightweight BCGs on the market and know which are the best after thousands of rounds. (Read)
Lightest AR-15 Handguards: Hands-On Roundup
Want the lightest AR-15 Handguard possible? We cover different materials from carbon fiber to magnsium. Plus our pick for the best-bang-for-the-buck rail. (Read)
El Presidente Shooting Drill
Find out how to conduct the El Presidente shooting drill, as well as helpful tips to get the best time while still keeping your accuracy. (Read)