Category Concealed Carry
Best Non-Lethal Weapons and Ammo To Use Instead of a Gun
Tasers or pepper spray or beanbag rounds? We cover the best non-lethal weapons and ammo to use instead of a gun...that might save your life one day. (Read)
8 Best .380 Pistols [Hands-On Tested]
Can a .380 pistol save your life? We'll cover what the round can do and our top picks for the best .380 ACP pistols. (Read)
7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Carried Concealed
Getting your concealed carry permit is exciting. Don't make these mistakes, though. You could lose your right to own a gun, or worse...end up in jail. (Read)
Sig Sauer P238 Review: Best .380 for Concealed Carry? [Field Tested]
Looking at getting the Sig Sauer P238 pocket pistol? See how it stacks up in terms of reliability, ergonomics, and concealment. (Read)
[Gun Review] FNH FNS-9
A gun that might beat our favorite Glock 19! See how we review the FNS-9 in terms of reliability, cost, shootability, upgrades, safety, and more. (Read)