Category Gun Reviews
6 Best Walther Pistols for Concealed Carry
We take a look at Walther and narrow down which handguns we think you should consider if you're looking for your next concealed carry pistol. (Read)
Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 10mm Review: Best Big Bore Pistol?
We take the Smith & Wesson M&P 2.0 in 10mm to the range to see if this big bore pistol is worth adding to your safe. Come get our thoughts! (Read)
Best New Rifles of 2022 (That Aren’t All ARs)
We take a look at some of the best new rifles to come out of 2022...and they aren't all AR-15s! Come see what we've got. (Read)
12 Guns of Christmas: Best Guns for Gifting this Holiday Season
We put together a shopping list to help your loved ones have the most fun at the range this holiday season with some fun guns that are sure to please! (Read)
Girsan MC P35 & Ops Optic Review: Evolved Hi-Power Clone?
Clones of the Hi-Power are pretty rad, but do budget versions like Girsan's MC P35 hold their own? We take the MC P35 and Ops Optic to the range to see... (Read)
Hi-Point Model 995TS Review: Best Budget 9mm Carbine?
We take a look at the Hi-Point Model 995 -- a budget friendly 9mm carbine that won't break the bank. But is it any good? Come find out. (Read)
PSA JAKL AR/AK Pistol Review: Ultimate Truck Gun?
PSA's JAKL is a little bit AR-15 and a little bit AK-47 but does this rifle have the ability to be the ultimate truck gun? We find out... (Read)
Walther PPK/s Review: James Bond’s Favorite Pistol
We take a look at the preferred pistol of 007 -- the Walther PPK/s. This .380 ACP is a classic gun but does it withstand the test of time? Come see... (Read)
Staccato CS Review: Best Compact 2011 for Carry?
Staccato's newest pistol, the CS, promises amazing performance in a small package. But does this compact carry gun deserve a spot in your CCW setup? (Read)
Stoeger STR-9C Review: Ultimate Glock Substitute?
The Stoeger STR-9C is a Turkish compact handgun that comes in a lot cheaper than Glock...but is it a good alternative to the Austrian pistol? Come find out. (Read)
Daniel Defense DD4 RIII Rifle Review: Worth the Upgrade?
The new RIS III rail from Daniel Defense has been rolled into a new line of rifles called DD4 RIII. But is this rifle series worth your money? We find out. (Read)
S&W Model Performance Center Model 19 Carry Comp: Perfect Carry .357?
We take the Performance Center Model 19 Carry Comp from Smith & Wesson to the range to see if this classic revolver is still relevant. (Read)
Colt Anaconda .44 Magnum Review: Snake Gun Renaissance
We take the Colt Anaconda 6-inch .44 Magnum revolver to the range to see how this snake gun performs. Come see what we think. (Read)
Best Smith & Wesson Handguns for Concealed Carry
We take a look at Smith & Wesson and the revolvers and pistols we think deserve your attention when choosing your next concealed carry gun. (Read)