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Category History


Mini Beretta Tip-Ups: Pocket Carry Perfection

We cover the history behind Beretta's unique tip-up pistols and take a look at each model in their lineup, past and present. (Read)


Remington: Who Owns the Brand & What Happened to its Intellectual Property?

We take a look at the history of Remington, their bankruptcy, and subsequent selloff to see who currently owns what pieces. (Read)


Road to the M1911: What Led to the 1911?

We take a look at the pistol designs that paved the way for Browning's successful M1911 design. Come get your learn on! (Read)


5 Surprising Products Made By Your Fave Gun Companies

We take a tour of some interesting products made by gun companies that aren't guns -- from motorcycles to lawnmowers, come see what we dug up! (Read)


10 Facts About the AK-47 You Never Knew

In this article, we cover some interesting facts about the ever-popular AK-47 rifle that you may not know. (Read)


Shootouts That Changed History

In this article, we go over three major police shootouts that changed the course of modern law enforcement tactics and gunfighting. (Read)


What is NATO Ammo?

We look at the term NATO ammo, what it means, and how NATO ammo is different from its civilian counterparts. (Read)


History of the Uzi & Its Influence in the Modern World

We take a look at the history behind the Uzi submachine gun, its inventor, and its influence in the world of small arms. (Read)


History of the Kentucky Long Rifle

We take a look at the Kentucky Long Rifle and its influence during the American Revolution. Come learn some history! (Read)


Wartime Weaponry: Weird Guns of the Vietnam War

We've got a rundown of a few of the weird firearms developed and used by US soldiers and special forces during the Vietnam War. (Read)


A Picture from History: Fort Moultrie

We take a look at Fort Moultrie, a historically significant and strategic spot located in on the port of Charleston in South Carolina. (Read)


A Picture From History: The Battle of Waterloo

We take a look at Napoleon's famous last battle at Waterloo and the events that ultimately lead to his defeat. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Moro Rebellion

We take a look at the Moro fighters -- a fierce and seemingly invincible group that made the U.S. military reevaluate its weaponry. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Mongols vs. The Cold Wet

With the Mongols upon them and things looking grim, Hungarians waited for slaughter...but a surprising turn of events sent the Mongols back home. (Read)
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