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Category History


A Picture from History: I Will Stay

In this Picture from History we look at Richard Webb -- a blind man from Louisiana who bravely brought his Ham radio to a local hospital to save lives. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Invasion of Alaska

Did you know the Japanese invaded Alaska during WWII? We've got the details of this little known piece of history. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald

In this Picture from History, we take a brief look into the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963. (Read)


History of FN: From Military Arms to the Civilian Market

We take a look back at how FN came to be....surprisingly it involves bicycles. Come see how this mode of transpo played a part in FN's success. (Read)


A Picture from History: Hot Tea & Tyrants

Ever wondered why Americans prefer coffee over tea? We take a look back at the events that sparked the American Revolution. (Read)


Wartime Weaponry: The American Civil War

In a new series, we take a look at the weaponry behind various conflicts worldwide. To kick things off, we're starting with the American Civil War. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Bulletproof Rider

Ever heard of the Bulletproof Rider? If not, come find out why he earned that nickname and who this ride was...the answer might surprise you. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Rwandan Genocide

In this Picture from History we take a look into what led to the genocide of the Tutsi people in Rwanda in the 1990s. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Gulag

During the early 1900s "class enemies" in the Soviet Union were shipped to concentration camps known as Gulags. Learn more about the terrors they faced. (Read)


A Picture from History: Otto Frank

We take a look at Otto Frank, the father of Anne Frank, and a man desperate to protect his family against the Nazis. (Read)


A Picture from History: Sergeant Alvin C. York

We take a look into the life of Sergeant York who, alongside 7 of his men, heroically captured over 100 German soldiers during World War I. (Read)


Machine Guns: The History and Evolution of Rapid Fire

We dive into the history of machine guns to find out how they came to be and how they've changed over the years. (Read)


A Picture from History: Simo Häyhä, Lethal Sniper

We look at one of the most deadly snipers in history…a small Finnish farmer who took on Soviet forces during The Winter War in 1939. (Read)


A Picture from History: Francis Marion

This Independence Day weekend we take a look at Francis Marion, an instrumental player in the fight for American freedom and independence. (Read)
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