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Category History


A Picture From History: MASH

We take a dive into the history of MASH units and look at their contributions during the Korean War. Come get your learn on! (Read)


Luger Pistol: The Most Famous German 9mm

We look into the history behind one of the most iconic German pistols of all time -- the Luger. Come learn more about the world's first 9mm semi-auto. (Read)


A Picture From History: Arab Revolt

This venture into history leads us to the Arab Revolt of World War I and the Bedouins -- who fought alongside Lawrence of Arabia. (Read)


A History of Glock: A Deep Dive into “Perfection”

We delve into the history of one of the most recognizable firearms manufacturers in the biz. Of course, we're talking about Glock. (Read)


A Picture From History: Senegalese Tirailleurs

Continuing our series, we explore a moment in world history caught on camera with the WWII Senegalese Tirailleurs. Come get your learn on! (Read)


A Picture From History: Gallipoli Campaign

Continuing our series, we explore another moment in world history caught on camera. Come get your learn on! (Read)


A Picture From History: Vietnam ARVN Ranger

In a new series for PPT, we explore moments in history caught on camera you might not know about. Come get your learn on! (Read)


[History] Heckler & Koch MP5: A Pop Culture SMG Icon

Ready to take a walk through memory lane? We're looking at the history of HK's iconic MP5 submachine gun and its influence on the world. (Read)


6 Badass Lady Shooters: From Past to Present

Move over, boys. We've got our list of some of the most badass lady shooters in history. From WWII snipers to current competitors, hunters, and influencers. (Read)
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