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Category History


A Picture from History: The Sinking of the Lusitania

We take a look at the tragic sinking of the Lusitania at the hands of a German U-Boat during World War I. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Last Samurai

The samurai were fearsome warriors throughout Japan, but with the modern age upon them, they were forced to fight for their culture. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Falklands War

We take a look at the Falklands War -- a several-week undeclared war between the United Kingdom and Argentina in the 1980s. (Read)


A Picture from History: Battle of Cadiz

In this Picture from History, we look at Sir Francis Drake and his battle against the Spaniards at the Battle of Cadiz in the 1500s. (Read)


Eugene Stoner: The Man Behind the AR-15

Eugene Stoner is the inventor of the iconic AR-15 and AR-10 rifles, but how did he create these and what other firearms did he develop? We cover this and more. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Battle of Antietam

In this Picture from History, we take a look at one of the bloodiest battles in American history -- the Battle of Antietam during the Civil War. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Star Spangled Banner

We take a look at how America's iconic national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner," came to life during the War of 1812. (Read)


Wartime Weaponry: Guns of the Spanish-American War

We've got a rundown of the firearms used post-Civil War America as well as the small arms of the Spanish-American war. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Battle of Edington

We take a look at the Battle of Edington, where Alfred the Great led farmers and everyday men to victory against Viking forces. (Read)


A Picture from History: Calais

We look into the Allied forces stationed in Calais during World War II. These soldiers bravely fought the invading German army to help troops at Dunkirk. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Swiss Pikemen

In this Picture from History, we take a look at the Swiss Pikemen -- Swiss soldiers who became a premier fighting force in Europe. (Read)


History of Concealed Carry Pistols & Revolvers

Ever wondered how concealed carry pistols have evolved over the years? We walk through the years and look at notable carry guns from past to present. (Read)


A Picture from History: Battle of the Yser

We take a look at the Belgian Army during World War I and their ingenious means of preventing the German Army from taking control. (Read)


A Picture from History: Berthe Marquaille & the Shelburne Line

In this Picture from History, we take a look at French resistance fighter Berthe Marquaille and her impact in World War II. (Read)
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