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Category History


A Picture from History: The Hmong and the Secret War

In this Picture from History, we take a look at the Hmong and their efforts to fight communism during the Vietnam War. (Read)


A Picture from History: Gordon Highlanders & the Battle of Mons

In this picture from history, we take a look at the 1st Battalion Gordon Highlanders and the Battle of Mons during World War I. (Read)


A Picture from History: Steve Callahan

Steve Callahan, a sailor, was adrift at sea for 76 days. Learn what happened and how he survived in this Picture from History. (Read)


A Picture from History: The White Rose

In this picture from history, we take a look at The White Rose -- a group of young people determined to fight evil in WWII. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Nazi-Danish War

We take a look at one of the shortest wars ever fought -- the Nazi-Danish War. This battle lasted only three hours and saw Germany take control. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Collapse of Rome

In this picture from history, we look at some things that led to the fall of the Roman Empire. Come read more on what led to its eventual downfall. (Read)


A Picture from History: Alexander Selkirk

Pirate Alexander Selkirk was left on a deserted island to fend for himself. Learn more about the man who served as inspiration for Robinson Crusoe. (Read)


The Rise & Fall of the American Saturday Night Special

What is a Saturday Night Special, and what happened to these handguns? We explore the history and the rise and fall of these guns. (Read)


A Picture from History: Mors Kochanski & the Art of Bushcraft

In this Picture in History, we introduce Mors Kochanski -- the father of bushcrafting and an innovator in the wilderness. (Read)


A Picture from History: Jungles, Spies, & Princesses

As head of the Panama Mobile Force, U.S. Army Major General Walter Evans Prosser took to the jungles in WWII to root out spies. Learn more here! (Read)


History of Combat Shotguns: Military Shotguns Through the Ages

We deep dive into the history behind combat shotguns...where they came from and what battles they served in. (Read)


A Picture from History: Winston Churchill’s Power of Words

In this Picture from History, we explore the desperation of the Allied forces in WWII as Germany took a stronger foothold and the speech that rallied spirits. (Read)


Kalashnikov Concern: History Behind the AK Brand

We take a look at the iconic Kalashnikov Concern and how this Russian conglomerate kicked off the AK fervor. (Read)


A Picture from History: William Fairbairn

We examine William Fairbairn -- an innovative fighter that introduced a lot of tactics used by the Allies in WWII. (Read)
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