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Category History


A Picture from History: Louis Zamperini

In this Picture from History we take a closer look at Louis Zamperini, a man who survived a devastating plane crash in WWII and later became a POW. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Powers’ Incident

We take a look at American pilot Francis Gary Powers and his doomed espionage operation over Russia in a U-2 spy plane. (Read)


A Picture from History: Hannibal’s Secret Weapon

In this picture from history, we take a look at Hannibal and his secret military weapon...war elephants. Come learn more! (Read)


10 Best “Assault Rifles” In Real Life

You've heard the term assault rifles before, so what are the best ones out there? We give you our top recommendations. (Read)


A Picture from History: Viriathus

We look at Viriathus -- a shepherd from Lusitani who bravely took on the Romans in the 3rd century BC to prevent Roman expansion. (Read)


A Picture from History: General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr.

We take a look at General Norman Schwarzkopf Jr. and his command of NATO and American troops during the Gulf War. (Read)


A Picture from History: The End of Blackbeard

In this Picture from History we take a look into the death of Blackbeard at the hands of American soldiers. (Read)


A Picture from History: Maximo Cruz

We take a look at Maximo Cruz, a daring fighter who took on Castro's men at the Bay of Pigs. Come read more about his fight. (Read)


A Picture from History: The Gladiator War

We dive way back into history to the Roman Empire and the infamous Gladiator War that saw Spartacus and his men take on the Romans. (Read)


A Picture from History: Burgoyne’s Blunders

British General John Burgoyne takes on American troops during the Revolution and learns a hard lesson about these scrappy fighters. (Read)


A Picture from History: Escaping the Boers

In this Picture from History, we follow the harrowing journey of a young Brit captured by the Boers during the Boer War of South Africa. (Read)


A Picture from History: Dan Edwards

We take a look at Medal of Honor recipient Dan Edwards and his amazing persistence and will to fight during World War I. (Read)


Spy Guns Through History: Armory of Real Life 007s

Though James Bond is a fictional character, spies have existed throughout history. We take a look at some of the weapons used by real-life 007s. (Read)


Battle of the Bulge: The Guns of America & Germany

Dec 16th marks the anniversary of the bloodiest battle of WWII for the U.S. -- the Battle of the Bulge. We're looking at the guns used by both sides. (Read)
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