Category How-To
Barrel Break-In: What Is It & How To Do It Right [Guide]
Is it worth it to break in your rifle's barrel? We take a dive into the concept of barrel break-ins and even walk you through how to do it. (Read)
Beginner’s Guide: How to Complete ATF eForms for NFA Items
In this guide, we cover how to complete the ATF eForms for those who are looking to build or buy NFA items. (Read)
[How-To] Give a Gun as a Gift
You want to give the special person in your life a gun... but is that even legal? Yes, it is! But there are things to know beforehand. Come learn more! (Read)
[Review+Video] How to Paint Your AR with Stencils: MultiCam Version
Have you ever wanted to paint your AR-15, but in MultiCam? We have! So, we stocked up on the aerosol paint and gave it a try. Come learn how to do your own! (Read)
[How-To] Prep for & Survive a Hurricane
We run you through our tips on surviving a hurricane. Find out how to prep, what supplies to have on hand, and what to do if you're caught in the storm. (Read)
[How-To] Set Up a Ham Radio Shack with $1,000
We walk you through what parts and accessories you need to get a nice ham radio shack set-up...all for less than $1,000. (Read)
[How-To] Survive When Stranded at Sea
What happens when disaster strikes on the open water? How do you survive at sea? We've got some tips to help if you find yourself stranded in the water. (Read)
Mozambique Drill: [How-To] Better Your Shooting Skills
We walk you through how to elevate your training and skills by using the Mozambique Drill -- a.k.a. two the chest, one to the head. (Read)
[How-To] Sharpen a Knife (And Remove Rust!)
Come see how to maintain your knife better with these tips on how to clean, prevent rust (or deal with it), and a step-by-step guide on sharpening. (Read)
[How-To] Pee in the Woods & Best Devices for Ladies
As a lady, using the bathroom in the woods can seem intimidating. So, we walk you through the steps and test out some devices to help! (Read)
[Beginner’s Guide] Ham Radio Basics for Preppers
We bring you a comprehensive guide to everything ham radio. From why ham radio is useful to how to get your license to the best radios...we got it all! (Read)
Concealed Carry for Big Guys: Holsters, Clothes & Tips
On the Big & Tall side? We've got some tips on how to make concealed carry work for our big and tall readers. Come see what we recommend! (Read)
How To Load & Unload Your Semi-Auto Pistol [With Pictures]
We walk you through how to load and unload your pistol for the first time at the range. If you're new to guns, come see how it's done! (Read)
[How-To] Use the Baofeng UV-5R for Squad Comms
In this how to, we cover setting up the budget-friendly Baofeng UV-5R, specifically for use with other comms. Ditch the frustration, and see how it's done. (Read)