Category Non-Lethal Weapons
Best Batons for Self-Defense: Tested
Batons have been used for hundreds of years. Find out the pros/cons of batons and then a couple of our favorite choices for self-defense! (Read)
[Review] PepperBall LifeLite Mobile & Compact: Non-Lethal Self Defense
We take a look at some non-lethal self-defense options from PepperBall in the form of the LifeLite Mobile and Compact systems. (Read)
De-Escalation & Secondary Measures for Gun Owners
You can't shoot all your problems away. We cover some de-escalation techniques and secondary measures for gun owners and concealed carriers. (Read)
Best Stun Guns & TASERs [Hands-On Tested]
We hands-on tested the most popular stun guns and tasers to see which is the best. Come see which we recommend! (Read)
Best Pepper Sprays for Self-Defense [Tested]
We hands-on test the most popular pepper sprays, foam, guns, & grenades out there to see which is the best for your intended use. (Read)
PepperBall LifeLite [Review]: Pics+Videos
Want a non-lethal option that gives you distance and multi-strike capability? We review PepperBall's LifeLite with tons of pics and videos of it in action. (Read)
TASER Pulse Review: Best Less-Lethal Option?
Should you get TASER's Pulse for the civilian market? I review my experiences carrying it 2 years. Plus a couple videos of it in action with both cartridge shooting and contact stun mode. (Read)
5 Best Everyday Carry (EDC) Flashlights [Hands-On]
We bought all the most popular EDC flashlights to test, torture, and photograph their beam patterns. Find out our favorites and what we now carry everyday. (Read)
5 Best Tactical Flashlights Under $100
We bought all the most popular tactical flashlights to test, torture, and photograph their beam patterns. Find out our favorites and what we now carry. (Read)
Best Non-Lethal Weapons and Ammo To Use Instead of a Gun
Tasers or pepper spray or beanbag rounds? We cover the best non-lethal weapons and ammo to use instead of a gun...that might save your life one day. (Read)