Category Observations
[Study] Best Value-Holding Pistols: It’s an Investment!
We crunched the data of used-gun sales from and these are the best value-holding pistols. (Read)
[Review] Fees, Laws, Potential Problems
Want to buy or sell on We've done it a bunch of times and here's our review...from what it is (and isn't) to potential problems. (Read)
The Strange Small Arms of the Looming Venezuelan Conflict
Small arms from conflicts all over the world have a story to tell. Here's some of the strangest we've found in the Venezuelan conflict. (Read)
Hearing Protection Act [2019 Status Update]: Is It Dead?
Confused about the Hearing Protection Act? We go in-depth on supressors, the current state of everything, and what might possibly happen in the future. (Read)
Armslist [Review] & Avoiding Scams
Thinking of purchasing or listing on Armslist? We've done both for 8+ years. Here's our tips to get the best experience and avoid getting scammed. (Read)
Talking to Your Kids About Gun Safety with Julie Golob
Got kids? Got guns? Mom, veteran, hunter, and professional competition shooter Julie Golob gives some life-saving tips about children's firearms education. (Read)
Cold Weather Shooting Tips For You & Your Gun
Know how to keep yourself and your guns ready even in the dead of winter! Here's some of our top cold weather shooting tips. (Read)
[What It Means] Gadsden Flag: Don’t Tread on Me
Don't tread on me. Not sure what the Gadsden Flag means? Or why is it "snek" now? We go over the history and current status of all the memes. (Read)
[Review] Gunsite Academy: Col. Cooper Lives On
Looking to train at Gunsite Academy? Find out if this shooting/fighting school is for you with our review of their 250 Pistol course. (Read)
What Exactly is Project Childsafe?
Wondering what is Project Childsafe? We cover the NSSF's program and how it can help you be a safer gun owner...and get a free gun lock. (Read)
[FAQ] Prop 65 Warning For Guns…Everything Causes Cancer
Seeing those scary Proposition 65 warnings everywhere? We'll cover what it means, so what, and does everything gun related cause cancer? (Read)
Gun Drama Johnny Joins the Pew Pew Tactical Team
YouTube personality Gun Drama Johnny joins the Pew Pew Tactical family handling digital promotion and content creator management. (Read)
YouTube Sucks. Here’s Where To Go To Watch Gun Videos These Days
Okay, YouTube doesn't suck, but they are banning some of our (and your) favorite firearms content, so we found a few alternatives that will work... (Read)
Carrying a Backup Gun: Locations & Considerations
Why would you want to carry a backup gun? What are the advantages and disadvantages of it? Pew Pew has everything you need to know before you start carrying a backup gun. (Read)