Category Pistol
Best Non-Lethal Weapons and Ammo To Use Instead of a Gun
Tasers or pepper spray or beanbag rounds? We cover the best non-lethal weapons and ammo to use instead of a gun...that might save your life one day. (Read)
S&W Revolver Trigger Job How-To (3 Methods)
Want to lower your S&W trigger pull and make it as smooth as glass? We'll walk through 3 ways of doing a Trigger Job, from switching springs to polishing. (Read)
Smart Guns: Technology, Products & Legislation
We cover the latest in smart gun technology (including the Biofire) and learn about current smart gun legislation. (Read)
Best .380 Pistols [Hands-On]
Can a .380 pistol save your life? We'll cover what the round can do and our top picks for the best .380 ACP pistols. (Read)
4 Most Effective Military and Police Qualifying Shoots
Do you want to become a better shooter? See how you compare against 4 of the best military & police shooting qualifiers...from pistol to rifle to shotgun. (Read)
7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Carried Concealed
Getting your concealed carry permit is exciting. Don't make these mistakes, though. You could lose your right to own a gun, or worse...end up in jail. (Read)
Sight Radius: Why Does it Matter?
Quickly learn what is a gun's sight radius and why it matters for accuracy. Plus examples of various handguns and rifles' sight radii for comparison. (Read)
Top 10 Most Famous Movie Guns [Updated]
Ready for some iconic & famous guns on the silver screen? We cover some of our favorites through the ages. (Read)
Ballistol Product Review
Does Ballistol beat our tried and true Hoppe's No. 9? Find out in our review of its effectiveness, smell, price, and other useful purposes besides firearms. (Read)
Sig Sauer P238 Review: Best .380 for Concealed Carry? [Field Tested]
Looking at getting the Sig Sauer P238 pocket pistol? See how it stacks up in terms of reliability, ergonomics, and concealment. (Read)
[Review] Taurus PT-1911: Most Worth It?
See what we think of the Taurus PT 1911...entry-level 1911 with tons of great features. We'll cover reliability, shootability, pricing, upgrades, and more. (Read)
[Gun Review] FNH FNS-9
A gun that might beat our favorite Glock 19! See how we review the FNS-9 in terms of reliability, cost, shootability, upgrades, safety, and more. (Read)
Trigger Discipline, Pull, & Control [Beginner’s Guide]
Learn proper trigger discipline and control, stages of a trigger pull, and the top 3 ways to get a better trigger pull. (Read)
Hollow Points vs. Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Ammo
If your life depends on it, what kind of ammo should you use? Hollow Points or Full Metal Jacket? Find out the difference and our recommendations for the best defensive ammo for each caliber. (Read)