Category Pistol
7 Best Bedside Handgun Safes for Quick Access [Tested]
Need quick access to your handgun? We cover essential things to consider and models of safes perfect for any budget. (Read)
[How-To] Glock 25 Cent Trigger Job
Easy step-by-step guide to polishing the correct trigger surfaces of the Glock 25 Cent Trigger Job with polishing compound and either hand or Dremel tools. (Read)
Essential Gunsmithing Tools: Bare Minimum to Gun Specific
Find out the most essential gunsmithing tools you'll need to keep your firearms running in great shape or to make easy modifications. (Read)
Best Gun Cases: Soft, Hard, & Covert
Not sure what gun case to get? We've used all the popular hard, soft, and discreet cases out there for pistols and long guns. (Read)
[Guide] How to Clean & Lubricate a Gun
Not sure how to clean your gun? We go through our favorite kits and individual tools, cleaners, and oils. Come see what we recommend. (Read)
Best Glock Upgrades [Hands-on]: Defense, Competition, & Custom
Want the perfect Glock for your your budget? We cover upgrades like triggers, lights, slides, grips, sights, and more. (Read)
How to Install a Glock Extended Slide Stop Release [Pics+Vid]
Want to know a quick and easy trick for installing a Glock extended slide stop release modification? Follow our simple guide! (Read)
How to Install a Glock Extended Magazine Release
Install a Glock extended magazine release with only a screwdriver. We've got a complete walkthrough with video, photos, and tricks learned from our fails. (Read)
[Visual Guide] How to Install a Glock 3.5 lb Trigger Connector
Want to quickly install a new trigger connector into your Glock? We go through it step by step with both pictures and video. (Read)
How to Install Glock Night Sights (Without a Sight Pusher Tool)
Want to install Glock night sights? But don't want to go to the gunsmith or get expensive tools? We've got you covered with the most cost effective options. (Read)
3 Types of Guns: Pistol vs Rifle vs Shotgun
Quickly learn all about the three types of guns: pistols, rifles, and shotguns. Plus how they work, how to shoot them, and the best models for each. (Read)
Bullets: Sizes, Calibers, and Types [Guide + Videos]
Quickly learn all about common bullet sizes & calibers with tons of pics. Plus find out the differences between bullet tips such as hollow point and FMJ. (Read)
Best Home Defense Gun [Shotguns, Pistols, & Rifles]
Shotguns, pistols, and rifles. What's the best home defense gun for you? We go over the pros and cons of each complete with favorite models and ammo picks. (Read)
To Stipple or Not to Stipple?
To stipple or not to stipple...that is the question. We'll go over the main advantages and considerations you need to consider before putting your gun under the soldering iron. (Read)