Category Shooting
4 Most Effective Military and Police Qualifying Shoots
Do you want to become a better shooter? See how you compare against 4 of the best military & police shooting qualifiers...from pistol to rifle to shotgun. (Read)
How to Keep Your Kids Safe From Guns
Have guns...have kids? Find out how to talk to your kids about guns and firearm safety. Plus tips on choosing a gun safe and if you should keep your gun. (Read)
Best Alternative AR-15 Cartridges and Calibers
Looking for a harder hitting AR-15? We cover 5 of the best alternative cartridges and calibers with their pros, cons, and recommended uppers & ammo. (Read)
7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Carried Concealed
Getting your concealed carry permit is exciting. Don't make these mistakes, though. You could lose your right to own a gun, or worse...end up in jail. (Read)
Sight Radius: Why Does it Matter?
Quickly learn what is a gun's sight radius and why it matters for accuracy. Plus examples of various handguns and rifles' sight radii for comparison. (Read)
[Review] Hiperfire Trigger: Best Single Stage AR-15 Trigger
"Bro...are you shooting full-auto?" That's what someone asked my friend after shooting a competition rifle stage. His secret? His new Hiperfire trigger. (Read)
I Bought a Gun! Now What?
Congrats, you bought a gun! So now what? Follow us as we go through safety, cleaning, ammo, safes, and your first day at the range. (Read)
Different Ammo in the Same Gun…Kaboom?
Your revolver is .357 Mag, but people say it shoots .38 Spl. Your AR-15 says it can shoot 5.56x45mm, but your friend says get .223. What's going on? (Read)
Trigger Discipline, Pull, & Control [Beginner’s Guide]
Learn proper trigger discipline and control, stages of a trigger pull, and the top 3 ways to get a better trigger pull. (Read)
Target Quick Fix Guide: How to Shoot the Bullseye
Not hitting where you want? Use our diagnosis tool to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it. Plus the top three most common shooting problems. (Read)
11 People You’ll Meet at the Shooting Range
If you've ever been to the shooting range, you'll recognize at least a couple of these classic characters. How many have you experienced? (Read)
El Presidente Shooting Drill
Find out how to conduct the El Presidente shooting drill, as well as helpful tips to get the best time while still keeping your accuracy. (Read)
How to Shoot a Pistol Accurately [Ultimate Guide]
Shooting pistols accurately is hard! We help you remember the basics, easy exercises at home, range tips, and gear. (Read)
What is Limp Wrist Shooting a Gun & How to Correct It?
Learn what is limp wrist shooting, why it happens, and several techniques on how to correct it. Complete with helpful diagrams and videos. (Read)