Here’s the deal
In Indiana, you are required to have a carry license in order to carry your handgun, regardless of open carry or concealed carry. Â Without a permit, you are limited in what you can actually do with your handgun. Fortunately, the state is a shall-issue state, which means as long as you meet all the requirements and fill out the application correctly, you will get your carry license.To the internet!Â
You can only apply for an Indiana carry license online.  Since you’re reading this, you obviously have access to the internet.  You’re already halfway there!  The forms themselves are easy to fill out, and follow the same requirements as buying and owning a firearm.  To qualify for a carry license, you must:- Be 18 or older;
- Not have been convicted of a crime
- Not be a drug or alcohol abuser;
- Not have a reputation or tendency towards violence or instability;
- Not have a conviction for resisting law enforcement or violating Indiana weapons laws in the last 5 years; and
- Not have been adjudicated as a child for an act that would be a felony if committed by an adult.

Which one to choose?
There are actually two types of carry licenses you can apply for in Indiana: Â one for non-residents, and one for residents.Locals Only
If you are an Indiana resident, and can prove your residence (utility bill, driver’s license, etc.), the only decision you’ll need to make is whether you want the license that is good for 4 years, or if you want the lifetime license.  Kind of a no-brainer.Not From Around Here
Non-residents can still apply for an Indiana carry license, but must have a regular place of business or employment in Indiana.  Basically, the license is for people who work in Indiana, but live out-of-state. Compared to the standard carry license for residents, non-residents can only apply for a 4-year license.  It’s basically the State’s way to check every few years to make sure you are still working in Indiana to qualify for the non-resident license.The Waiting Game
Once you’ve submitted your application and provided all the required information, you’ll need to wait up to 60 days to get your carry license.  Once you’ve got it, you’re set for life!  Unless you only applied for the 4-year license for some reason.  Then you’ll get to go through the exciting renewal process every 4 years. ÂBut there’s a catch…
Even though the state is a shall-issue state, you may still be denied your carry license. Â If that happens, you will receive a letter stating why you were denied, and you will need to make sure you meet all of the requirements before appealing the decision. If you decide you were improperly denied your carry license, you can request a hearing with the Indiana State Police, and make your case there. Â If you are still denied, you can appeal your case to circuit court!
Have Gun, Will Carry
But careful where you bring your handgun! Â Just because you have a carry license does not mean you are permitted to carry anywhere you want. Some places are still off limits even with a carry license, including:- School property (but ok if you are in a vehicle in the parking lot);
- A school bus;
- Commercial or charter airplanes;
- State fair grounds;
- Shipping ports;
- Federal courthouses; and
- Police stations, jails, detention facilities.
With your Indiana carry license, you’ll also have the added bonus of being able to carry in other states! If you are travelling to another state or even just passing through, your Indiana carry license will be recognized in:- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- New Hampshire
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Pennsylvania
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming