First Things First
For those of you who have already checked out our Massachusetts gun laws section, some of this will be a refresher to you, since the license to carry (LTC) issued by the state is also required to even buy a handgun in the first place.  There are additional laws you’ll need to be aware of when actually carrying, though, so you’ll want to pay attention anyway. Since Massachusetts is one of the more anti-gun states in the country, it should not be a surprise that it is a may-issue state.  This means that even if you meet all the requirements and fill out the application correctly, the State may issue the license, but doesn’t have to.  Cool.Applying for the LTCÂ
The LTC application is filed with your local police department where you live or have a place of business. To qualify for an LTC, you must:- Be 21 or older; and
- Provide proof of completion of a firearms safety course.
- Are the subject of a restraining order;
- Are the subject of any outstanding arrest warrants;
- Have been confined to a hospital or institution for mental illness or been under treatment or confinement for drug addiction or habitual drunkenness; or
- Have been adjudicated as a minor or convicted as an adult, of:
- A felony;
- A misdemeanor that could have resulted in jail time for more than 2 years;
- A violent crime;
- A violation of a gun law that could have resulted in jail time; Â or
- A violation of a drug law.

The Waiting Game
Once you check and make sure you’ve provided all the required information, you can send off the application, and wait about 40 days to hear back, though it can take much longer, depending on the amount of other applications being filed by everyone else. Hopefully you filled out everything correctly, and you’ve got good enough fortune for the state of Massachusetts issue you an LTC.  If your application is denied, you can appeal the decision by filing a petition for judicial review with the district court within 90 days.  If you have waited the 40 days and haven’t heard back, you are allowed to assume you were denied, and start the appeal process right away.  Of course, since the police may issue the license, you will have to show that the denial was arbitrary.  It’s much easier for the police to claim some legitimate-sounding reason why you were denied a license than for you to prove they just randomly decided to not issue the license.  At that point, you can appeal to a higher court, or just settle for an FID license and get a long gun instead.  Or move to a free state.    On the bright side, if you manage to get an LTC instead of a denial, you will only need to renew it every 6 years, unlike other states that require renewals every 2 years.ÂWhere do you think you’re going?
Even with your hard-earned LTC, there are still some places that are off limits to you and your trusty sidearm. You cannot carry your handgun, even with an LTC, into:- Federal courthouses;
- Federal buildings or buildings leased by the federal government;
- Police stations, jails, prisons, or other detention facilities;
- Schools and school grounds; and
- Houses of worship.

One of the benefits of having an LTC is that it is recognized in almost half the states in the US, and allows you to carry concealed just like you would in Massachusetts.  In most cases, since other states are more lax in their concealed carry, you’ll actually be able to carry in more places and situations than you would back home. Your Massachusetts LTC is recognized in:- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Idaho
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Michigan
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- North Carolina
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Wisconsin