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Glock .45 ACP Models to Make You Forget the 1911

If you want .45 ACP power and Glock perfection, we'll help you choose the perfect model in terms of size, feel, capacity, price, and more.
We review products independently. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission to help support our testing. Learn more.

    The .45 ACP is an American classic that fuels the 1911.

    It’s one that’s been through hell and back and proven its effectiveness countless times.  

    .45 ACP (230gr)
    .45 ACP (230gr)

    Regardless of where you stand in the caliber wars, there’s no way you can deny how effective it is at self-defense. 

    But what about Glock?

    Crimson Trace RAD Pro Gunsite Glock G19
    Oh that familiar shape…

    How do their .45 ACPs measure up against Smith & Wesson, Colt, and Springfield?

    About as good as any other Glock! They’re accurate, dependable, and still got that Glock shape that people either love or hate. A Glock is a Glock, after all.  

    Glock 17 Grip
    Glock 17 & 19 (9mm)

    Today we’re going to look at some of the Glock .45 ACPs on the market so if you’re a die-hard .45 fan but also love the plastic fantastic...you’ll be quite happy here.

    Let’s get to it.


    1. Subcompact .45

      Glock G30

    2. Smallest Frame

      Glock G36

    3. Competition Model

      Glock G41 Gen 4

    Table of Contents


    Why Glock…and in .45 ACP?

    You may be asking yourself…why should I buy a .45 ACP Glock when there’s a treasure trove of 1911s to be had?

    It’s a solid question and if you really dig that 1911 aesthetic, keep with it. But a Glock in .45 ACP has a few benefits going for it as well.

    Popular Pistol Calibers
    Popular Pistol Calibers

    First, you know what you’re getting. Glock has been a powerhouse in the gun world since the 80s. They know how to build guns and do so well.

    That’s why multiple police agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, trust their lives to Glock.

    FBI Agents training with their sidearms (USA Today)
    FBI Agents training with their sidearms (Photo: USA Today)

    The design is reliable and durable. Seriously, these things don’t quit. You’re more likely to run out of gas before these things will.

    In addition to their reliability and durability, there is another benefit to the Glock design…

    Access to a world of aftermarket parts. From triggers to slides, you can pretty much tailor your Glock to your own specific wants and needs.

    Brownells and GGP Glock Slides
    Glocks come with some sweet aftermarket items.

    If you like that feeling of tinkering or just want something that is all you…then grab a Glock and go at it with aftermarket parts.

    But now let’s get to what you really came here for…the best .45 ACP Glocks.

    Best .45 ACP Glocks

    1. Glock G21

    Know what’s great about the Glock G21?

    The G21 is the perfect answer to the gun owners who’re interested in owning a .45 ACP for defense purposes, but have remained loyal to the 9mm because of its capacity.

    The Glock 21 packs all the power of a 1911, with twice the capacity.

    It features a 13+1 capacity for a .45 ACP with an overall balanced feel. It brings minimal recoil and provides the same level of durability that Glock’s known for.  

    Plus, it’s lightweight and packs a heck of a punch. The Gen 4 version of the G21 brings a few upgrades to boost performance and accessibility.  

    For starters, it comes with interchangeable backstraps to suit different types of hand sizes — giving the shooter maximum comfort and control over their gun.

    glock 21

    The Gen 4 also offers a different type of texturing on its grip and backstraps, allowing for a firmer grip without discomfort. Plus, no more need for stippling!  

    The other major improvement is the reversible magazine catch, designed to make magazine swaps as quick and effortless as possible.

    The Details

    • L x W x H: 8.03 x 1.27 x 5.47-inches
    • Barrel Length: 4.60-inches
    • Weight Unloaded: 29.30-ounces
    Full Sized
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    2. Glock 21SF

    The G21SF is a smaller, lighter version of the G21, but worthy of its own shoutout. The SF stands for small frame and the gun is designed to feel more comfortable when carried.

    Overall, there’s not much difference between the two guns in terms of performance.

    Glock 21

    If you’re someone who doesn’t prefer the bulky grip of standard G21 but still wants the dependability and reliability of a Glock, this gun might be good for you.

    The width of the G21SF is slightly shorter from front to back, making it easier to grab ahold of if your hands aren’t bear claws. Aside from that, the G21SF has the same performance as its predecessor.

    The Details

    • L x W x H: 8.03 x 1.27 x 5.47-inches
    • Barrel Length: 4.60-inches
    • Weight Unloaded: 29.30-ounces
    Small Frame G21
    at Sportsman's Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    3. Glock G30

    Think of the Glock G30 as a slightly smaller cousin to the G21.

    Some people love it because it’s less bulky than the G21. On the other hand, some complain that its size and weight give it unnecessary recoil, making it more difficult to control.

    glock 30 profile
    The Glock 30 is great for packing .45 caliber power in a compact form factor.

    Still, there aren’t many downright negative things that you can say about the G30. It’s a well-rounded gun that’s great for any situation.

    The G30 brings a 10+1 capacity but is also compatible with the G21’s 13-round magazines, so you can squeeze a few extra rounds off in it.

    .45 acp glock 30
    The Glock 30 is just the right size for a lot of folks.

    The other thing to consider is that that the gun’s grip is a little shorter due to its smaller size. So, holding the G30 may take some getting used to at first.

    Just like the rest of the Gen 4 Glocks, this gun comes with adjustable backstraps to fit a variety of hand sizes, more aggressive texturing on the grip, a dual recoil spring, and a more ergonomically designed mag-release system.  


    The Details

    • L x W x H: 6.96 x 1.27 x 4.80-inches
    • Barrel Length: 3.77-inches
    • Weight Unloaded: 26.48-ounces
    Subcompact .45
    at Sportsman's Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    4. Glock G30SF & S

    The G30SF has all of the same features of the G30 with an even smaller, more compact size.

    If you already had trouble getting used to holding the G30’s smaller grip, the SF version is going to take even more time to adjust to.


    But if you’re looking for something a little more comfortable to carry around or you have small hands, the G30SF is a good choice for you.

    The Details

    • L x W x H: 6.88 x 1.27 x 4.80-inches
    • Barrel Length: 3.77-inches
    • Weight Unloaded: 26.30-ounces
    Small Frame Subcompact
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Glock 30S

    The Glock 30S  is a subcompact .45 ACP with a slimmer slide and a lighter weight than its counterparts.  

    It also opts for a recoil spring assembly similar to the Gen 4 models, making the gun much easier to handle than some of the other subcompact .45 ACPs out there.  

    .45acp glock 30s vs 30sf
    The Glock 30SF (right) vs the Glock 30S (left)

    Aside from that, there’s not much else different between the G30S and the G30SF.

    The Details

    • L x W x H: 6.96 x 1.27 x 4.80-inches
    • Barrel Length: 3.77-inches
    • Weight Unloaded: 22.95-ounces
    Subcompact Slim
    at Sportsman's Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    What do you think of the Glock 30 series? Rate it below!

    Readers’ Ratings

    5.00/5 (1224)

    Your Rating?

    5. Glock G36

    The Glock G36 is a subcompact .45 ACP using Glock’s SLIMLINE design.  

    While smaller and easier to carry than the G30 variants, the biggest drawback of the G36 is its 6+1 capacity.  

    That said, this single-stack pistol is great for anyone looking for a .45 ACP to concealed carry.

    The G36 looks like every other .45 ACP Glock, just smaller.

    As with virtually every subcompact .45 ACP, the G36’s smaller size may take some getting used to.  

    But the benefit that comes with the SLIMLINE design is that you can comfortably conceal carry any time of the year without sacrificing firepower.

    The Details

    • L x W x H: 6.96 x 1.10 x 4.76-inches
    • Barrel Length: 3.77-inches
    • Weight Unloaded: 22.42-ounces
    Smallest Frame
    at GrabAGun

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    6. Glock G41 Gen 4

    The G41 is a competition-grade .45 ACP that’s known for its longslide design and low profile.  

    It’s significantly thinner than the G21 and just like the rest of the Gen 4 models, the G41 uses adjustable backstraps, improved grip texture, and a dual recoil spring system.

    Glock G41 Gen 4
    Glock G41 Gen 4 (Photo: Glock)

    The G41 is an all-around great gun and comes with a 13 + 1 capacity. Its longer design gives it a great balance, which in turn improves its shootability.  

    And an added perk is that you have more room to mount your gun light or laser sight without making the gun feel too cramped. And if you want a red dot…Glock has a MOS version ready to accept your favorite.

    Red Dots on Pistols
    We like red dots on pistols…

    The Details

    • L x W x H: 8.90 x 1.28 x 5.47-inches
    • Barrel Length: 5.31-inches
    • Weight Unloaded: 27-ounces
    Competition Model
    at Sportsman's Warehouse

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Prices accurate at time of writing

    Available Coupons

    Final Thoughts

    Glock .45 ACP models are just as solid as their 9mm siblings. With that familiar look and feel and the Glock aftermarket at your disposal, you’re sure to find one to fall in love with.

    Group of glocks
    Glocks come in a few calibers, so you’re bound to find one you like.

    What’s your go-to .45 ACP Glock model? Let us know in the comments below. If you’ve decided that .45 ACP just isn’t for you, check out some other great models in our Best Glocks article.

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    43 Leave a Reply

    • Brad F

      I’m late to the party, but I wish Glock would make a Compact, G19-size version of the G21. As the G17 is to the G19, the G21 is to . . . nothing. It doesn’t exist. Imagine 13+1 rounds of 45 ACP in a package roughly the size of a G19. As far as I can tell, the only true Compact (not Subcompact) pistols that hold at least ten rounds of 45 ACP are the Smith and Wesson M&P45 and the Sig P320 Nitron.

      December 17, 2023 12:22 pm
    • Hugh G Willett

      Glock 41 is the perfect sized pistol(exactly same size as 1911) in the perfect defensive pistol caliber(.45ACP) The polymer frame and double recoli spring result in less felt recoil than 1911.

      September 7, 2023 9:07 am
    • Mikial

      I bought my first Glock 23 years ago. A Gen 3 G21. I've used it for EDC, shot USPSA competitions with it, and shot thousands of rounds through it. I still have it and it still runs flawlessly.

      January 6, 2023 3:22 pm
    • edward

      Been carrying a Glock 21 since 1995 thousands of rounds thru it. Never failed me. Also carry a G-30 either or. Had the Glock 30 since 2004

      December 25, 2022 11:00 am
    • Robb Wannenburg

      I have a G21 with 2k+ rnds no failure to fire of any kind. Also have a G30.

      December 21, 2022 6:23 pm
    • Paul F

      Early 2023 the Gen 5 MOS G20, and G21 are due to be released. I own quite a few pistols but no Glocks, that will change very quickly after these 2 pistols are released.

      Just hope this measure 114 (BS Oregon gun law) never has the chance to go into effect, or if it does i hope to have my 2 glocks before then.

      December 21, 2022 2:00 am
      • Al Vrooman

        +1 about measure 114. Voted in by stupid people. It is also racist.

        September 26, 2023 7:07 pm
    • Fred Sasse

      G21 gen4 (without adding the back strap) has the same grip dimensions as the G21SF.
      Please note the G21SF is gen3.

      December 20, 2022 5:10 pm
    • AT3

      Good article!
      Besides my wheel gun in .357 Mag., all my handguns are chambered in. 45.
      Without getting into the other 5 that I own, I'll speak of my Glock.
      This is my ccw.
      I'm 6'3" 250 lbs and utilize a iwb paddle.
      This is very comfortable for me.
      My hands are on the larger size, yet I chose the sf version because I planned on using the biggest backstrap AND a Hogue rubberized grip sleeve with the finger grooves. (I personally do not like the plastic-y, faint texture of the Glock's stock grips). This combination swelled the grip size to fit my hands quite nicely.
      That being said, with other little customizations, (mag extension, Tru-Glo sights, etc.) I've created my perfect edc pistol.

      December 20, 2022 5:06 pm
    • Anna

      I use and like the Glock 30S, because it is easy to conceal, has a longer slide than the Glock 30, and shoots well. The only drawback is the short grip. It happens ever so often that my pinky finger gets pinched when it feeds a new round. Overall, Glocks are great all purpose guns.

      December 20, 2022 4:54 pm
    • Stephen Rapalyea

      I rated my 19X 4stars because the magazines do not like to fall clear without some help during a reload. The steel mags for my other pistol fall free with no help.

      December 20, 2022 4:33 pm
    • Jim Hovater

      Dear Santa,

      I would like a G36X for Christmas, please! Are you listening?

      December 20, 2022 2:50 pm
    • Swigs

      Would a gen 4 G21 fit in a G19 holster?

      December 19, 2022 4:51 pm
      • J. M.

        Nope. The G21 is a larger Glock than the G19

        December 20, 2022 4:46 am
      • Joseph

        No, it will not.

        December 20, 2022 9:34 am
    • Jimmy George

      Good job

      July 9, 2022 2:20 am

      True story. I was ready to buy a serious handgun and found out shooting all different semi-auto 9 mm I wasn't very good at the snap. Period. Then I went 45 caliber man oh man I could shoot everything great... So it came down to a Sig 220 4 in 45. The night before I was going to purchase the more expensive Sig which was about $1,200 at the time I had read an article that night on my Smart Phone that said if you need a Swiss watch get a Sig but if you don't mind aTimex at half the price just as good get a Glock. Well I was under the impression Glock was gang banger stuff.
      I never really tried a Glock so went back to the firing range I rented a Glock and man was really surprised so I got the G21SF - my hands are a little bit smaller and I gotta say that gun shoots fabulous, recoils minimum, Target acquisition super I really love it.
      And for California 10 Rounds ain't bad either !

      January 1, 2022 5:04 pm
    • TommyJimmy

      Have a G21 Gen 4 and a G41 Gen 4. G21 is ok to shoot but nothing special. Bought a Micro Roni kit for it and now it is really, really fun to shoot. The G41 is fantastic. A real pleasure to shoot. It is more expensive but well worth the money.

      November 6, 2021 8:10 am
      • Shawn H Voils


        April 7, 2022 6:06 pm
    • Kevin Moss

      I'm gonna forget a 1911 for a Glock? Yeah...ok.

      November 5, 2021 4:53 pm
      • David B

        you probably own several 1911 , so you are biased ,which there is nothing wrong with that ,ACCEPT, ive noticed 1911 guys seem to develop a its 1911 or nothing mentality , which closes off a whole world to them ,personally if i have a 1911 sitting there and a Glock 41 sitting there and i had to choose which one i need to defend myself with , that 1911 will still be sitting there , theres just no debate ,FOR ME

        now i am not a Glock Boy per say , you wont find me on Redit posting pics of my latest franken Glock i just spent a grand playing Barbi with i have a G40 and it sold me on Glock yes , the only thing ive done to that pistol is upgraded the night sights , i flat out love that pistol , and i felt proficient after the first day with it , it just felt right

        ive tried multiple 1911 models owned by friends , including the Colts i had to qualify with while stationed aboard the USS Alabama SSBN 731 ,a Trident , and not a single one of them chose me like that 10mm G40 did , which is why im here researching a Glock in .45 acp and not a 1911 , im not looking for something thats pretty , i will take accuracy , and performance over pretty any day ,and if we are being honest , i have a Ruger P95 i bought new in '97 thats been my home defense pistol that i would bank my life on over a 1911

        if you are a collector of 1911 i get the loyalty but to Pfft at a weapon because you have time and money invested in something else is nonsensical , to me the 1911 is antiquated and is not suitable for self defense , if we were here discussing collectable pistols in .45 acp Glock would have no place in that discussion

        if i do end up buying a 1911 someday , it will be a middle of the road Springfield Armory Garrison Model , and i can sit there petting it and stroking it and telling it how pretty and perfect it is

        July 28, 2022 12:00 pm
        • Kevin

          I will say that glocks just have too large a grip. A glock in 9mm is shootable for me but anything above that and I can't manage the recoil with the blocky grip. However, I shot my grandpa's 1911 in .45 acp from the war. I was very accurate with it and the grip felt like it was made for my hand. I didn't even have to think about recoil. I have a Glock 31 and just realized I can get a 9mm conversion barrel for it. So at least I will be able to use it accurately. Any way my next purchase is a 1911 in .45 acp and it is purely based on what I can shoot better.

          August 19, 2022 8:46 pm
        • Deadparrothead

          2011 walks in the room... Albeit with a very expensive swagger!

          December 20, 2022 4:36 pm
        • John Paul

          David I have a few Glocks. In fact I have a Gen 4 model 21. I like it but I don't carry it.

          I carried a 1911 in Vietnam. I took care of business with it. I've carried the 1911 in 45 acp for over 50 years with FMJ.

          I trust the 1911 and FMJ and I can't see me carrying anything else.

          If Glock works for you you're welcome to stay with it.

          Your Glock will never match my Ed Brown's for accuracy. Nor will any Glock have the trigger of my Ed Brown's.

          December 20, 2022 4:44 pm
    • Mark Starrett

      As a 45 fan, I tried the Glock and just don't love it. Decided on a Sig P220. Every time I think of getting a 1911, I shoot the P220 and the fit and accuracy remind me why I don't need one. I also have a Performance Center ported Shield 45 that's just rightor concealed carry

      November 2, 2021 11:57 am
    • Scott Williamson

      30 is the best . Not s either

      October 13, 2021 8:39 pm
    • William L Liddell

      For me I prefer the 21, as our issued 30 pinches my pinky between the grip and the magazine base. Not bad for the first string of shots, but after a while I start flinching and a blood blister appears; and the flinch affects my groupsing. I have to remember to put a bandaid on the pinky, or wear gloves, before the range session to avoid that.

      I was NOT a Glock fan, until I shot one....

      November 26, 2020 12:04 pm
      • David Russell

        I have owned the model 30 for over 20 years. My short fat pinky finger has never been pinched one time. But it does hang half off the end of the magazine. My factory guide rod broke after 8000 rounds and replaced with a stainless one. Good luck with yours. I have never regretted buying mine.

        February 21, 2021 7:30 pm
        • Courtney

          have you tried the Pearce Grip extension for the 10 round G30 magazines? It adds a pinky segment to the magazine (doesn’t alter capacity).

          April 17, 2024 9:43 am
    • Yogi

      Love your article. I have a 21, a 30, and a 36. I have been carrying for about three and a half years. I have carried all three at one time or another. Some times changing back and forth every few weeks. I finally ended up carrying the thirty with the twenty-one's thirteen plus one capacity. I am a pretty big guy so I don't have a problem with concealment. By the way, I am eighty years old. By the way beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Glocks are beautiful! One more thing, I learned to shoot with a 1911 in 1956.

      August 23, 2020 2:36 pm
      • Charlie Trexler

        And which one is the biggest and your favorite? I’m looking at these now.
        Charlie Trexler

        February 11, 2021 4:57 pm
    • Dirk Williams

      Nicely done, retired police officer, carried a 1911 for 25 years. AR, " after retirement" I've gone to the 21 and the 30, for daily carry. Just purchased a 43, on a whim. After your article I can see one of the mentioned 45s, in my world.

      Own a dozen 1911s, yet find transitioning to the glock simple. A dozen strokes, or deliveries practiced, before I walk out the door, and I'm gtg. The smaller 45s, will lend des creation to my needs.

      I'll have one of each of the others you mentioned, by my Birthay, Mid Oct 2020.

      Thank you for the straight up reviews. I'm greatful


      April 19, 2020 4:20 pm
      • Purple heart

        Oct 6th 1949. I learned to shoot 45 1911 In Nam had several 1911s. The best was a kimber beautiful pistol. Always thought Glocks till i bought one ,32 357 Sig have been a glock man ever since. I have several now, have a strong want of a 45 acp glock. Now to figure which model or to get one of each. Always tell my wife just this last one well it's our 45th anniversary so i well tell her it to celebrate the Anniversary.

        September 3, 2020 8:44 pm
    • Scott Murphy

      Though I carry a Glock 30S as my CCW, it will never make me forget my SA 1911. I could use my 1911 to smash the 30S into little pieces and not even scratch the Parkerizing.

      March 7, 2020 6:21 am
      • Dustin Mitchell

        Sure ya could.

        March 24, 2020 10:19 pm
      • Paul Coy

        I am a die hard 1911 fan also, but, I also like Glocks in the .45.

        December 24, 2020 1:46 pm
        • Greg stout

          I love 1911’s , trained on them in service and own some. When I go in the woods I always take my Glock 41 gen 4 . It is accurate, good capacity, and reliable and ugly but who cares. They make good stuff. I don’t fire lots of range rounds like some but none of my glocks have ever failed to fire.

          November 13, 2022 4:29 pm
    • diver

      I have a Glock 36. I don't consider it a carry arm as it is too heavy and short on capacity. However, in my home it is a great stash go-to pistol. I added the Crimson Trace laser for addition control. For a short bbl 45 is is controllable and accurate in short dx.

      November 28, 2019 3:31 pm
    • nate

      Glocks are the meat and potatoes of the pistol world. I have the Glock 29 by side always. Good article Brandon.

      March 10, 2019 7:03 am
    • Bob

      Has the writer actually fired a Springfield, Colt, or Kimber? My bullsye score on a Glock is 20 points lower than my Springfield 1911. Glocks are sloppy. They rattle when you shake them. I am not a competitive shooter, I carry daily as a consequence of my job.

      July 22, 2018 10:03 pm
      • John B.

        I shot glock v springfield .45 for range comparison. Springfield recoil was much more snappy considering follow up. Have had the glock 30 gen 4 for 5 years now. Softest .45 shooter i have ever owned. Not hard to conceal. Doesnt rattle when I shake it. Trust it. Not a fanboy. Have just about everything. Carry my g30 gen 4 when frequently travelling coast to coast. Retired LE. Got a glock as a retirement gift.
        Added a couple more after. Ugly and not 911. Dependable and accurate especially w kkm barrel upgrade. Goes bang nomatter what. Love my Colt Defender, Carry my Glock.

        June 6, 2019 12:21 pm
        • YaDidntTho


          August 9, 2019 12:19 am
      • David Russell

        Lol.. I own a first generation model thirty. It doesn't rattle even a little bit. Even after many thousands of rounds through it. I'm much more accurate with my glock than any other pistol I own. Most likely because it's the one I shoot the most because it's my daily carry.

        February 21, 2021 7:59 pm
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