Just How Easy Is It to Buy a Handgun?
No permit is required to buy a handgun in Alabama. There are a few requirements though. To buy a handgun in Alabama, you must- Be 21 or older
- Provide a state-issued driver’s license
There Are a Few Disqualifiers, However.
To buy a handgun, you cannot- Have been convicted of committing or attempting to commit a “crime of violence or a misdemeanor of domestic violence
- Be a drug addict or alcoholic
- Be subject to an order for domestic abuse (i.e. restraining order for domestic abuse, etc.)
- Be mentally unstable
What If I’m Not Old Enough?

- Attending a hunter education course or firearms safety course
- Practicing or target shooting at a shooting range
- Participating in a competition or performance that uses firearms
- Hunting or fishing with a valid license and with the permission of the landowner, if the handgun is carried openly and easy to see
- On property owned by the minor’s parent, legal guardian, or grandparent
- Traveling by car to any of the activities above, if the gun is unloaded and locked in a compartment or container out of reach to the people in the car
- A member of the armed services or National Guard and acting in the line of duty
- Acting in self-defense or defending someone else against an intruder into where the minor lives or is a guest
If You’re into Collectible Firearms…
Good news for firearms collectors! Handguns that qualify as curiosities or ornaments are exempt from the laws on purchase and ownership! That means your 15 year-old neighbor can buy your collection of WWI firearms from you if he coughs up the cash.
Don’t Forget About Long Guns!
Like with handguns, no permit is required to purchase a long gun in Alabama. Also, the same disqualifiers apply. There are some slight difference in buying a long gun, however. To buy a long gun, you must- Be 18 or older
- Provide a driver’s license from any state
Plot Twist!
Because it’s Alabama, they’ve got a special gun law just for you. In the state of Alabama, it is illegal to carry a rifle or shotgun walking cane. Mind. Blown. (Not literally! Stay safe!)
Now What?
Once you’ve got your shiny new gun in hand, you’ll need to make sure you follow the laws for carrying a firearm in the state.Where Can I Carry My Handgun?
Alabama is one of the growing number of Constitutional Carry states, where you do not need a permit to openly carry your handgun. However, a holster is required. Sticking the gun in your back pocket doesn’t count. Carrying gun in back pocket. Carrying your gun in the car is not permitted, though, without a concealed carry permit. To transport your handgun in the car without a permit, it must be:- Unloaded
- Locked in a fixed compartment
- Out of reach to the people in the car
Should I Get a Concealed Carry Permit?
Concealed carry in Alabama typically requires a permit, which we go into detail in our CCW section. Generally though, a permit is not required to conceal carry- On your own property
- At your place of business
- At your residence

What About Carrying My Long Gun?
To keep things simple, Alabama decided to have the same carry laws that apply to handguns apply to long guns also.How Do I Register My Guns?
You can’t. Because you don’t need to! Alabama does not impose restrictions like firearm registration or reduced-capacity magazine laws on its residents. Enjoy the benefits of living in a free state!When to Use Your Gun
Aside from practicing at the range, your firearms will come in handy if you ever need to defend yourself. Alabama has a “Castle Doctrine” and “Stand Your Ground” statute. Basically, you can use any physical force, including deadly force, to defend yourself or another person from:- Deadly force
- Physical force to a person in your house
- Kidnapping, assault, burglary, robbery, rape, or sodomy
- Breaking and entering into your house or vehicle.