Steps to Buying a Handgun
No permit is required to buy a handgun. However, there are a few rules to keep in mind. To buy a handgun, you must:- Be over 18;
- Provide a Colorado ID; and
- Have a background check conducted by a licensed firearms dealer.
- Convicted of a felony, or a conspiracy or attempt to commit a felony;
- Convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence; or
- Adjudicated delinquent for a felony to possess a firearm.

But Wait!
Even though the state of Colorado only requires you to be 18 or older to buy handgun, the federal government requires you to be 21 or older to be able to do so. So what does this mean? Basically, if you are between the ages of 18 and 21, you can only buy a handgun through a private sale, instead of from a licensed firearms dealer. You will still have to go to the firearms dealer for the background check, but the purchase is from a private individual.But What About the Children?
Even if you are under 18, there’s still hope! Anyone under 18 can possess a handgun if they are:- Attending a hunter’s safety course or firearms safety course;
- Target shooting;
- Hunting or trapping (with a valid license, of course!);
- Traveling with an unloaded handgun to or from any of the activities above;
- On property under the control of a parent, grandparent, or guardian, with that person’s permission; or
- At home, with permission from the parent or guardian to own a handgun for self-defense.

And Long Guns
Fortunately, buying long guns is no different than buying a handgun. No permit is required to buy a long gun, and you must:- Be 18 or older;
- Provide ID (from any state); and
- Have a background check conducted by a licensed firearms dealer.
But Be Careful of Magazine Restrictions!
Unfortunately, Colorado decided to balance out the relative ease of buying guns with a restriction on magazine capacity. Mags in Colorado can only contain 15 rounds. What this means is any gun you buy can only use a 15-round mag, even if that is not the standard magazine size for the gun. That brand new Glock 17 you bought can’t use the 17-round mags it’s mean to use. You would have to run a 15-round mag with it instead. Even if you purchase a gun out of state or online, the gun has to be compliant with Colorado laws, so any mags over the 15-round restriction cannot be purchased — even if they come with the gun.
And for All You Shotgunners
Shotguns have their own special mag restrictions. Any shotgun mag that is detachable can only hold 8 rounds or less. Tubular shotgun mags are only allowed to hold up to 28-inches of ammo.There Are Exceptions
Any magazines purchased before July 1, 2013, do not fall under the 15-round restriction. All those 30 (and 60!) round AR mags you bought back in 2010 are perfectly safe. Even if you didn’t buy your mags before July 1, 2013, .22 caliber rimfire ammo or any lever-action rifle with a fixed tubular magazine do not have to follow the 15-round mag restriction.If You Live In Boulder…
With standard-capacity mags grandfathered in, the gun laws being enacted don’t seem too bad…unless you live in Boulder. The Boulder City Council recently voted to ban the sale and possession of semi-automatic rifles and standard-capacity mags. In addition, all firearms purchases were prohibited to anyone under 21. Even if you had a grandfathered magazine of 30 or more rounds, i.e. you owned it before July 1, 2013, Boulder has made it illegal to even own that magazine.Carrying Your Firearms
Handguns can be carried openly without a permit, as long as you are somewhere it is legal for you to carry the gun. Don’t go walking into a courthouse and expect the police to overlook that hand cannon strapped to your hip. Transporting the gun in a personal vehicle is also permitted if the firearm is:- Carried for legal use; or
- In the possession of a person who is legally engaged in hunting activities

Concealed Carry
A permit is required to carry a handgun in a concealed manner. However, a permit is not required to carry concealed in your home, business, or any other property under your control (i.e leased property). To learn about all the steps to getting a concealed carry permit, check out our dedicated Colorado CCW laws section.Long Guns
Luckily, the laws for carrying a long gun are the same as with handguns, so there’s nothing special to keep in mind.Using Your Gun
Your shiny new AR-15 is not just for shooting steel at the range. It’s also pretty handy at stopping bad guys. Colorado follows the concept of the Castle doctrine for self-defense. An occupant of a home is justified to use physical force, including deadly physical force, against a person when:- That person has illegally entered the house;
- The occupant has a reasonable belief the person has:
- Committed, is committing, or intends to commit a crime against someone or something, in addition to the illegal entry; and
- The occupant reasonably believes the person might use physical force, no matter how slight, against the occupant.