How to buy a handgun
In order to buy a handgun, you’ll have to meet the basic federal requirements as well as the additional Maryland-specific ones as well. To buy a handgun, you must:- Be 21 or older;
- Provide state ID;
- Have a background check performed by a licensed firearms dealer;
- Have a handgun qualification license (HQL); and
- Completed a certified firearms safety training course.
Licensed to Buy
The HQL has its own application process and set of requirements too. It’s basically a pre-background check that is performed before you even go in to your local gun store to buy a handgun. To qualify for an HQL, you must:- Be 21 or older;
- Be a resident of Maryland; and
- Have completed a certified firearms training course.
- State firearm laws;
- Home firearm safety, including locking and storing firearms;
- Handgun mechanisms and operation; and
- Operation and handling demonstration of firearms.
- Have completed a firearms safety training course approved by the Secretary of the Department of Maryland State Police; or
- Are an honorably discharged member of the US Armed Forces of the National Guard.

- Any firearm not intended or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured before 1899; or
- Any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not available in normal markets.
Actually buying the handgun!
Once you finally get your HQL, you can go to your local gun store, and pick out a handgun that you want. But you’ll also need to make sure you don’t fall into any of the prohibited categories that would result in automatically being denied a handgun purchase. You are prohibited from buying and owning a firearm if you:- Are a fugitive from justice;
- Are a habitual drunkard;
- Are addicted to a controlled dangerous substance;
- Suffer from a mental disorder and have a history of violent behavior against yourself or others;
- Have been confined to a facility for more than 30 consecutive days for treatment of a mental disorder;
- Are the subject of a protective order;
- Have been adjudicated a delinquent for an act that would have been considered a felony if committed as an adult; or
- Are visibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs (don’t go to the gun store drunk or high!).

Buying a Long Gun
After all the hoops you had to jump through for buying a handgun, getting your hands on a long gun is much easier by comparison. It’s not without its own obstacles, however. To buy a long gun, you must:- Be 18 or older;
- Provide ID; and
- Have a background check performed by a licensed firearms dealer.
Assault Weapons
Maryland prohibits ownership of “assault weapons,” “assault pistols,” and any “copycat weapons” that look like the “assault weapons” or “assault pistols.” So what is an assault weapon? The state of Maryland has an exhaustive list of long guns and semiautomatic pistols that it considers to be “assault weapons,” but as long as you buy your rifle from a local gun store, you’re not likely to have to worry about it being an “assault weapon.” Buying a rifle from the back of that guy’s van in the alley may be a different story, and is probably not the best idea anyway. An “assault weapon” is defined as:- A semiautomatic centerfire rifle that can accept a detachable magazine, and has any two of:
- A folding stock;
- A grenade launcher or flare launcher; or
- A flash suppressor.
- A semiautomatic centerfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds;
- A semiautomatic centerfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 29 inches;
- A semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that can accept more than 10 rounds;
- A semiautomatic shotgun that has a folding stock; or
- A shotgun with a revolving cylinder.
Have Gun, Will Carry
Once you’ve finally got your new guns, you can carry them around the house, and take them to the range, but carrying a handgun in public, either openly or concealed, requires a permit. A long gun can be carried openly without a permit, though you’ll want to be aware of your surroundings and decide if it will draw any unwanted attention your way. For those of you interested in learning about carry permits, be sure to check out our Maryland CCW page after wrapping up here. We’ve got all the info on how to get your permit, and what additional laws you’ll need to watch out for once you have a permit to carry.On the road again
When you take your firearms on the road with you, you’ll have to follow specific rules on how to carry them, especially when it comes to handguns. Handguns have to be unloaded and kept in a carrying case or a holster with a flap, with the ammo being kept separately. Ideally, you’d just keep your handgun stored in the trunk while you’re driving, instead of in the backseat somewhere. Long guns can be stored in the car as long as they are unloaded, and don’t have any of the ammo or carrying case requirements that apply to handguns. Transporting guns is allowed when you are:- Taking your gun between your house and a repair shop or gun store;
- Taking your gun between your houses or businesses;
- Participating in, or traveling to or from a shooting range, shooting event, hunting, trapping, or dog obedience training class; or
- Moving the gun as part of your gun collection from one place to another for an exhibition.

When can you use your gun?
Maryland actually has no laws on being able to use deadly force to defend yourself, whether you are at hom, or out on the town. Luckily, there have been some cases where deadly force was used, and those cases formed a general framework for being able to use deadly force in self-defense. The fact still remains, however, there is no specific law on the books that allows for use of deadly force, so ultimately it would be up to a jury to decide if you were justified in using deadly force to defend yourself. Following the cases on self-defense, however, generally you may be justified in using deadly force to defend yourself if you had a reasonable belief that you were in immediate danger of death or serious bodily harm, as long as the force was not more than required by the situation. What this means is basically that if it’s a close call, you’ll have to go to trial and hope the jury agrees you were right to use deadly force. Practically speaking, you may not have time to weigh the pros and cons while a bad guy breaks into your house and tries to hurt you or your loved ones, and you will just have to use your best judgement and decide the best way to protect yourself and your family.