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Russia vs. Ukraine: What Led to the 2022 Invasion?
With the recent fighting between Russia and Ukraine, you might be asking how did they get there? Well, we have the details on what led to the current war. (Read)
A Picture from History: Audie Murphy
We take a look at the most decorated WWII American soldier -- Audie Murphy. From the battlefield to film, come learn more about Murphy's achievements. (Read)
Staccato P Review: Best Duty 2011 Pistol?
We tested out the Stacatto P -- a gun designed with law enforcement/duty-use in mind. Come see what our LEO expert thinks about this 2011 pistol! (Read)
Guns of Pop Culture: “The Expendables” and the AA12
We take a look at Hale Caesar from "The Expendables" franchise and his love for a very cool, unique full-auto shotgun...the AA12. (Read)
What to Do After Using a Gun in Self Defense
So you've had to draw your gun and use it against someone intent on doing you harm. Now what? We walk you through what to do after a self-defense shooting. (Read)
A Picture from History: The Assassination of Robert Kennedy
In this Picture from History, we take a look back at the assassination of New York Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968. (Read)
Wheeler Boulders ‘n Bullets: Meddling in Moab!
Building Aero Precision rifles and Polymer80 AFT kits in Moab with Wheeler's new Fat Stix...and Jeeping? Sign us up! Come see how our adventure went! (Read)