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[How-To] Give a Gun as a Gift
You want to give the special person in your life a gun... but is that even legal? Yes, it is! But there are things to know beforehand. Come learn more! (Read)
Weekly Wrap: ATF to Launch E-Forms & CA Mag Ban Upheld
The ATF will launch eForms soon but what does that mean for gun owners? And a California judicial panel puts the kibosh on high-capacity magazines. (Read)
A Picture from History: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
In this Picture from History, we examine the legendary gunfight at the O.K. Corral -- and break fact from fiction in this look into the actual events. (Read)
[Video+Review] M1 Carbine: First Iconic PCC?
We dive into the iconic M1 Carbine's history, look at how it made its way into soldiers' hands, and take it to the range to see how it handles. (Read)
[Review] Not So Tactical Shoes: 5.11 Tactical, Viktos & Altama
We try out the 5.11 Tactical Norris, Altama Urban Core, and Viktos Core 2 shoes for men and women to see if these shoes bring comfort in a gray man package. (Read)
Gun Trusts: What Are They & Do You Need One?
Ever wonder what a gun trust is and if you need one? Well we got the answers. Come learn what an NFA trust does and if it's worth the set up? (Read)
Weekly Wrap: Fewer Americans Favor Gun Control & D.C. Clarifies “Ghost Gun” Law
A new poll shows fewer Americans favor gun control, Washington D.C. clarifies ghost gun definition, and what the ATF is doing to combat teens and guns. (Read)
[Review+Video] How to Paint Your AR with Stencils: MultiCam Version
Have you ever wanted to paint your AR-15, but in MultiCam? We have! So, we stocked up on the aerosol paint and gave it a try. Come learn how to do your own! (Read)